Marieke Effting is a postdoctoral researcher and a teacher at the Department of Clinical Psychology. Her research concerns the measurement of impulsive avoidance tendencies as a predictor of real-life phobic behavior in clinical populations. Her teaching concerns Evidenced based practice, a 3-rd years bachelor statistical course on the link between research and clinical practice. Her PhD involved research on the mechanism of return of extinguished fear and its prevention in humans.
Krypotos, A.-M., Effting, M., Arnaudova, I., Kindt, M., & Beckers, T.
(2014). Avoided by association: Acquisition, extinction, and renewal of
avoidance tendencies towards conditioned fear stimuli. Clinical Psychological
Science, 2, 336–343.
Effting, M., Vervliet, B., Beckers, T., & Kindt, M. (2013). Cued
reacquisition trials during extinction weaken contextual renewal in human
predictive learning. Learning and Motivation, 44, 184-195.
Arnaudova, I., Krypotos, A.-M., Effting, M., Kindt, M., & Beckers, T.
(2013). Individual differences in discriminatory fear learning under conditions
of ambiguity: A vulnerability factor for anxiety disorders? Frontiers in
Psychology, 4, 298.
Beckers, T., Krypotos, A.-M., Effting, M., & Kindt, M. (2013) What’s wrong
with fear conditioning? Biological Psychology, 92, 90 - 96.
Effting, M. (2011). Preventie van terugkeer van angst: een kwestie van context.
Psychologie & Gezondheid, 39, 301.
Effting, M., Vervliet, B., & Kindt, M. (2010). Retrospective revaluation
effects following serial compound training and target extinction. Learning and
Motivation, 41, 67-83.
Effting, M. & Kindt, M. (2007). Contextual control of human fear
associations in a renewal paradigm. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45,
Van Koulil, S., Effting, M., Kraaimaat, F. W., van Lankveld, W., van Helmond,
T., Cats, H., et al. (2007). Cognitive-behavioural therapies and exercise
programmes for patients with fibromyalgia: state of the art and future
directions. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 66, 571-581.
Huntjens, R. J. C., Peters, M. L., Postma, A., Woertman, L., Effting, M., &
Hart, O. van der (2005). Transfer of newly acquired stimulus valence between
identities in dissociative identity disorder (DID). Behaviour Research and
Therapy, 43, 243-255.