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Prof. dr. J.H. (Jan Henk) Kamphuis

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Clinical Psychology
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Room number: 1.32
Postal address
  • Postbus 15933
    1001 NK Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Jan H. Kamphuis, PhD, licensed clinical psychologist: is full professor of 'psychological assessment and personality' at the clinical program of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). He is a graduate of the clinical psychology program of the University of Texas at Austin, where he studied as a Fullbright scholar. After finishing his internship at Duke University Medical Center (DUMC), he worked as a cognitive therapist/ senior researcher at the mood disorders program of the Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Amsterdam. In 1998, he joined the faculty of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). His current main research interests are in clinical personality assessment and in links between personality and psychopathology. These interests have led him to specific applications in forensic psychology, most notably stalking.He has published articles and chaptersoninnovations in clinical assessment, anxiety disorders, and the psychology of stalking. He teaches clinical personality assessment at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate training levels.

    Current research projects include a RCT on the effectiveness of Therapeutic Assessment at the Viersprong clinic for patients with personality pathology awaiting therapy, the development of the Dutch multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (Tellegen & Waller, 2008), and optimizing risk assessment among sexual offenders on the basis of archival data (Van der Hoeven Kliniek).

    Jan Kamphuis is a fellow of the Society of Personality Assessment and is certified in Therapeutic Assessment.

    Selected Pubs

  • CV
  • Publications






    • Kamphuis, J. H., & Finn, S. E. (2019). Therapeutic Assessment in Personality Disorders: Toward the Restoration of Epistemic Trust. Journal of Personality Assessment, 101(6), 662-674. [details]
    • Lancee, J., Effting, M., van der Zweerde, T., van Daal, L., van Straten, A., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2019). Cognitive processes mediate the effects of insomnia treatment: evidence from a randomized wait-list controlled trial. Sleep Medicine, 54, 86-93. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Mulay, A. L., Waugh, M. H., Parks Fillauer, J., Bender, D. S., Bram, A., Cain, N. M., Caligor, E., Forbes, M. K., Goodrich, L. B., Kamphuis, J. H., Keeley, J. W., Krueger, R. F., Kurtz, J. E., Jacobsson, P., Lewis, K. C., Rossi, G. M. P., Ridenour, J. M., Roche, M., Sellbom, M., ... Skodol, A. E. (2019). Borderline personality disorder diagnosis in a new key. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation, 6, Article 18. [details]



    • Conradi, H. J., Bos, E. H., Kamphuis, J. H., & de Jonge, P. (2017). The ten-year course of depression in primary care and long-term effects of psychoeducation, psychiatric consultation and cognitive behavioral therapy. Journal of Affective Disorders, 217, 174-182. [details]
    • Conradi, H. J., Noordhof, A., Dingemanse, P., Barelds, D. P. H., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2017). Actor and Partner Effects of Attachment on Relationship Satisfaction and Sexual Satisfaction Across the Genders: An APIM Approach. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 43(4), 700-716. [details]
    • Eigenhuis, A., Kamphuis, J. H., & Noordhof, A. (2017). Personality in general and clinical samples: Measurement invariance of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire. Psychological Assessment, 29(9), 1111-1119. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Hutsebaut, J., Kamphuis, J. H., Feenstra, D. J., Weekers, L. C., & De Saeger, H. (2017). Assessing DSM-5-oriented level of personality functioning: Development and psychometric evaluation of the Semi-Structured Interview for Personality Functioning DSM-5 (STiP-5.1). Personality Disorders , 8(1), 94-101. [details]
    • Klein Haneveld, E., Kamphuis, J. H., Smid, W., & Forbey, J. D. (2017). Using MMPI–2–RF Correlates to Elucidate the PCL–R and Its Four Facets in a Sample of Male Forensic Psychiatric Patients. Journal of Personality Assessment, 99(4), 398-407. [details]


    • De Saeger, H., Bartak, A., Eder, E-E., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2016). Memorable Experiences in Therapeutic Assessment: Inviting the Patient's Perspective Following a Pretreatment Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Personality Assessment, 98(5), 472-479. [details]
    • Hamaker, E. L., Grasman, R. P. P. P., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2016). Modeling BAS Dysregulation in Bipolar Disorder. Assessment, 23(4), 436-446. [details]
    • Hutsebaut, J., Feenstra, D. J., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2016). Development and Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation of a Brief Self-Report Questionnaire for the Assessment of the DSM-5 level of Personality Functioning Scale: The LPFS Brief Form (LPFS-BF). Personality Disorders , 7(2), 192-197. [details]
    • Lancee, J., van Straten, A., Morina, N., Kaldo, V., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2016). Guided online or face-to-face cognitive behavioral treatment for insomnia: A randomized wait-list controlled trial. Sleep, 39(1), 183-191. [details]
    • Smid, W. J., Kamphuis, J. H., Wever, E. C., & Van Beek, D. J. (2016). A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of High-Intensity Inpatient Sex Offender Treatment in the Netherlands. Sexual Abuse, 28(5), 469-485. [details]


    • Anderson, J. L., Sellbom, M., Pymont, C., Smid, W., de Saeger, H., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2015). Measurement of DSM-5 section II personality disorder constructs using the MMPI-2-RF in clinical and forensic samples. Psychological Assessment, 27(3), 786-800. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Bales, D. L., Timman, R., Andrea, H., Busschbach, J. J. V., Verheul, R., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2015). Effectiveness of Day Hospital Mentalization-Based Treatment for Patients with Severe Borderline Personality Disorder: A Matched Control Study. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 22(5), 409-417. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Eigenhuis, A., Kamphuis, J. H., & Noordhof, A. (2015). Personality differences between the United States and the Netherlands: The influence of violations of measurement invariance. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46(4), 549-564. [details]
    • Gazendam, F. J., Kamphuis, J. H., Eigenhuis, A., Huizenga, H. M., Soeter, M., Bos, M. G. N., Sevenster, D., & Kindt, M. (2015). Personality predicts individual variation in fear learning: a multilevel growth modeling approach. Clinical Psychological Science, 3(2), 175-188. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Kamphuis, J. H., Noordhof, A., & Eigenhuis, A. (2015). What is beyond general personality? Some clinical reflections on contextualized traits, goals and narratives. European Journal of Personality, 29(3), 332-333. [details]
    • Lancee, J., Eisma, M. C., van Straten, A., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2015). Sleep-related safety behaviors and dysfunctional beliefs mediate the efficacy of online CBT for insomnia: a randomized controlled trial. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 44(5), 406-422. [details]
    • Noordhof, A., Sellbom, M., Eigenhuis, A., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2015). Distinguishing between demoralization and specific personality traits in clinical assessment with the NEO-PI-R. Psychological Assessment, 27(2), 645-656. [details]
    • Smid, W. J., Kamphuis, J. H., Wever, E. C., & Verbruggen, M. C. F. M. (2015). Risk Levels, Treatment Duration, and Drop Out in a Clinically Composed Outpatient Sex Offender Treatment Group. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(5), 727-743. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Smid, W., Schepers, K., Kamphuis, J. H., van Linden, S., & Bartling, S. (2015). Prioritizing Child Pornography Notifications: Predicting Direct Victimization. Sexual Abuse, 27(4), 398-413. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Vente, W., Kamphuis, J. H., Blonk, R. W. B., & Emmelkamp, P. M. G. (2015). Recovery of work-related stress: Complaint reduction and work-resumption are relatively independent processes. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 25(3), 658-668. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Vente, W., van Amsterdam, J. G. C., Olff, M., Kamphuis, J. H., & Emmelkamp, P. M. G. (2015). Burnout is associated with reduced parasympathetic activity and reduced HPA axis responsiveness, predominantly in males. BioMed Research International, 2015, Article 431725. [details]


    • Berghuis, H., Kamphuis, J. H., & Verheul, R. (2014). Specific personality traits and general personality dysfunction as predictors of the presence and severity of personality disorders in a clinical sample. Journal of Personality Assessment, 96(4), 410-416. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Sellbom, M., Smid, W., de Saeger, H., Smit, N., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2014). Mapping the Personality Psychopathology Five domains onto DSM-IV personality disorders in Dutch clinical and forensic samples: implications for DSM-5. Journal of Personality Assessment, 96(2), 185-191. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Smid, W. J., Kamphuis, J. H., Wever, E. C., & van Beek, D. J. (2014). A comparison of the predictive properties of nine sex offender risk assessment instruments. Psychological Assessment, 26(3), 691-703. [details]
    • de Saeger, H., Kamphuis, J. H., Finn, S. E., Smith, J. D., Verheul, R., van Busschbach, J. J., Feenstra, D. J., Dine, J., & Horn, E. K. (2014). Therapeutic assessment promotes treatment readiness but does not affect symptom change in patients with personality disorders: Findings from a randomized clinical trial. Psychological Assessment, 26(2), 474-483. [details]


    • Berghuis, H., Kamphuis, J. H., Verheul, R., Larstone, R., & Livesley, J. (2013). The General Assessment of Personality Disorder (GAPD) as an Instrument for Assessing the Core Features of Personality Disorders. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 20(6), 544-557. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Eigenhuis, A., Kamphuis, J. H., & Noordhof, A. (2013). Development and validation of the Dutch brief form of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ-BF-NL). Assessment, 20(5), 565-575. [details]
    • Gazendam, F. J., Kamphuis, J. H., & Kindt, M. (2013). Deficient safety learning characterizes high trait anxious individuals. Biological Psychology, 92(2), 342-352. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Reijntjes, A., Kamphuis, J. H., Thomaes, S., Bushman, B. J., & Telch, M. J. (2013). Too calloused to care: an experimental investigation of factors influencing youths' displaced aggression against their peers. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General, 142(1), 28-33. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Reijntjes, A., Thomaes, S., Kamphuis, J. H., Bushman, B. J., Reitz, E., & Telch, M. J. (2013). Youths' displaced aggression against in- and out-group peers: An experimental examination. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 115(1), 180-187. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Smid, W. J., Kamphuis, J. H., Wever, E. C., & van Beek, D. (2013). Treatment referral for sex offenders based on clinical judgment versus actuarial risk assessment: match and analysis of mismatch. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28(11), 2273-2289. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van Emmerik, A. A. P., Reijntjes, A., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2013). Writing therapy for posttraumatic stress: a meta-analysis. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 82(2), 82-88. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Berghuis, H., Kamphuis, J. H., & Verheul, R. (2012). Core features of personality disorder: differentiating general personality dysfunctioning from personality traits. Journal of Personality Disorders, 26(5), 704-716. [details]
    • de Bruin, E. I., Topper, M., Muskens, J. G. A. M., Bögels, S. M., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2012). Psychometric properties of the Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) in a meditating and a non-meditating sample. Assessment, 19(2), 187-197. [details]
    • van Manen, J. G., Kamphuis, J. H., Goossensen, A., Timman, R., Busschbach, J. J. V., & Verheul, R. (2012). In search of patient characteristics that may guide empirically based treatment selection for personality disorder patients - a concept map approach. Journal of Personality Disorders, 26(4), 481-497. [details]



    • Reijntjes, A., Kamphuis, J. H., Prinzie, P., & Telch, M. J. (2010). Peer victimization and internalizing problems in children: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Child Abuse & Neglect, 34(4), 244-252. [details]
    • Reijntjes, A., Thomaes, S., Kamphuis, J. H., Orobio de Castro, B., & Telch, M. J. (2010). Self-verification strivings in children holding negative self-views: the mitigating effects of a preceding success experience. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34(6), 563-570. [details]


    • Berghuis, H., Kamphuis, J. H., Boedijn, G., & Verheul, R. (2009). Psychometric properties and validity of the Dutch Inventory of Personality Organization (IPO-NL). Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 73(1), 44-60. [details]
    • Kamphuis, J. H., & Noordhof, A. (2009). On categorical diagnoses in DSM-V: cutting dimensions at useful points? Psychological Assessment, 21(3), 294-301. [details]
    • Vanderlinden, J., Kamphuis, J. H., Slagmolen, C., Wigboldus, D., Pieters, G., & Probst, M. (2009). Be kind to your eating disorder patients: the impact of positive and negative feedback on the explicit and implicit self-esteem of female patients with eating disorders. Eating and Weight Disorders, 14(4), e237-e242. [details]


    • Kamphuis, J. H., Arbisi, P. A., Ben-Porath, Y. S., & McNulty, J. L. (2008). Detecting comorbid Axis-II status among inpatients using the MMPI-2 Restructured Clinical Scales. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 24(3), 157-164. [details]
    • Kamphuis, J. H., Tuin, N., Timmermans, M., & Punamäki, R-L. (2008). Extending the Rorschach Trauma Content Index and Aggression Indexes to dream narratives of children exposed to enduring violence: An exploratory study. Journal of Personality Assessment, 90(6), 578-584. [details]
    • de Vente, W., Kamphuis, J. H., Emmelkamp, P. M. G., & Blonk, R. W. B. (2008). Individual and group cognitive-behavioral treatment for work-related stress complaints and sickness absence: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 13(3), 214-231. [details]
    • van Emmerik, A. A. P., Kamphuis, J. H., & Emmelkamp, P. M. G. (2008). Prevalence and prediction of re-experiencing and avoidance after elective surgical abortion: A prospective study. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 15, 378-385. [details]
    • van Emmerik, A. A. P., Kamphuis, J. H., & Emmelkamp, P. M. G. (2008). Treating acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder with cognitive behavioral therapy or structured writing therapy: A randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 77(2), 93-100. [details]
    • van Manen, J. G., Kamphuis, J. H., Visbach, G., Ziegler, U., Gerritsen, A., Rossum, B., Rijnierse, P., Timman, R., & Verheul, R. (2008). How do intake clinicians use patient characteristics to select treatment for patients with personality disorders? Psychotherapy Research, 18(6), 711-718. [details]


    • Noordhof, A., Kamphuis, J. H., Eigenhuis, A., Boyette, L-L., & Conradi, H. J. (2017). Let all flowers bloom: There is no need for complete integration of different approaches to personality. European Journal of Personality, 31(5), 560-562. [details]


    • Hamaker, E. L., Grasman, R. P. P. P., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2010). Regime-switching models to study psychological processes. In P. C. M. Molenaar, & K. M. Newell (Eds.), Individual pathways of change (pp. 155-168). American Psychological Association. [details]
    • van Manen, J. G., Goossensen, A., Knapen, P., Ingenhoven, T., de Saeger, H., Cornelissen, K., Kamphuis, J. H., Timman, R., Verheul, R., & Busschbach, J. J. V. (2010). Concept mapping of indicators for treatment allocation in patients with personality disorders. Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum, Medische Psychologie & Psychotherapie. [details]


    • Schulten, N., Doosje, B., Spaaij, R., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2019). Psychopathologie en terrorisme: Stand van zaken, lacunes en prioriteiten voor toekomstig onderzoek. Universiteit van Amstersdam. [details]
    • van Oppen, P., Kamphuis, J. H., & van den Hout, M. (2019). Het voorspellen van behandelresultaat: Discussie over de dynamische theorie gestuurde profiel interpretative. De Psycholoog, 54(10), 10-19. [details]


    • Arntz, A., Kamphuis, J. H., & Derks, J. L. (Eds.) (2018). SCID-5-S : Gestructureerd klinisch interview voor DSM-5 Syndroomstoornissen: Nederlandse vertaling van Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders-Clinician Version (SCID-5-CV) en User's Guide for the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders-Clinician Version en delen van Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders - Research Version (SCID-5-RV). Boom. [details]
    • van Emmerik, A., Nederveen, F., Noordhof, A., & Kamphuis, J-H. (2018). Zelfactualisatie anno 2019: psychometrische kenmerken van de Nederlandse Short Index of Self-Actualization (SISA-NL). Gedragstherapie, 51(4), 267-281. [details]


    • Arntz, A., Kamphuis, J. H., & Derks, J. L. (Eds.) (2017). SCID-5-P: Gestructureerd klinisch interview voor DSM-5 Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen: Nederlandse vertaling van Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5® Personality Disorders (SCID-5-PD) en User's Guide for the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Personality Disorders (SCID-5-PD) . Boom. [details]




    • Kamphuis, J. H. (2011). Therapeutische psychodiagnostiek. (Oratiereeks; No. 386). Vossiuspers UvA. [details]


    • Emmelkamp, P. M. G., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2009). I disturbi di personalita. Bologna: Societa Editriceil Mulino. [details]
    • Emmelkamp, P. M. G., & Kamphuis, J. H. (2009). Personlighetsstörningar. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [details]


    • Kamphuis, J. H., & Emmelkamp, P. M. G. (2008). Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen. In W. Vandereycken, C. A. L. Hoogduin, & P. M. G. Emmelkamp (Eds.), Handboek psychopathologie, deel 1: Basisbegrippen (4de herziene druk) (pp. 439-486). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. [details]

    Membership / relevant position

    • Kamphuis, J. (2018-2021). The Society for Personality Assessment is dedicated to the development of methods of personality assessment, the advancement of research on their (…), Society of Personality Assessment (SPA).
    • Kamphuis, J. (2018-2023). Board member, Society of Personality Assessment (SPA).
    • Kamphuis, J. H. (2016). Board member of Post Doctoral Organisation for training of professional clinical training (RINO; Stichting PDO), RINO Noord-Holland: Nascholing en Opleiding GGZ.
    • Kamphuis, J. H. (2016). Head of subcommittee of Clinical Assessment for the Care Standard for Personality disorders, Zorgstandaard voor Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen.
    • Kamphuis, J. H. (2016). Committee on Test Affairs of the Dutch Association of Psychologists (COTAN).
    • Kamphuis, J. H. (2011-2014). voorzitter, COTAN.
    • Kamphuis, J. H. (2011-2015). Voorzitter COTAN, COTAN (Committee for tests and Testing of Dutch Institute of Psychologists), Valt onder Nederlands Instituut voor Psychologen, Nieuwekade 1-5, 3511 RV Utrecht.

    Journal editor

    • Kamphuis, J. (member of editorial board) (2008-). Journal of Personality Assessment (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Kamphuis, J. H. (invited speaker) (14-4-2014). On making psychological assessment work therapeutically for our patients, ASBRo Congress, Ribeirão Preto.
    • Kamphuis, J. H. (invited speaker) (15-4-2012). On Demoralization in Assessment, University of Milano Bicocca, Milaan.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • De Viersprong
      Onderzoeksadvies; klinische supervisie