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PsAiKo is the PhD committee of Psychology. From each department there is at least one representative.

Fostering Community and Support for PhD Students

PsAiKo's mission is to establish a sense of community among PhD students. I stimulates the power of connection, education, and advocacy to enrich your experience during this important phase of your academic journey. Here's how PsAiKo aims to achieve these goals:

  • Keep Psychology PhDs informed by supplying and sharing engaging and pertinent information tailored to them. 
  • Social gatherings, such as borrels and PhD Lunches, are organized. These events offer excellent opportunities to meet new people, foster collaborations, or simply enjoy a refreshing drink in a welcoming environment.
  • The well-being of PhD students is prioritized by actively advocating for their interests through ongoing discussions with FMG and Psychology authorities, monitoring relevant policies, and addressing their concerns and challenges.
  • Suggestions are invaluable, so if you have ideas for better serving the PhD community, organizing a workshop or symposium, or need help with social safety or UvA protocols, please reach out. Share exciting events, recent publications, or contribute to existing initiatives!

Get in contact

Want to know more about PsAiKo's team, join the Slack channel or reach out to PsaiKo? You can easily find the PhD representative for your department on our website or send us an email at