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Prof. dr. E.A.J. (Edwin) van Hooft

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Work and Organizational Psychology
Photographer: UvA/Dirk Gillissen

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Room number: 2.14
Postal address
  • Postbus 15919
    1001 NK Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Curriculum Vitae

    2020 - present Professor of Work & Organizational Psychology, University of Amsterdam
    2018 - present Director Graduate School of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam
    2009 - 2019 Associate Professor, Work & Organizational Psychology, University of Amsterdam
    2006 - 2009 Postdoctoral research fellow (VENI), Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)/Erasmus University Rotterdam
    2005 - 2009 Assistant Professor, Institute of Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam
    2003 - 2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, VU University Amsterdam
    2002 Visiting Researcher, Psychology Department, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO
    1999 - 2003 Ph.D. Student Work and Organizational Psychology, VU University Amsterdam
    1999 Research Trainee, GITP Research & Development, Amsterdam
    1997 Research Assistant, Department of Information Systems and Management, Tilburg University
    1995 - 1999 M.A. Human Resources Sciences, Tilburg University
    1993 - 1998 M.A. Information Management Sciences, Tilburg University

    Professional Memberships

    • Kurt Lewin Institute (KLI) - Member
    • Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) - International Affiliate     
    • Academy of Management (AOM) - Member
    • European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) - Member
    • Dutch Association of I/O Researchers (WAOP) - Member   


    Editorial activities

    • Editorial board member Journal of Applied Psychology
    • Editorial board member Personnel Psychology
    • Editorial board member Organizational Psychology Review
    • Editorial board member International Journal of Selection and Assessment
    • Associate editor Gedrag & Organisatie
    • Guest editor special issue 'De vogelvrije werkende' for Gedrag & Organisatie (with Brigitte Kroon and Charissa Freese)
    • Guest editor special issue 'Trends rondom diversiteit' for Gedrag & Organisatie (with Astrid Homan and Sjir Uitdewilligen)
    • Editor Oxford Handbook on Job Loss and Job Search (with Ute-Christine Klehe)
    For more information:
  • Research

    Research interests

    • Motivation and self-regulation: Procrastination, self-control, learning goal orientation
    • Career behavior: Job search, job loss, unemployment, reemployment, career decision-making
    • Mental health at work: Boredom, job insecurity, self-compassion, interventions
    • Recruitment: Applicant attraction, job pursuit
    • Assessment: Faking, 360º feedback, trait self-control

    As part of the WORKOUT project we developed an online training on how to improve networking skills (BRIO; see Wanberg, Van Hooft, Liu, & Csillag, 2020). The training is freely available here.

    Advisor (promotor/co-promotor) of:

    • Ana Stojanovic (ErasmusMC/UvA) - Project on coaching effectiveness and mechanisms among medical staff (Challenge & Support) (with Anne de Pagter and Matthijs de Hoog)
    • Daan Fris (ErasmusMC/UvA) - Project on coaching effectiveness and career decision making among medical students (MATCH) (with Annelies van Vianen, Anne de Pagter, and Matthijs de Hoog)
    • Vince Pelzer (UvA) - Horizon2020 project on multilevel interventions to promote mental health in the workplace (H-WORK), funded by the EU (with Machteld van den Heuvel and Roy Sijbom)
    • Sarah van den Hee (UvA) - Project on job search and reemployment (with Barbara Nevicka)
    • Judith Langerak (UvA) - Project on the psychology of the flexible labor market, funded by Instituut GAK (with Jessie Koen; defended June 2024)
    • Gerald Weltevreden (UvA) - Project on implicit theories and achievement goals (with Annelies van Vianen; defended March 2021)
    • Loes Kreemers (UvA) - ORA-project on self-regulation during unemployment (WORKOUT), funded by NWO (with Annelies van Vianen; defended January 2020)
    • Nicoletta Dimitrova (VU) - Project on errors and self-regulation (with Cathy van Dyck and Peter Groenewegen; defended February 2014)
    • Gera Noordzij (EUR) - Project on the role of goal orientation in reemployment counselling, funded by AGENS (with Heleen van Mierlo and Marise Born; defended January 2013)
    • Benjamin J. de Boer (EUR) - Project on self-control (with Arnold Bakker; defended January 2012)
  • Publications

    International publications

    • Van Hooft, E.A.J. (in press). When do we put things off? A volitional-task attractiveness framework of personality and task-related factors in predicting procrastinatory behavior. European Journal of Personality.

    • Van Mierlo, H., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (in press). Dual pathways to high performance: Team achievement goals, cooperation, and competition in elite sports teams. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.

    • Fris, D.A.H., Van Vianen, A.E.M., Van Hooft, E.A.J., De Hoog, M., & De Pagter, A.P.J. (2024). Challenge or threat? Proposing and testing a Career Shock Coping Model. Journal of Career Development, 51(6), 696-716.

    • Stojanović, A., Fris, D.A.H., Solms, L., Van Hooft, E.A.J., De Hoog, M., & De Pagter, A.P.J. (2024). Lifelong development in medicine: A thematic analysis of coaching goals throughout medical careers. BMJ Open, 14:e081139.

    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van Hooff, M.L.M. (2024). Boredom at work: A systematic review of the causes and consequences of work-related boredom. In M. Bieleke, W. Wolff, & C. Martarelli (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of boredom.

    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van Hoye, G. (2023). Reversing job loss and enhancing job search. In S. C. Carr, V. Hopner, D. J. Hodgetts, & M. Young (Eds.), Tackling precarious work: Toward sustainable livelihoods (pp. 457-492). SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series. Routledge.
    • Fris, D.A.H., Van Vianen, A.E.M., Van Hooft, E.A.J., De Hoog, M., & De Pagter, A.P.J. (2023). Career coach preferences of medical students: Coaching specialist or specialistic coach? BMC Medical Education, 23: 988.
    • Van Hooff, M.L.M., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2023). Dealing with daily boredom at work: Does self-control explain who engages in distractive behavior or job crafting as a coping mechanism? Work & Stress, 37(2), 248-268.
    • Weltevreden, G.M., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van Vianen, A.E.M. (2022). Validation of a Dutch measure for implicit theories of ability in sport (CNAAQ-2-NL). International Journal of Sport Psychology, 53(4), 326-354.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Van Hoye, G., & Van den Hee, S.M. (2022). How to optimize the job search process: Development and validation of the job search quality scale (JSQS). Journal of Career Assessment, 30(3), 474-505.
    • Kreemers, L.M., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van Vianen, A.E.M. (2022). If you want a job, don’t just search hard, search systematically: A field study with career starters. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31(3), 317-330.
    • Langerak, J.B., Koen, J., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2022). How to minimize job insecurity: The role of proactive and reactive coping over time. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 136: 103729.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J. & Kreemers, L.M. (2022). Stop and start control at work: Differential validity of two types of self-control for work behavior and emotion regulation. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 30(2), 265-280.
    • Dimitrova, N., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2021). In the eye of the beholder: Leader error orientation, employee perception of the leader, and employee work-related outcomes. Academy of Management Discoveries, 7(4), 530-553.
    • Stremersch, J., Van Hoye, G., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2021). How to successfully manage the school-to-work transition: Integrating job search quality in the social cognitive model of career self-management. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 131: 103643.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Kammeyer-Mueller, J., Wanberg, C. R., Kanfer, R., & Basbug, G. (2021). Job search and employment success: A quantitative review and future research agenda. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(5), 674-713.
    • Wanberg, C.R., Van Hooft, E.A.J., Liu, S., & Csillag, B. (2020). Can job seekers achieve more through networking? The role of networking intensity, self-efficacy, and proximal benefits. Personnel Psychology, 73(4), 559-585. (Awarded with the Personnel Psychology Best Paper Award 2021)
    • Van den Hee, S.M., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van Vianen, A.E.M. (2020). A temporal perspective of job search: The relation between personality attributes, motivation, job search behavior and outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 122: 103489.
    • Stockman, S., Van Hoye, G., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2020). How can hospitals engage their current employees in the recruitment of qualified nurses? A referral bonus and self-determination perspective. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(11), 2971-2981.
    • Van Mierlo, H., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2020). Team achievement goals and sports team performance. Small Group Research, 51(5), 581-615.
    • Kreemers, L.M., Van Hooft, E.A.J., Van Vianen, A.E.M., & Sisouw de Zilwa, S.C.M. (2020). Testing a self-compassion intervention among job seekers: Self-compassion beneficially impacts affect through reduced self-criticism. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 1371.
    • Wanberg, C.R., Van Hooft, E.A.J., Dossinger, K., Van Vianen, A.E.M., & Klehe, U.-C. (2020). How strong is my safety net? Perceived unemployment insurance generosity and implications for job search, mental health, and reemployment. Journal of Applied Psychology,105(3), 209-229.
    • Van Hoye, G., Van Hooft, E.A.J., Stremersch, J., & Lievens, F. (2019). Specific job search self-efficacy beliefs and behaviors of unemployed ethnic minority women. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 27, 9-20.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van Hooff, M.L.M. (2018). The state of boredom: Frustrating or depressing? Motivation and Emotion, 42, 931-946.
    • Weltevreden, G. M., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van Vianen, A.E.M. (2018). Parental behavior and adolescent’s achievement goals in sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 39, 122-131.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van Mierlo, H. (2018). When teams fail to self-regulate: Predictors and outcomes of team procrastination among debating teams. Frontiers in Psychology, 9: 464.
    • Kreemers, L., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van Vianen, A.E.M. (2018). Dealing with negative job search experiences: The beneficial role of self-compassion for job seekers' affective responses. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 106, 165-179.
    • Klehe, U.-C., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (Eds.) (2018). The Oxford Handbook of Job Loss and Job Search. New York: Oxford University Press.
    • Van Hooft, E. A. J. (2018). Self-regulatory perspectives in the theory of planned job-search behavior: Deliberate and automatic self-regulation strategies to facilitate job seeking. In U.-C. Klehe, & E. A. J. van Hooft (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on Job Loss and Job Search. New York: Oxford University Press.
    • Van Hooft, E. A. J. (2018). Motivation and self-regulation in job search: A theory of planned job-search behavior. In U.-C. Klehe, & E.A.J. van Hooft (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on Job Loss and Job Search. New York: Oxford University Press.
    • Dimitrova, N.G., Van Hooft, E.A.J., Van Dyck, C., & Groenewegen, P. (2017). Behind the wheel: What drives the effects of error handling. The Journal of Social Psychology, 157, 658-672.
    • Van Hooff, M.L.M., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2017). Boredom at work: Towards a dynamic spillover model of need satisfaction, work motivation, and work-related boredom. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26, 133-148.
    • Koen, J., Van Vianen, A.E.M., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Klehe, U.-C. (2016). How experienced autonomy can improve job seekers' motivation, job search, and chance of finding reemployment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 95-96, 31-44.
    • Van Hooff, M.L.M., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2016). Work-related boredom and depressed mood from a daily perspective: The moderating role of work centrality and need satisfaction. Work & Stress 30, 209-227.
    • Van Mierlo, H., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2015). A group-level conceptualization of the 2x2 achievement goal framework: Antecedents and motivational outcomes. Group & Organization Management, 40, 776-808.
    • Dimitrova, N., Van Dyck, C., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Groenewegen, P. (2015). Don’t fuss, focus: The mediating effect of on-task thoughts on the relationship between error approach instructions and task performance. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 64, 599-624. 
    • De Boer, B.J., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Bakker, A.B. (2015). Self-control at work: Its relationship with contextual performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30, 406-421.
    • Van Hooff, M.L.M., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2014). Boredom at work: Proximal and distal consequences of affective work-related boredom. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 19, 348-359.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2014). Motivating and hindering factors during the reemployment process: The added value of employment counselors' assessment. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 19, 1-17.
    • Noordzij, G., Van Hooft, E.A.J., Van Mierlo, H., Van Dam, A., & Born, M.Ph. (2013). The effects of a learning-goal orientation training on self-regulation: A field experiment among unemployed job seekers. Personnel Psychology, 66, 723-755.
    • Noordzij, G.,Van Hooft, E.A.J., Van Mierlo, H., Van Dam, A., & Born, M.Ph. (2013). Getting unemployed job seekers back to work: The development of a process model of employment counseling behavior. Career Development Quarterly, 61 , 256-275.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Wanberg, C.R., & Van Hoye, G. (2013). Moving beyond job search quantity: Towards a conceptualization and self-regulatory framework of job search quality. Organizational Psychology Review, 3, 3-40.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Born, M.Ph. (2012). Intentional response distortion on personality tests: Using eye-tracking to understand response processes when faking. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97 , 301-316.
    • Wanberg, C. R., Basbug, G., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Samtani, A. (2012). Navigating the black hole: Explicating layers of job search context and adaptational responses. Personnel Psychology, 65, 887-926.
    • Van Hooft, E. A. J., & Stout, T. (2012). Nepotism and career choice, job search, and job choice. In R. G. Jones (Ed.), Nepotism in organizations (pp. 67-91). SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series (Series Ed.: E. Salas). New York: Routledge.
    • De Boer, B.J., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Bakker, A.B. (2011). Stop and start control: A distinction within self-control. European Journal of Personality, 25, 349-362. (Awarded with the Wiley-Blackwell 2011 Award for Outstanding Contribution to the European Journal of Personality.)
    • De Ridder, D., De Boer, B.J.,  Lugtig, P., Bakker, A.B., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2011). Not doing bad things is not equivalent to doing the right thing: Distinguishing between inhibitory and initiatory self-control. Personality and Individual Differences, 50 , 1006-1011.
    • Jaidi, Y., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Arends, L.R. (2011). Recruiting highly-educated graduates: A study on the relationship between recruitment information sources, the theory of planned behavior, and actual job pursuit. Human Performance, 24 , 135-157.
    • Russo, G., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2011). Identities, conflicting behavioural norms and the importance of job attributes. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32 , 103-119.
    • Van Dyck, C., Van Hooft, E.A.J., De Gilder, D., & Liesveld, L.C. (2010). Proximal antecedents and correlates of adopted error approach: A self-regulatory perspective. The Journal of Social Psychology, 150 , 428-451.
    • Wanberg, C.R., Zhu, J., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2010). The job-search grind: Perceived progress, self-reactions, and self-regulation of search effort. Academy of Management Journal, 53 , 788-807. (Awarded with the HRM Scholarly Achievement Award 2011 for the HR Division of the Academy of Management; Finalist for Academy of Management Journal's Best Paper Award 2010.)
    • Schreurs, B., Derous, E., Van Hooft, E.A.J., Proost, K., & De Witte, K. (2009). Predicting applicants' job pursuit behavior from their selection expectations: The mediating role of the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30 , 761-783.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., & De Jong, M. (2009). Predicting job seeking for temporary employment using the theory of planned behaviour: The moderating role of individualism and collectivism. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, 295-316.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Noordzij, G. (2009). The effects of goal orientation on job search and reemployment: A field experiment among unemployed job seekers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 1581-1590.
    • Van Hoye, G., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Lievens, F. (2009). Networking as a job search behaviour:A social network perspective. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82 ,661-682.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Crossley, C.D. (2008). The joint role of locus of control and perceived financial need in job search. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 16, 258-271.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Born,M.Ph., Taris,T.W., & Van der Flier, H. (2006). Ethnic and gender differences in applicants' decision-making processes: An application of the theory of reasoned action. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 14 , 156-166.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Born, M.Ph., Taris, T.W., & Van der Flier, H. (2006). The cross-cultural generalizability of the theory of planned behavior: A study on job seeking in The Netherlands. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 37 , 127-135.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Van der Flier, H., & Minne, M.R. (2006). Construct validity of multi-source performance ratings: An examination of the relationship of self-, supervisor-, andpeer-ratings with cognitive and personality measures. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 14 , 67-81.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Born, M.Ph., Taris, T.W., & Van der Flier, H. (2005). Predictors and outcomesof job search behavior: The moderating effects of gender and family situation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 67 , 133-152.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Born, M.Ph., Taris, T.W., Van der Flier, H., & Blonk, R.W.B. (2005). Bridging the gap between intentions and behavior: Implementation intentions, action control, and procrastination. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66 , 238-256.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Born, M.Ph., Taris, T.W., & Van der Flier, H. (2004). Job search behavior and the theory of plannedbehavior: Minority - majority group differencesin The Netherlands. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 65 , 366-390.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Born, M.Ph., Taris, T.W., Van der Flier, H., & Blonk, R.W.B. (2004). Predictors of job search behavior among employed and unemployed people. Personnel Psychology, 57 , 25-59.

    Publications in Dutch

    • Langerak, J.B., Koen, J., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2022). Hoe (niet) om te gaan met baanonzekerheid bij een tijdelijk contract: De rol van actief en passief copinggedrag. Gedrag & Organisatie, 35(4), 484-512.
    • Van den Hee, S.M., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2022). De rol van vrijwilligerswerk tijdens het zoeken naar werk: Rapportage over een longitudinaal onderzoek onder vrijwilligers bij JobOn. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Kroon, B., Van Hooft, E., & Freese, C. (2021). Call for papers for the G&O-special issue 2022: ‘De vogelvrije werkende: Inzichten in de gevolgen van flexwerk vanuit de sociale, arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie. Gedrag & Organisatie, 34(3), 407-412.
    • Homan, A.C., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Uitdewilligen, S. (2018). Trends rondom diversiteit: Introductie deel 2. Gedrag & Organisatie, 31(4), 311-313.
    • Homan, A.C., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Uitdewilligen, S. (2018). Trends rondom diversiteit: Introductie deel 1. Gedrag & Organisatie, 31(3), 181-188.
    • Noordzij, G., Van Hooft, E.A.J., Van Mierlo, H., & Born, M.Ph. (2018). De samenhang tussen doeloriëntatie en werkprestatie: Een clusteranalyse. Gedrag & Organisatie, 31(1), 3-29.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van den Hee, S. (2017). Inhoudelijke effectevaluatie trainingen 50plus WW: Eindrapportage resultaten Voormeting, Nameting 1 en Nameting 2. Rapport voor UWV. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Homan, A., Van Hooft, E., & Uitdewilligen, S. (2017). Call for papers voor het G&O themanummer 2018: "Trends rondom diversiteit". Gedrag & Organisatie, 30(1), 82-84. ttps://
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van den Hee, S. (2016). Inhoudelijke effectevaluatie trainingen 50plus WW: Tussenrapportage Voormeting en Nameting 1. Rapport voor UWV. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Van den Hee, S., Kreemers, L., & Van Vianen, A.E.M. (2015). Inhoudelijke effectevaluatie trainingen 50plus WW: Vragenlijstontwikkeling voormeting en nametingen. Rapport voor UWV.  Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Dimitrova, N.G., Van Dyck, C., Van Hooft, E. A. J., & Groenewegen, P. (2012). Gewoon aan de taak blijven denken: Foutenbenadering beïnvloedt taakprestatie middels taakgerichte gedachten. In M. Strick, M. Baas, L. Van Dillen, R. Dotsch, D. Lakens, & M. De Vries (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2012 (pp. 57-61). Groningen: ASPO Pers.
    • Wesdorp, P., Van Hooft, E.A.J., Duinkerken, G., & Van Geuns, R. (2010). Het heft in eigen hand: Sturen op zelfsturing, handreiking voor re-integratieprofessionals. Den Haag: Raad voor Werk en Inkomen.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Wesdorp, P., Duinkerken, G., & Van Geuns, R. (2010). Het heft in eigen hand: Sturen op zelfsturing, achtergrondstudie. Den Haag: Raad voor Werk en Inkomen.
    • Noordzij, G., & Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2008). De invloed van doeloriëntaties op de effectiviteit van re-integratie. Gedrag & Organisatie, 21, 209-225.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van Dam, A. (2008). Werkzoekgedrag en het effect ervan onder de loep genomen. Maandblad Reïntegratie, 8 (4), 16-19.
    • Noordzij, G., Van Hooft, E.A.J., & Van Dam, A. (2008). Leren reïntegreren. Maandblad Reïntegratie, 8 (3), 10-12.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Ottervanger, M., & Van Dam, A. (2007). Verklarende factoren van werkzoekgedrag en werkhervatting [Predictors of job seeking and reemployment] . Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit.
    • Schippers, A., Bos, A.E.R., Derous, E., & VanHooft, E.A.J. (2007). Heeft een depressieve sollicitant minder kans op eenbaan? Effecten van een depressief verleden op persoonsbeoordeling, emotionelereacties en aanname-intentie. In C.van Laar,R. Ruiter, J. Karremans, W. van Rijswijk & F. van Harreveld (Red.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2006 (pp 437-444). Groningen: ASPO Pers.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J. (2005). Diversiteit op de arbeidsmarkt en effectieve personeelswerving [Effective recruitment and labormarket diversity]. Gids voor Personeelsmanagement, 84 (3), 26-28.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Born, M.Ph., Taris, T.W., & Van der Flier, H. (2004). Werk zoeken en werk vinden: Een vergelijkend onderzoek onder Turkse en autochtone Nederlanders [Job search and job attainment: A comparative study among Turkish and native-Dutch individuals]. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. 
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Raes, A.M.L., Taris, T.W., Brenninkmeijer, V., Blonk, R.W.B., Born, M.Ph., & Van der Flier, H. (2003). Determinanten van werkzoekgedrag bij autochtone en allochtone werklozen [Determinants ofjob-seeking behavior of native and ethnicminority unemployed persons]. Gedrag & Organisatie,16, 418-434.
    • Van Hooft, E.A.J., Born, M.Ph., Taris, T.W., & Van der Flier, H. (2002). Culturele verschillen in werkzoekgedrag: Motivationele factoren en belemmeringen bij het zoeken naar werk [Cultural differences in applicant behavior: Motivational factors explaining job search]. Gedrag & Organisatie, 15, 52-71.


  • Publications


    • Kreemers, L. M., van Hooft, E. A. J., & van Vianen, A. E. M. (2016). Dealing with Job search difficulties: Affect, self-compassion, job search intention and behavior. Poster session presented at Kurt Lewin Institute Conference 2016.

    Journal editor

    • van Hooft, E. A. J. . (member of editorial board) (2014-2023). Journal of Applied Psychology (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • van Hooft, E. A. J. . (speaker) (31-12-2016). Motivation and self-regulation in job search, Ghent University, Belgium.
    • van Hooft, E. A. J. (speaker), Koen, J. (speaker) & Schuurman, A. (speaker) (2016). Changes in job-search strategies: A multi-wave study on the role of progress in shaping the self-regulatory dynamics of job seeking, Applicant Behavior, Amsterdam.


    • van Hooft, E. A. J. . (examiner) (12-2016). Dissertation committee member (examination).
    • van Hooft, E. A. J. . (visiting researcher) (5-2016). University of Minnesota (UMN) (visiting an external institution).
    • van Hooft, E. A. J. . (examiner) (3-2016). Dissertation committee member (examination).



    • Dimitrova, N. (2014). Rethinking Errors: How Error-Handling Strategy Affects Our Thoughts and Others' Thoughts About Us.


    • Noordzij, G. (2013). Motivating and counseling the unemployed.


    • de Boer, B. J. (2012). Stop and start control: A distinction within self-control.


    • Pietrantoni, L., De Angelis, M., Mazzetti, G., Guglielmi, D., Pelzer, V., Sijbom, R. B. L., van den Heuvel, M., van Hooft, E. A. J., Christensen, M., Innstrand, S., Grødal, K., Van der Vaart, L., Peláez Zuberbühler, J., Nielsen, K., Vasquez, C., Axtell, C., Aboagye, E., Muschalla, B. & Werk, L. (17-10-2023). Multilevel Interventions for Mental Health in SMEs and Public Workplaces - H-Work EU Project Dataset (Only for Partners). Zenodo.
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    • Groesbeek-Assenbroekstichting