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Dr A.R. (Sasha) Cook

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Work and Organizational Psychology

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
Postal address
  • Postbus 15919
    1001 NK Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    My research is focused on health-diversity in the workplace, particularly chronic health conditions and worklife.

    My research questions include:

    - How people with chronic illnesses (e.g., multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel diseases, endometriosis) experience work life

    - How illness symptoms affect behavior at work (e.g. attendance behavior / illness disclosure) and how work affects health management behavior 

    - How people with gynecological health problems (e.g., period pain) manage pain during working hours

    - How leaders, managers, and organizations can support employees with chronic health conditions

    - The role of stereotyping and stigmatization of chronic conditions and menstruation and their effects on health- and illness related behaviors 


    I finished my PhD in the field of organizational psychology under the supervision of Dr. Bertolt Meyer at TU Chemnitz, Germany in 2019.  In my dissertation, I analyzed the origins and developments of leadership perceptions with a specific focus on interpersonal behavior. In general, I aim at integrating theoretical and methodological approaches from psychology, biology, computer science, and political science in my research projects. During my PhD, I worked as a researcher and teacher at the Professorship of Organizational Psychology and the Professorship of Social Psychology at TU Chemnitz. From 2019 to 2021, I worked as an assistant professor (Organizational Psychology) at VU Amsterdam. 


  • Teaching
    • Current topics: Introduction to Sports and Performance Psychology
    • Work, Motivation, & Health 
    • MAPS
    • Master thesis supervision
  • Professional Activities

    Editorial Board Member

    • Small Group Research


    • Health Psychology
    • European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
    • The Journal of Social Psychology
    • Human Factors 
    • European Journal of Personality
    • German Journal of Human Resource Management 
    • Academy of Management Perspectives
    • Applied Psychology: An International Review


  • Publications

    Publications in peer-reviewed journals

    Cook, A. (S.), & van den Hoek, R. (2023). Period pain presenteeism: investigating associations of working while experiencing dysmenorrhea. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 44(1). 

    Cook, A. (S.), & Zill, A. (2023). Individual health status as a resource: Analyzing associations between perceived illness symptom severity, burnout, and work engagement among employees with autoimmune diseases. Applied Psychology: An International Review. 

    Cook, A. (S.) & Zill, A. (2021). Working with type 1 diabetes. Investigating the associations between diabetes-related distress, burnout and job satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology2, 697833.

    Cook, A. (S.), Zill, A., & Meyer, B. (2021). Perceiving leadership structures in teams: Effects of cognitive schemas and perceived communication. Small Group Research, 52(3),

    Cook, A. (S.), Zill, A., & Meyer, B. (2020). Observing leadership as behavior in teams and herds – An ethological approach to shared leadership research. Leadership Quarterly, 31(2), 101296.

    Zill, A., Knoll, M., Cook, A. (S.), & Meyer, B. (2020). When do followers compensate for leader silence? The motivating role of leader injustice. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 27(1), 65-79.

    Cook. A. (S.), Meyer, B., Gockel, C., & Zill, A. (2019). Adapting leadership perceptions across tasks: Micro origins of informal leadership transitions. Small Group Research, 50(2), 227-265.

    Book chapters

    Knoll, M., Struck, T., Zill, A., & Cook, A. (S.) (2023). Führung mit chronischen Erkrankungen. In J. Felfe & R. Van Dick (Eds.), Handbuch Mitarbeiterführung (pp. 1–14). Springer Reference Psychologie.

    Cook, A. (S.) & Meyer, B. (2017). Assessing leadership behavior with observational and sensor-based methods: A brief overview. In B. Schyns, P. Neves, & R. Hall (Eds.) Handbook of Methods in Leadership Research (pp. 73-102). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    Publication in Conference Proceedings

    Cook A. & Zill, A. (2021). Working with chronic illness: Investigating individual health status and burnout. Academy of Management Proceedings.

    Cook A. (2018). An ethological approach towards the analysis of dyadic behavior in informal leadership research. Academy of Management Proceedings.

  • Publications


    • Cook, A. R., & Zill, A. (2024). Individual health status as a resource: Analyzing associations between perceived illness symptom severity, burnout, and work engagement among employees with autoimmune diseases. Applied Psychology, 73(3), 990-1025.
    • Ortynsky, M., Reimer, T., Joecks, J., Werner, M., Alyson, B., Anika, C., Erica, C., Rachel, H., Cook, A. R., & Zill, A. (2024). Flowing Through the Workplace: Exploring the Impact of Menstruation on Women’s Work Outcomes. In Academy of Management Proceedings (1 ed., Vol. 2024). Academy of Management.




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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities