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Dr. L. (Lynn) Mobach PhD

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Developmental Psychology

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Room number: 1.05
Postal address
  • Postbus 15916
    1001 NK Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Klein, A. M., Hagen, A., Mobach, L., Zimmermann, R., Baartmans, J. M. D., Rahemenia, J., de Gier, E., Schneider, S., & Ollendick, T. H. (2024). The Importance of Practicing at Home During and Following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Anxiety Disorders: A Conceptual Review and New Directions to Enhance Homework Using Mhealth Technology. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 27(2), 602-625.
    • Klein, A. M., Hagen, A., Rahemenia, J., de Gier, E., Rapee, R. M., Nauta, M., de Bruin, E., Biesters, J., van Rijswijk, L., Bexkens, A., Baartmans, J. M. D., Mobach, L., Zimmermann, R., Krause, K., Bögels, S. M., Ollendick, T. H., & Schneider, S. (2024). Combining one-session treatment with a homework program including app-based technology to enhance the treatment of childhood specific phobias: A study protocol of a multicenter pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 41, Article 101346.
    • Mobach, L., Wolters, N. E., Klein, A. M., Koelen, J. A., Vonk, P., van der Heijde, C. M., Wuthrich, V. M., Rapee, R. M., & Wiers, R. W. (2024). Temporal associations of emotional and social loneliness and psychosocial functioning in emerging adulthood. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 65(6), 1141-1152.



    • Mobach, L., Klein, A. M., Schniering, C. A., & Hudson, J. L. (2022). Specificity of Dysfunctional Beliefs in Children with Social Anxiety Disorder: Effects of Comorbidity. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 51(4), 389-396.
    • Mobach, L., Rinck, M., Becker, E. S., Carl, T., Klein, A. M., Rapee, R. M., & Hudson, J. L. (2022). Facing Uncertainty: Interpretation of Ambiguous Emotional Faces in Childhood Social Anxiety Disorder. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 51(6), 955-969.


    • Bijsterbosch, G., Mobach, L., Verpaalen, I. A. M., Bijlstra, G., Hudson, J. L., Rinck, M., & Klein, A. M. (2021). Validation of the child models of the Radboud Faces Database by children. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 45(2), 146-152.
    • Creswell, C., Nauta, M. H., Hudson, J. L., March, S., Reardon, T., Arendt, K., Bodden, D., Cobham, V. E., Donovan, C., Halldorsson, B., In-Albon, T., Ishikawa, S., Johnsen, D. B., Jolstedt, M., de Jong, R., Kreuze, L., Mobach, L., Rapee, R. M., Spence, S. H., ... Kendall, P. C. (2021). Research Review: Recommendations for reporting on treatment trials for child and adolescent anxiety disorders – an international consensus statement. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62(3), 255-269. [details]
    • Francis, D., Hudson, J. L., Kohnen, S., Mobach, L., & McArthur, G. M. (2021). The effect of an integrated reading and anxiety intervention for poor readers with anxiety. PeerJ, 9, Article e10987.


    • Baartmans, J. M. D., van Steensel, F. J. A., Mobach, L., Lansu, T. A. M., Bijsterbosch, G., Verpaalen, I., Rapee, R. M., Magson, N., Bögels, S. M., Rinck, M., & Klein, A. M. (2020). Social anxiety and perceptions of likeability by peers in children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 38(2), 319-336. [details]
    • Mobach, L., Oar, E., & Hudson, J. L. (2020). Exposure therapy for specific phobias in children and adolescents. In Exposure Therapy for Children with Anxiety and OCD: Clinician's Guide to Integrated Treatment (pp. 165-191). Elsevier.


    • Mobach, L., Gould, K., & Hudson, J. L. (2019). Comorbidity in childhood anxiety disorders. In Pediatric Anxiety Disorders (pp. 277-298). Elsevier.
    • Mobach, L., Rinck, M., Becker, E. S., Hudson, J. L., & Klein, A. M. (2019). Content-Specific Interpretation Bias in Children with Varying Levels of Anxiety: The Role of Gender and Age. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 50(5), 803-814.
    • Mobach, L., van Schie, H. T., & Näring, G. W. B. (2019). Application of a worry reduction intervention in a medically unexplained symptoms-analogue student-sample. Psychology and Health, 34(6), 677-694.
    • Verpaalen, I. A. M., Bijsterbosch, G., Mobach, L., Bijlstra, G., Rinck, M., & Klein, A. M. (2019). Validating the Radboud faces database from a child’s perspective. Cognition and Emotion, 33(8), 1531-1547.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Pro Persona Overwaal
      Clinical work - patient care as psychologist