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The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) consists of six scientists who represent the programme groups of Psychology and a representative of the PhD committee.

Mission Statement

The SAB’s mission is to support and strengthen research within the department, foster collaboration and cohesion across program groups, promote scientific integrity, and ensure the continued excellence of both fundamental and applied research. We are committed to enhancing the real-world impact of research through innovation, interdisciplinary research, effective knowledge transfer, and by increasing the visibility of our researchers to external parties.

To achieve these goals, the members of the SAB:

  • serve as an independent advisory body that provides both solicited and unsolicited council to the Director of the Psychology Research Institute
  • evaluate past research institute performance and advise on future directions
  • identify needs and opportunities of researchers, and advise on optimizing and allocating resources
  • providing strategic recommendations and assist in setting priorities
  • implementing initiatives and policies that align with the institute’s goals

Current SAB members

The composition of this scientific advisory body is as follows: