Dylan Molenaar is an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. His main research interests are psychometrics, measurement, latent variable models, and test theory. He has published on various topics related to psychometrics, including: measurement invariance, factor analysis, item response theory, and latent class modeling. This research has resulted in various international peer reviewed journal articles in psychometrics and statistics journals like ‘Psychometrika’, ‘Structural Equation Modeling’, ‘Multivariate Behavior Research’, and ‘British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology’. He is the recipient of the 2013 best dissertation award and the 2019 early career award by the Psychometric Society. He is associate editor of the journals “Psychometrika”, "Behavior Research Methods", and "Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics", and member of the editorial boards of the journals “Intelligence” and the “Psychological and Educational Measurement” section of the open access journal “Pysch”. Additionally, he is a board member of the Interuniversity Graduate School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics (IOPS; an institute for the advanced dissertation training in psychometrics and sociometrics; with an emphasis on coordination of high-quality research in this area), an ad-hoc reviewer for COTAN (the Dutch committee on tests and testing which reviews the quality of psychological tests that are available for use in the Netherlands and raises standards for the use of psychological tests), and he serves as a member in the board that advices Cito (the Dutch organization for educational testing) on the quality of tests (to be) used in the Dutch primary education system.
For an overview of my work, including papers and computer code, please see my website (you can find a link above).
Member of advisory board that advices Cito (the Dutch organization for educational testing) on the quality of tests (to be) used in the Dutch primary education system.
Member of the board of The Interuniversity Graduate School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics (IOPS; an institute for the advanced dissertation training in psychometrics and sociometrics; with an emphasis on coordination of high-quality research in this area.)
Reviewer for the “Cotan”, the Dutch Committee on Tests and Testing which reviews the quality of psychological tests that are available for use in the Netherlands and raises standards for the use of psychological tests.