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I.M. (Iris) Smal MSc

PhD Candidate
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Psychological Methods
Area of expertise: Opinion polarisation, Attitudes, Complex systems, Open science

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Room number: GS.23
Postal address
  • Postbus 15906
    1001 NK Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    I am a PhD candidate in the Cascading Transitions Lab, affiliated with the Psychological Methods programme group. 

    In my research project “Cascading Transitions in Opinions”, I usee complex systems models to describe, simulate, and theorise about the processes of attitude formation and change, both at the intra-individual and inter-individual levels. My focus is also empirical – several of the projects I work on are focused on testing the assumptions and predictions of formal models of attitudes. My PhD project is supervised by Prof. Dr. H.L.J. van der Maas & Dr. J. Dalege, and is part of the ERC funded project "Beyond the Tipping Point: Cascading Transitions in the Behavioral and Social Sciences" (ERC, Cascade, 101053880.)

    I am also passionate about Open Science, and am an active member of the Open Science Community Amsterdam (OSCA). I am working as Open Science community manager for the OSCA at the UvA. My goals are increasing the visibility of the OSCA and building a strong open science community at the UvA. During my studies, I was also involved in the Student Initiative for Open Science (SIOS).

    Research expertise

    • Opinion polarisation
    • Attitudes
    • Complex systems
    • Open science
  • Publications


    • Hoffstadt, M., Smal, I., Maas, H. V. D., & Garcia-Bernardo, J. (2025). Involvement as a Polarizing Factor?—A Comprehensive Multi-Method Analysis across Representative Datasets. European Journal of Social Psychology, 55(1), 193-212.


    • Stevenson, C., Smal, I., Baas, M., Grasman, R., & van der Maas, H. (2022). Putting GPT-3’s Creativity to the (Alternative Uses) Test. In M. M. Hedblom, A. A. Kantosalo, R. Confalonieri, O. Kutz, & T. Veale (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Creativity: ICCC'22, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, 27 June - 1 July (pp. 164-168). Association for Computational Creativity (ACC). [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities