I have a strong background in computational modelling. Using techniques from computer science and artificial intelligence I study perceptual processes in the human brain. I combine data from neuroimaging (EEG, neurophysiology, etc.) with behavioural measures (eye-tracking, response times, etc.) to build computational models of the dynamics neural dynamics of perceptual processes in the human (primate) brain.
Specifically, during my PhD I will investigate the role of pre-cortical processes on visual perception. Introducing computations from pre-cortical structures into the training pipeline of deep convolutional neural network will probe the necessity of structures like the retina or the LGN for visual tasks like object recognition.
I am part of both, the Brain and Cognition Group at the Psychology institute as well as the VIS Lab at the Computer Science Institute.
Using EEG data we investigate the role of pre-cortical processing using deep neural networks
Using neuroimaging and behavioural data we investigate how the alignment of DNN and humans changes through training