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I.E. (Elisabeta) Militaru

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Social Psychology
Area of expertise: psychology of places, emotion, personality, AI

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
Postal address
  • Postbus 15900
    1001 NK Amsterdam
  • Profile

    My work is concentrated on the psychology of places, investigating how the surrounding environment can shape our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and personality traits. In my research so far, I have used geographical psychology methods to understand how personality traits and emotions cluster geographically. Currently, as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Amsterdam Interdisciplinary Centre for Emotion, I study the contexts in which emotional expressions occur using deep learning models.

    I have a broad interest in the responsible and ethical integration of AI systems into mainstream use, with a specific focus on the responsible applications of automatic emotion detection systems.

    Research expertise

    • psychology of places
    • emotion
    • personality
    • AI


    Before joining the University of Amsterdam as a Postdoctoral Researcher, I completed my BSc in Psychology at King’s College London (2019), followed by an MPhil (2020) and PhD (2024) at the University of Cambridge, where I was part of the Cambridge Personality and Social Dynamics Research Group.

    Media appearances

    Other links

  • Research

    Research methods

    • Machine learning
    • Deep learning
    • Experiments
    • Surveys
    • Secondary data
    • Geographical analysis
  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities