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Dr. J.A. (Jos) Bosch PhD

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Clinical Psychology
Photographer: Jos Bosch

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Room number: 1.34
Postal address
  • Postbus 15933
    1001 NK Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile


    In 2012 I have been appointed associate professor in the Department of Psychology, section Clinical Psychology. My research investigates the psychobiology of medical disorders, with the aim to understand and mitigate the impact of disease. My dual expertise in psychology and biology allows me to approach this topic in a genuinely interdisciplinary manner, whereby I integrate methods and concepts from both fields, and apply these to experimental laboratory studies, clinical investigations, and epidemiological analyses. More recently my work has expanded to include Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a source of novel approaches to the analysis and modification of human biology and behavior. The latter program of research is funded by two H2020 consortium grants, of which I am a lead and a coordinator, and involves intensive collaborations with groups accross continental Europe, the UK, and the US.

    Since 2019 I am Associate Editor of Health Psychology Review, and I have previously acted as associate/senior editor for Brain, Behavior & Immunity (2011-2014), Psychological Bulletin (2010-2013), and Health Psychology (2010-2015), for which I am currently still on the editorial board.

    In 2018 I have been appointed Program Leader of the AMC/VUmc research institute ‘Amsterdam Public Health' (APH), Divsion of Mental Health ( In 2020 I was reappointed for 2 more years.


    • Biobehavioral pathways linking wellbeing and health

    • Data Science and AI approaches to behavioral assessment and modification

    • Non-invasive psychophysiological assessment using salivary diagnostics

  • Complete publication list


           Journal publications

    • Kolk D, Melis RJF, MacNeil-Vroomen JL, Buurman BM; Hospital-ADL study group. (2022). Physical Resilience in Daily Functioning Among Acutely Ill Hospitalized Older Adults: The Hospital-ADL Study. J Am Med Dir Assoc,  23(5):903.e1-903.e12. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2021.08.029.

    • Bosch, J.A., Nieuwdorp, M., Zwinderman, A.H., Deschasaux, M., Radjabzadeh, D., Kraaij, R., Davids, M., de Rooij, S.R., Lok, A., (2022) The gut microbiota and depressive symptoms across ethnic groups. Nature Communications, in press

    • Radjabzadeh, D., Bosch, J.A., Uitterlinden, A., Zwinderman, A.H., Ikram, A.F., van Meurs, J., Luik, A., Nieuwdorp. M., Lok, A., van Duijn, C., Kraaij, R., Amin, N. (2022). Gut microbiome-wide association study of depressive symptoms. Nature Communications, in press

    • Herr, R.M., Birmingham, W.C., van Harreveld, F., van Vianen, A.E.M., Fischer, J.E., Bosch, J.A. (2022). The relationship between ambivalence towards supervisor's behavior and employee's mental health. Sci Rep. 2022 Jun 10;12(1):9555. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-13533-2.

    • Landvatter J.D., Uchino, B.N., Smith, T.W., Bosch, J.A. (2022). Partner's Perceived Social Support Influences Their Spouse's Inflammation: An Actor-Partner Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 12;19(2):799. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19020799.

    • Hilberdink, C.E., de Rooij, S.R., Olff, M., Bosch, J.A., van Zuiden, M. (2022). Acute stress reactivity and intrusive memory development: a randomized trial using an adjusted trauma film paradigm. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 139:105686. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105686.

    • van Andel. M.M., Graaumans,. K.,Groenink. M., Zwinderman, A.H., van Kimmenade, R.R.J., Scholte, A.J.H.A., van den Berg, M., Dickinson, M.G., Knoop, J., Bosch, J.A., Mulder. B.J.M., de Waard, V., (2022). A cross-sectional study on fatigue, anxiety, and symptoms of depression and their relation with medical status in adult patients with Marfan syndrome. Psychological consequences in Marfan syndrome. Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc. 17;43:101128. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcha.2022.101128


           Journal publications

    • Pezoulas, V.C., Sakellarios, A., Kleber, M., Bosch, J.A., van der Laan, S.W., Lehtimäki, T., März, W., Fotiadis, D.I. (2021). A hybrid data harmonization workflow using word embeddings for the interlinking of heterogeneous cross-domain clinical data structures. IEEE EMB, in press

    • Metselaar, P. I., Mendoza-Maldonado, L., Li Yim, A. Y. F., Abarkan, I., Henneman, P., Te Velde, A. A., Schonhuth, A., Bosch, J. A., Kraneveld, A. D., & Lopez-Rincon, A. (2021). Recursive ensemble feature selection provides a robust mRNA expression signature for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Sci Rep, 11(1), 4541. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-83660-9

    • Vrijkotte, T.G.M., Smeets, J., de Rooij, S.R., Bosch, J.A. (2021). Maternal long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid status during early pregnancy: Association with child behavioral problems and the role of autonomic nervous system activity. Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition 40 (5), 3338-3345

    • Engel, S., van Zuiden, M., Frijling, J. L., Koch, S., Nawijn, L., Yildiz, R., Schumacher, S., Knaevelsrud, C., Bosch, J. A., Veltman, D. J., & Olff, M. (2020). Early posttraumatic autonomic and endocrine markers to predict posttraumatic stress symptoms after a preventive intervention with oxytocin. European journal of psychotraumatology, 11(1), 1761622.

    • Balter, L. J., Raymond, J. E., Aldred, S., Higgs, S., & Bosch, J. A. (2021). Age, BMI, and Inflammation: Associations with Emotion Recognition. Physiol Behav, 113324.  doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2021.113324

    • Andreasson, A., Axelsson, J., Bosch, J. A., & Balter, L. J. (2021). Poor sleep quality is associated with worse self-rated health in long sleep duration but not short sleep duration. Sleep Medicine, 88, 262–266.

    • Aarden, J. J., Reijnierse, E. M., van der Schaaf, M., van der Esch, M., Reichardt, L. A., van Seben, R., Bosch, J. A., Twisk, J. W. R., Maier, A. B., Engelbert, R. H. H., Buurman B. M. (2021). Longitudinal Changes in Muscle Mass, Muscle Strength, and Physical Performance in Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults.  J Am Med Dir Assoc, in press. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2020.12.006

    • Kolk, D., Aarden, J. J., MacNeil-Vroomen, J. L., Reichardt, L. A., van Seben, R., van der Schaaf, M., van der Esch, M., Twisk, J. W. R., Bosch, J. A., Buurman, B. M., Engelbert, R. H. H. (2021). Factors Associated with Step Numbers in Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults: The Hospital-Activities of Daily Living Study. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 22(2), 425-432. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2020.06.027

    • Starreveld, D., Daniels, L. A., Kieffer, J. M., Valdimarsdottir, H. B., de Geus, J., Lanfermeijer, M., van Someren, E., Habers, G., Bosch, J. A., Janus, C., van Spronsen, D. J., de Weijer, R. J., Marijt, E., de Jongh, E., Zijlstra, J. M., Böhmer, L. H., Houmes, M., Kersten, M. J., Korse, C. M., van Rossum, H. H., … Bleiker, E. (2021). Light Therapy for Cancer-Related Fatigue in (Non-)Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Cancers, 13(19), 4948.

    • Metselaar, P.I., Hos, C., .Welting, O., Bosch, J. A., Kraneveld, A.D., de Jonge, W. J., te Velde, A. A. (2021). Ambiguity about splicing factor 3b subunit 3 (SF3B3) and Sin3A associated protein 130 (SAP130). Cells, in press

    • Mauss, M., Volmer-Thole, M., Herr, R., Bosch, J.A., Fischer, J.E. (2021). Stress at work is associated with intima media thickness in older male employees, independent of other sources of stress perception. Stress, in press


           Journal publications

    • Balter, L. J., Bosch, J. A., Aldred, S., Drayson, M.T., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J., Higgs, S., Raymond, J.E., Mazaheri, A. (2020). Selective effects of acute low-grade inflammation on human visual attention. Neuroimage, 202, 116098. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116098

    • Balter, L.J.T., Higgs, S., Aldred, S., Raymond, J. E., & Bosch, J. A. (2020). Inflammation Mediates Body Weight and Ageing Effects on Psychomotor Slowing. Scientific Reports, in press

    • O’Donnell, A., Wilson, L., Bosch, J.A., Borrows, R. (2020). Life satisfaction and happiness in patients shielding from the COVID-19 global pandemic: a randomised controlled study of the ‘Mood as Information’ theory. Plos One, In press

    • Reichardt, L. A., Nederveen, F. E., van Seben, R., Aarden, J. J., van der Schaaf, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., van der Esch, M., Twisk, J. W. R., Bosch, J. A., Buurman, B. M., & Hospital, A. D. L. s. g. (2020). The longitudinal association between depressive symptoms and functional abilities in older patients. J Psychosom Res, 137, 110195. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110195

    • van Seben, R., Covinsky, K., Reichardt, L..A., R., Aarden, J. J., Engelbert, R.H.H., Twisk, J., Bosch, J.A., Buurman, B.M. (2020). Insight into the post-hospital syndrome: a 3-month longitudinal follow up on geriatric syndromes and their association with functional decline, readmission and mortality. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, in press

    • Reichart, L. A., van Seben, R., Aarden, J. J., Engelbert, R.H., Bosch, J.A. Buurman, B. M. (2020). Motivational Factors Mediate the Association of General Self-Efficacy and Performance Outcomes in Acutely Hospitalized Older Patients. Age & Ageing, in press

    • Kolk, D., Aarden, J. J., MacNeil-Vroomen, J. L., Reichardt, L. A., van Seben, R., van der Schaaf, M., van der Esch, M. Twisk, J. W. R., Bosch, J. A., Buurman, B. M., Engelbert R. H. H. (2020). Factors Associated with Step Numbers in Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults: The Hospital-Activities of Daily Living Study. J Am Med Dir Assoc. In press   doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2020.06.027

    • Engel, S., van Zuiden, M., Frijling, J.E., Koch, S.B.J., Nawijn, L., Yildiz, L.L., Schumacher, S., Bosch, J.A., Olff, M. (2020). Early posttraumatic autonomic and endocrine markers to predict posttraumatic stress symptoms after a preventive intervention with oxytocin. European Journal of Traumatology, in press.

    • Kolk, D., Aarden, J. J., van Seben, R., Reichardt, L.A., Twisk, J., van der Esch, M., van der Schaaf, M., Bosch, J.A., Buurman, B.M., Engelbert, R.H.H. (2020).  Predicting physical activity post-discharge among acutely hospitalized older adults: The Hospital-ADL Study, J Am Med Dir Assoc, In press

    • Mauss, D., Herr, R. M., Jarczok, M. N., Motoc, I., Fischer, J. E., & Bosch, J. A. (2020). The association of cortisol levels with leukocyte distribution is disrupted in the metabolic syndrome. Obes Res Clin Pract. doi:10.1016/j.orcp.2020.12.003


          Journal publications

    • Uchino, B. N., Landvetter, J., Cronan, S., Scott, E., Papadakis, M., Smith, T. W., Joel, S., Bosch, J.A. (2019). Self-Rated Health and Inflammation: A Test of Depression and Sleep Quality as Mediators. Psychosom Med. doi:10.1097/PSY.00000000000006843

    • Balter, L. J., Raymond, J. E., Aldred, S., Drayson, M. T., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J., Higgs, S., & Bosch, J. A. (2019). Loneliness in healthy young adults predicts inflammatory responsiveness to a mild immune challenge in vivo. Brain Behavior & Immunity doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2019.08.196

    • Schakel, L., Veldhuijzen, D. S., Crompvoets, P.I., Bosch, J. A., Cohen, S., van Middendorp, H., Evers, A. W. M. (2019). Effectiveness of Stress-Reducing Interventions on the Response to Challenges to the Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Review. Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics, 1-13. doi:10.1159/000501645

    • Reichardt, L. A., van Seben, R., Aarden, J. J., van der Esch, M., van der Schaaf, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., Bosch, J.A., Buurman, B. M. (2019). Trajectories of cognitive-affective depressive symptoms in acutely hospitalized older adults: The hospital-ADL study. J Psychosom Res, 120, 66-73. doi:

    • van Seben, R., L. A. Reichardt, J. J. Aarden, M. van der Schaaf, M. van der Esch, R.H.H. Engelbert, J.W.R. Twisk, J. A. Bosch, B. M. Buurman (2019). The Course of Geriatric Syndromes in Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults: The Hospital-ADL Study. J Am Med Dir Assoc 20(2): 152-158 e152.

    • Aarden, J. J., M. van der Schaaf, M. van der Esch, L. A. Reichardt, R. van Seben, J. A. Bosch, J. W. R. Twisk, B. M. Buurman, R. H. H. Engelbert (2019). Muscle strength is longitudinally associated with mobility among older adults after acute hospitalization: The Hospital-ADL study. PLoS One 14(7): e0219041.

    • Ribbink, M.E., van Seben, R., Reichardt, L. A.,  Aarden, J. J., van der Schaaf, M., van der Esch, M., Engelbert, R. H. H. ,Twisk, J.W.R., Bosch, J. A., MacNeil Vroomen, J.L., Buurman, B.M. (2019). Determinants of Post-acute Care Costs in Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults: The Hospital-ADL Study.  J Am Med Dir Assoc.

    • van Dronkelaar, C., M. Tieland, J. J. Aarden, L. A. Reichardt, R. van Seben, M. van der Schaaf, M. van der Esch, R. H. H. Engelbert, J. W. R. Twisk, J. A. Bosch, B. M. Buurman (2019). Decreased Appetite is Associated with Sarcopenia-Related Outcomes in Acute Hospitalized Older Adults. Nutrients, 11(4).

    • Reichardt, L. A., van Seben, R., Aarden, J. J., van der Esch, M., van der Schaaf, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., Bosch, J.A., Buurman, B. M. (2019). Hopelessness and other depressive symptoms in adults aged 70 and above as predictors of all cause-mortality within three months following acutely hospitalization: the Hospital-ADL study. Psychosomatic Medicine, In press

    • Uchino, B. N., Scott, E., Kent de Grey, R. G., Hogan, J., Trettevik, R., Cronan, S., Smith, T.W., Bosch, J. A. (2019). Sleep Quality and Inflammation in Married Heterosexual Couples: an Actor-Partner Analysis. Int J Behav Med. doi:10.1007/s12529-018-09763-2

    • Chan, W., Chin, S. H., Whittaker, A. C., Jones, D., Kaur, O., Bosch, J. A., & Borrows, R. (2019). The Associations of Muscle Strength, Muscle Mass, and Adiposity With Clinical Outcomes and Quality of Life in Prevalent Kidney Transplant Recipients. Journal of Renal Nutrition. doi:10.1053/j.jrn.2019.06.009

    • Uchino, B. N., Landvetter, J., Cronan, S., Scott, E., Papadakis, M., Smith, T. W., Bosch, J.A., (2019). Self-Rated Health and Inflammation: A Test of Depression and Sleep Quality as Mediators. Psychosomatic Medicine. doi:10.1097/PSY.00000000000006843

    • Herr, R. M., Van Harreveld, F., Uchino, B. N., Birmingham, W. C., Loerbroks, A., Fischer, J. E., Bosch, J. A. (2019). Associations of Ambivalent Leadership with Distress and Cortisol Secretion. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 42(2), 265-275. doi:10.1007/s10865-018-9982-z

    • Balter, L. J., Bosch, J. A., Aldred, S., Drayson, M. T., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J., Higgs, S., Raymond, J.E., Mazaheri, A. (2019). Selective effects of acute low-grade inflammation on human visual attention. Neuroimage, 202, 116098. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116098

    • Warren, C. M., Tona, K. D., Ouwerkerk, L., van Paridon, J., Poletiek, F., van Steenbergen, H., Bosch, J.A. Nieuwenhuis, S. (2019). The neuromodulatory and hormonal effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation as evidenced by salivary alpha amylase, salivary cortisol, pupil diameter, and the P3 event-related potential. Brain Stimulation, doi:10.1016/j.brs.2018.12.224

    • Engeland, C. G., Bosch, J. A., & Rohleder, N. (2019). Salivary biomarkers in psychoneuroimmunology. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 28, 58-65. doi:

        Book chapters

    • Rector, J., Burns, V. E., Bosch, J. A., & Anane, L. (2019). Immune Responses to Stress. In M. Gellman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine (pp. 1-5). New York, NY: Springer New York

    • Bosch, J. A. (2019). Immune Function. In M. Gellman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine (pp. 1-4). New York, NY: Springer New York

    • Bosch, J. A. (2019). Immunity. In M. Gellman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine (pp. 1-1). New York, NY: Springer New York


          Journal publications

    • Balter, L. J. T., Hulsken, S., Aldred, S., Drayson, M. T., Higgs, S., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J., Bosch, J. A. (2018). Low-grade inflammation decreases emotion recognition - Evidence from the vaccination model of inflammation. Brain Behav Immun. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2018.05.006

    • Chan, W., Bosch, J. A., Phillips, A. C., Chin, S. H., Antonysunil, A., Inston, N., Borrows, R. (2018). The Associations of Endotoxemia With Systemic Inflammation, Endothelial Activation, and Cardiovascular Outcome in Kidney Transplantation. J Ren Nutr, 28(1), 13-27. doi:10.1053/j.jrn.2017.06.004

    • Uchino, B. N., de Grey, R. G. K., Cronan, S., Smith, T. W., Diener, E., Joel, S., & Bosch, J.A. (2018). Life satisfaction and inflammation in couples: an actor-partner analysis. J Behav Med, 41(1), 22-30. doi:10.1007/s10865-017-9880-9

    • Loerbroks, A., Herr, R. M., Icks, A., & Bosch, J. A. (2018). The association of self-reported diabetes with impaired social functioning in low-, middle- and high-income countries: findings from the World Health Survey. Diabet Med, 35(3), 332-338. doi:10.1111/dme.13578

    • Herr, R. M., Bosch, J. A., Loerbroks, A., Genser, B., Almer, C., van Vianen, A. E. M., & Fischer, J. E. (2018). Organizational justice, justice climate, and somatic complaints: A multilevel investigation. J Psychosom Res, 111, 15-21. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2018.05.003

    • Loerbroks, A., Bosch, J. A., Sheikh, A., Yamamoto, S., & Herr, R. M. (2018). Reports of wheezing and of diagnosed asthma are associated with impaired social functioning: Secondary analysis of the cross-sectional World Health Survey data. J Psychosom Res, 105, 52-57. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2017.12.008

    • van Seben, R., Reichardt, L. A., Essink, D. R., van Munster, B. C., Bosch, J. A., & Buurman, B. M. (2018). "I Feel Worn Out, as if I Neglected Myself": Older Patients' Perspectives on Post-hospital Symptoms After Acute Hospitalization. Gerontologist. doi:10.1093/geront/gnx19


          Journal publications

    • Dowd, J.B., Bosch, J.A., Steptoe, A., Jayabalasingham, B., Lin, J. Yolken, R., Aiello, A.E. (2017). Persistent herpesvirus infections and telomere attrition over 3 years in the Whitehall II cohort. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1;216(5):565-572

    • Warren, C. M., van den Brink, R. L., Nieuwenhuis, S., Bosch, J.A. (2017). Norepinephrine transporter blocker Atomoxetine increases salivary alpha-amylase. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 78:233-236

    • Na, T., Faller, L., Leffler, D., Kelly, C., Hansen, J., Bosch, J.A., Wei, G., Paster, B., Schuppan, D., Helmerhorst, E.J. (2017). Salivary Gluten Degradation and Oral Microbial Profiles in Health and Celiac Disease. Applied & Environmental Microbiology, doi: 10.1128/AEM.03330-16

    • Visser, L.C., Tollenaar, M.S., Bosch, J.A., van Doornen, L.J.P., de Haes, H.J., Smets, E.M.A. (2017). Are psychophysiological arousal and self-reported emotional stress during an oncological consultation related to memory of medical information? An experimental study. Stress, 20(1):86-94      

    • Loerbroks, A., Bosch, J.A., Sheikh, A., Yamamoto, S., Herr, R.M. (2017). Reports of wheezing and of diagnosed asthma are associated with impaired social functioning: Secondary analysis of the cross-sectional World Health Survey data. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, in press

    • Berntson, G.G., Cacioppo, J.T. & Bosch, J.A. (2017). Stress: from homeostasis to allodynamic regulation. Handbook of Psychophysiology, 4th Edition. Eds. J.T. Cacioppo, G.G. Berntson and L.G. Tassinary. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp 401-426


         Journal publications

    • Sheeran, P., Bosch, J.A., Crombez, G., Hall, P.A., Harris, J.L., Papies, E.K., Wiers, R.W. (2016). Implicit Processes in Health Psychology: Diversity and Promise. Health Psychology, 5(8):761-6. doi: 10.1037/hea0000409
    • Engeland, C.G., Hugo, F.N., Hilgert, J.B., Nascimento G.G., Junges, R., Lim, H. J., Marucha, P.T., Bosch, J.A. (2016). Psychological distress differentially affects salivary S-IgA and S-IgA transporting capacity. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 52:11-17 [with accompanying editorial on pages 9-10]

    • Turner, J.E., Bosch, J.A. (2016). Closing the border on a new frontier: the problem with salivary Nerve Growth Factor. Psychosomatic Medicine, 78(1):114-6. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000282

    • Warren, C.M., Eldar, E.J., Van den Brink, R.L., Tona, K.D., Van der Wee, N., Giltay, E., Van Noorden, M.S., Bosch, J.A., Wilson, R., Cohen, J.D., Nieuwenhuis, S. (2016). Catecholamine-mediated increases in gain enhance the precision of cortical representations. The Journal of Neurosciene, 25;36(21):5699-708. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3475-15.2016

    • Visser, L.C., Tollenaar, M.S., Bosch, J.A., Doornen, L.J., de Haes, J.C., Smets, E.M. (2016). Analogue patients’ self-reported engagement and psychophysiological arousal in a video-vignettes design: patients versus disease-naïve individuals. Patient Education & Counselling, 99(10):1724-32. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2016.04.012

    • Reichardt, L.A., Aarden, J.J., van Seben, R., van der Schaaf, M., Engelbert, R.H., Bosch, J.A., Buurman, B.M. (2016). Unravelling the potential mechanisms behind hospitalization-associated disability in older patients; the Hospital-Associated Disability and impact on daily Life (Hospital-ADL) cohort study protocol. BMC Geriatrics, 16(1): 16-59

    • McClean, A., Morgan, M.D., Bosch, J.A., Basu, N., Nightingale, N., Jones, D., Harper, L. (2016). Physical Fatigue, Fitness and Muscle Function in Patients with Anti-neutrophil Cytoplasm Antibody-Associated Vasculitis.  Arthritis Care and Research, 68(9):1332-9. doi: 10.1002/acr.22827

    • Chan, W., Bosch, J.A., Jones, D., McPhee, J., Crabtree, N., McTernan, P.G., Kaur, O., Inston, N., Moore, S., McClean, A., Harper, L., Phillips, A.C., Borrows, R. (2016). Cardiovascular, muscular and perceptual contributions to physical fatigue in prevalent kidney transplant recipients. Transplant International, 29(3):338-51

    • Turner, J.E., Wadley, A.J., Aldred, S., Fisher, J.P., Bosch, J.A., Campbell, J.P. (2016). Intensive exercise does not preferentially mobilize skin-homing T cells and NK cells. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 48(7):1285-93. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000914
    • Herr, R.M., Loerbroks, A., Bosch, J.A., Stuck, B., Seegel, M., Schneider, M., Schmidt, B. (2016). Associations of Organizational Justice with Tinnitus and the Mediating Role of Depressive Symptoms and Burnout – Findings from a Cross-sectional Study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(2):190-7. doi: 10.1007/s12529-015-9505-z      


          Journal publications

    • Rector, J.L., Thomas, G.N., Burns, V.E., Dowd, J.B., Herr, R.M., Moss, P.A., Jarczok, M.N., Hoffman, K., Fischer, J.E., Bosch, J.A. (2015). Elevated HbA1c Levels and the Accumulation of Differentiated CD8+ T cells in CMV+ Individuals. Diabetologia, 58(11):2596-605

    • Nagy, T., van Lien, R., Willemsen, G., Proctor, G.B., Efting, M., Fülöp, M., Bárdos, G., Veerman, E.C.I., Bosch, J.A. (2015). A fluid response: alpha-amylase reactions to acute laboratory stressors are related to sample timing and saliva flow rate. Biological Psychology, 109:111-9

    • Steenbergen, L., Sellaro, R., van Hemert, S., Bosch, J.A., Colzato, L.S. (2015). A randomized controlled trial to test the effect of multispecies probiotics on cognitive reactivity to sad mood. Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 48:258-64

    • Herr, R.M., Loerbroks, A., van Vianen, A.E.M., Hoffman, K., Fischer, J.E., Bosch, J.A. (2015). Injustice at Work and Leukocyte Glucocorticoid Sensitivity: Findings From a Cross-sectional Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 77(5):527-38

    • Riddell, N.E., Burns, V.E., Graham, G.R., Edwards, K.E., Drayson, M., Redwine, L.S., Hong, S., Fischer, J.C., Mills, P.J., Bosch, J.A. (2015). Progenitor cells are mobilized by acute psychological stress but not β-adrenergic receptor agonist infusion. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 49:49-53

    • Zalli, A., Goodyear, O., Riddell, N., McGettrick, H.M., Moss, P., Wallace, G.R., Bosch, J.A. (2015). Targeting β2-adrenergic receptors regulate human T cell function directly and indirectly. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 45:211-8

    • Schmidt, B., Herr, R.M., Bosch J.A. (2015). Job stress and the metabolic syndrome: the role of sex and age [letter]. International Journal of Cardiology, 15;199:77-8

    • Lacourt, T.E., Houtveen, J.H., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J.J., Bosch, J.A., Drayson, M.T., Van Doornen, L.J. (2015). Negative affectivity predicts increased pain sensitivity during low-grade inflammation in healthy women. Brian, Behavior & Immunity, 44:32-6

    • Schmidt, B., Bosch J.A., Jarczok, M.N., Loerbroks A., Herr, R.M., van Vianen A.E.M., Fischer, J.E. (2015). Effort-reward imbalance is associated with the metabolic syndrome: findings from the Mannheim Industrial Cohort Study (MICS).  International Journal of Cardiology, 15;178:24-8

    • Herr, R.M., Bosch, J.A., van Vianen, A.E.M., Jarczok, M.N., Thayer, J.F., Li J., Schmidt, B., Fischer, J.E., Loerbroks. A. (2015). Organizational Justice is Related to Heart Rate Variability in White-collar Workers, but not in Blue-collar Workers - Findings From a Cross-Sectional Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 178:24-8

    • Loerbroks, A., Bosch, J.A., Douwes, J., Angerer, P., Li, J. (2014). Job insecurity is associated with adult asthma in Germany during Europe’s recent economic crisis: a prospective cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 68(12):1196-9

    • LaVoy, E.C.P.,  Bollard, C.M.,  Hanley, P.J., Blaney, J.W., O’Connor, D.P., Bosch, J.A., Simpson, R.J. (2015). A single bout of dynamic exercise enhances the expansion of MAGE-A4 and PRAME-specific cytotoxic T-cells from healthy adults. Exercise Immunology Review, 21:144-53

    • LaVoy, E.C.P., Bollard, C.M., Hanley, P.J., O'Connor, D.P., Lowder, T.W., Bosch, J.A., Simpson, R.J. (2015). A Single Bout of Dynamic Exercise by Healthy Adults Enhances the Generation of Monocyte-Derived-Dendritic Cells. Cellular Immunology, 295(1):52-59

    • Smeijers, L., Balázs, M. S., van Dammen, L., Wonnink, W., Jakobs, B.S., Bosch, J.A., Kop, W.J. (2015). Emotional, Neurohormonal and Hemodynamic Responses to Mental Stress in Tako-Tsubo Cardiomyopathy. American Journal of Cardiology, 115(11):1580-6

    • Loerbroks, A., Li, J., Bosch, J.A., Herr, R.M., Angerer, P. (2015). Personality and Risk of Adult Asthma in a Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 79(1):13-7

    • Paine, N.J., Bosch, J.A., Ring, C., Drayson, M.T., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J.J.C.S. (2015). Induced mild systemic inflammation is associated with impaired ability to improve cognitive task performance by practice. Psychophysiology, 52(3):333-45

    • Herr, R.M., Bosch, J.A., Loerbroks, A., van Vianen, Jarczok, M.N., Fischer, J.E., Schmidt, B. (2015). Three job stress models and their relationship with musculoskeletal pain in blue- and white-collar workers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 79(5):340-7

    • Arens, R., Remmerswaal, E.B.M., Bosch, J.A., van Lier R.A.W. (2015). A shadow of cytomegalovirus infection on immunological memory. The 5 th International Workshop on CMV and Immunosenescence. European Journal of Immunology, 45(4): 954-7
    • Loerbroks, A., Herr, R.M., Li, J., Bosch, J.A., Seegel, M., Schneider, M., Angerer, P., Schmidt, B. (2015). The Association of Effort-Reward Imbalance and Asthma: Findings from Two Cross-Sectional Studies. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 88(3):351-8


         Journal publications

    • Janicki-Deverts, D., Cohen, S., Doyle, W.J., Marsland, A.L., Bosch, J.A. (2014). Childhood environments predict Cytomegalovirus serostatus and reactivation in adults. Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 40:174-81

    • Rector, J.L., Dowd, J.B., Loerbroks, A., Burns, V.E., Moss, P., Jarczok, M.N., Stalder, T., Hoffman, K., Fischer, J.E., Bosch, J.A. (2014). Consistent associations between measures of psychological distress and Cytomegalovirus reactivation in a large occupational sample. Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 38:133-41

    • Turner, J.E.,  Campbell, J.P., Edwards, K.M.,  Howarth, L.J., Pawelec, G.,  Aldred, S.,  Moss, P., Drayson, M.T.,  Burns, V.E., Bosch, J.A. (2014). Rudimentary signs of immunosenescence in Cytomegalovirus seropositive healthy young adults. Age, 36(1):287-97

    • Correa, B.L., Ornaghi, A.P., Muller, G.C., Tavanti, A.G., Engroff, P., Bosch, J.A., Bauer, M.E. (2014). An inverted CD4:CD8 ratio is associated with Cytomegalovirus, poor cognitive and functional states in older adults. Neuroimmunomodulation, 21(4):206-12

    • Herr, R.M., Li, J., Bosch , J.A., Schmidt, B., DeJoy, D.M., Fischer, J.E., Loerbroks, A. (2014). Psychometric properties of a German organizational justice questionnaire (G-OJQ) and its association with self-rated health: Findings from the Mannheim Industrial Cohort Studies (MICS). International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 87(1):85-93

    • Chan, W., Ward, D.G., McLean, A., Kaur, O., Bosch, J.A., Jones, D., Drayson, M.T., Whitelegg, A. M., Iqbal, T., McTernan, P.G., Tselepis, C., Borrows, R.  (2014). The Role of Hepcidin in Kidney Transplantation. Transplantation, 95(11):1390-5

    • Witard, O.C., Turner, J.E., Jackman, S.R., Jeukendrup, A.E., Kies, A.K., Bosch J.A. Tipton, K.D. (2014). High dietary protein restores overreaching induced impairments in leukocyte trafficking and reduces the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection in elite cyclists. Brain, Behavior & Immunity, in press

    • Chan W., Bosch J.A., Jones D., McTernan P.G., Phillips A.C., Borrows R. (2014). Obesity in Kidney Transplantation. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 24(1):1-1

    • Schmidt, B., Loerbroks, B., Herr, R.E., Wilson, M.G., Jarczok, M.N., Litaker, D., Mauss, D., Bosch, J.A., Fischer, J.E. (2014). Associations between supportive leadership and employees’ self-rated health in a German industrial cohort. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, In press

    • Chan W., Bosch J.A., Jones D., McTernan, P.G., Inston, N., Moore, S., Kaur, O., Phillips, A.C., Borrows R. (2014). Hypervolemia and Blood Pressure in Prevalent Kidney Transplant Recipients. Transplantation, 98(3):320-7

    • Loerbroks, A, Bosch, J.A., Mommersteeg, P.M.C., Herr, R.M., Angerer, P., Li, J. (2015). The Association of depression and angina pectoris across 47 countries: findings from the 2002 World Health Survey. European Journal of Epidemiology, 29(7):507-15

    • Turner, J.E., Bennett, S.J., Bosch, J.A., Griffiths, H.S, Aldred, S. (2014). Ultra-endurance exercise: unanswered questions in redox biology and immunology. Biochemical Society Transactions, 42(4):989-95

    • Paine, N.J., Ring, C., Bosch, J.A., Drayson, M.T., Aldred, S., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J.J. (2014). Vaccine-induced inflammation attenuates the vascular responses to mental stress. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 93(3):340-8

    • Steinisch, M., Yusuf, R., Li, j., Stalder, T., Bosch, J.A., Rahman, O., Strümpell, C., Ashraf, H., Fischer, J.E., Loerbroks, A. (2014). Work stress and hair cortisol levels among workers in a Bangladeshi ready-made garment factory – results from a cross-sectional study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 50:20-7

    • Herr, R.M., Bosch, J.A., van Vianen, A.E.M., Jarczok, M.N., Thayer, J.F., Li J., Schmidt, B., Fischer, J.E., Loerbroks. A. (2014). Organizational Justice is Related to Heart Rate Variability in White-collar Workers, but not in Blue-collar Workers - Findings From a Cross-Sectional Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, in press

    • Smith, T.W., Uchino, B.N., Bosch, J.A., Kent, R.G. (2014). Trait Hostility is Associated with Systemic Inflammation in Married Couples: An Actor-Partner Analysis. Biological Psychology, 102:51-3


    • Simpson, R.J., Bosch, J.A. (2014). Special issue on Exercise Immunology: current perspectives on aging, health and extreme performance. Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 39:1-7

         Book chapter

    • Bosch, J.A. (2014). The use of saliva markers in psychobiology: mechanisms and methods. Eds: E.C.I Veerman & A.J.M. Ligtenberg. Applications and methods of salivary diagnostics, Karger, Basel, 24:99-108


         Journal publications

    • Uchino, B.N, Bosch, J.A., Smith, T.M., Light, K.L., Birmingham, W., O’Hartaigh, B. (2013). Social support and Cardiovascular Risk: Spousal Ambivalence in Specific Relationship Contexts and its Links to Inflammation. Health Psychology, 32(10):1067-75

    • Long, J.E., Ring, C., Bosch, J.A., Eves, F.F., Drayson, M.T., Calver, R., Say, V.,  Allen, D., Burns, V.E. (2013). A lifestyle physical activity intervention and the antibody response to pneumococcal vaccination in women. Psychosomatic Medicine, 75(8):774-82

    • όHartaigh, B., Thomas, G.N., Bosch, J.A., Hemming , K., Pilz, S., Loerbroks, Fischer, J.E., Silbernagel, G., März, W. (2013). Evaluation of 9 biomarkers for predicting 10-year cardiovascular risk in patients undergoing coronary angiography: Findings from the LUdwigshafen RIsk and Cardiovascular (LURIC) Health study. International Journal of Cardiology, 47(10):821-8

    • Paine, N.J., Ring, C., Aldred, S., Bosch, J.A., Wadley , A.J., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J.J., (2013) Eccentric-exercise induced inflammation attenuates the vascular responses to mental stress. Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 30:133-42

    • Paine, N.J., Ring, C., Bosch, J.A., Drayson, M.T., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J.C. (2013). The time course of the inflammatory response to Salmonella typhi vaccination. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 30:73-9

    • Bauer, M.E., Muller, C.H., Correa, B.L., Vianna, C., Turner, J.E., Bosch, J.A. (2013). Psychoneuroendocrine interventions aimed at attenuating immunosenescence - a review. Biogerontology, 14(1):9-20

    • *Bosch, J.A., ό Hartaigh, B., Carroll, D., Hemming , K., Pilz, S., Loerbroks, Fischer, J.E., März, W., Thomas, G.N. (2013). Evidence of a synergistic association between heart rate, inflammation, and cardiovascular mortality in patients undergoing coronary angiography. European Heart Journal, 34(12):932-41 (*both authors contributed equally, order reversed from published version)

    • LaVoy, E.C., Bosch J.A., Lowder, T.W., Simpson, R.J. (2013). Acute aerobic exercise in humans increases cytokine expression in CD27- but not CD27+ CD8+ T-cells. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 27(1):54-62

    • Jiang, C.Q., Loerbroks, A. , Bosch, J.A., Lam , T.H., Thomas , G.N., Cheng, K.K., Lam , T.H., Zhang, W.S., Adap, P. (2013). Mental Health and Asthma in China: The Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20(2):259-64

    • O'Hartaigh,B., Jiang, C.Q., Bosch, J.A., Zhang, W.Z., Cheng, K.K., Lam, T.H., Thomas, G.N. (2013). Influence of heart rate at rest for predicting the metabolic syndrome in older Chinese adults. Acta Diabetalogica, 50(3):325-31

    • Mauss, D., Jarczok, M., Bosch, J.A., Loerbroks, A., Lithaker, D., Fischer J.F. (2013). Anti-clockwise rotating shift work and health: would you prefer 3-shift or 4-shift operation? Journal of Industrial Medicine, 56(5):599-608

    • Dowd, J.B., Bosch, J.A., Steptoe, A., Blackburn, E., Lin, J., Rees-Clayton, E., Aiello, A.E. (2013). Cytomegalovirus is associated with reduced telomerase activity in the Whitehall II cohort. Experimental Gerontology, 48(4):385-90

    • Paine, N.J., Ring, C., Bosch, J.A., David McIntyre, D., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J.J. (2013). The effect of acute mental stress on limb vasodilation is unrelated to total peripheral resistance. Psychophysiology, 50(7):680-90

    • Stalder, T., Kirschbaum, C., Alexander, N., Bornstein, S.R., Gao, W., Stark, S., Bosch, J.A., Fischer, J.E. (2013). Glucocorticoids in hair and the metabolic syndrome. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 98(6):2573-80

    • Turner, J.E., Bennett S.J., Bosch, J.A., Aldred, S., Griffiths, H.S. (2013). The antioxidant enzyme peroxiredoxin-2 is depleted in lymphocytes 7 days after ultra-endurance exercise. Free Radical Research, 47(10):821-8

    • Thomadaki, K., Bosch, J.A., Oppenheim, F.G., Helmerhorst, E.J. (2013). The diagnostic potential of salivary protease activities in periodontal health and disease. Oral Diseases, 19(8):781-8

    • όHartaigh, B., Thomas, G.N., Silbernagel, G., Bosch, J.A., Pilz, S., Loerbroks, A., Kleber, M.E., Grammer, T.B., Böhm, B.O., März, W. (2013). Association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with type 2 diabetes among patients undergoing coronary angiography: Cross-sectional findings from the LUdwigshafen RIsk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) Study. Clinical Endocrinology, 79(2):192-8

    • Li, J., Loerbroks, A., Bosch, J.A., Wilson, M.G., Mauss, D, Siegrist, J., Fischer, J.E. (2013). Work Stress is Associated with Diabetes and Pre-diabetes: Cross-sectional Results from the MIPH Industrial Cohort Study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20(4):495-503

    • Chan, W., Bosch, J.A., Jones, D., Kaur, O., Inston, N., Moore, S., McClean, A., McTernan, P.G., Harper, L., Phillips, A.C., Borrows, R. (2013). Predictors and Consequences of Fatigue in Prevalent Kidney Transplant Recipients. Transplantation; 96(11):987-94


    • Bosch, J.A., Cano, A. (2013). Disparities and Pain. Health Psychology, 32(11):1115-6

         Book chapters

    • Gleeson, M. & Bosch, J.A. (2013). Stress and the human Immune system. In: M. Gleeson, R.J. Simpson, P. Ansley, L. Bishop (Eds.). Exercise Immunology. Routledge (Taylor & Francis), Oxford, UK. pp. 21-63

    • Bosch, J.A., Rector, J., Riddel, N.E., 'oHartaigh, B.O., Turner, J.E., Moss, P., Burns V.E. (2013). Psychoneuromicrobiology: Cytomegalovirus infection as a putative link between stress, aging and immunity. In: J.A. Bosch, A.C. Phillips & J.M. Lord (Eds.). Immunosenescence: Psychosocial and Behavioral Determinants. Springer, New York, pp 81-100


    • Immunosenescence: Psychosocial and Behavioral Determinants (2013). Eds: J.A. Bosch, A.C. Phillips & J.M. Lord. Springer, New York


         Journal publications

    • O'Hartaigh, B. , Loerbroks, A., Thomas, G.N., Engeland, C.G., Hollands, M.A., Fischer, J.E., Bosch J.A. (2012). Age-dependent and -independent associations between depression, anxiety, DHEAS and cortisol: From the MIPH Industrial Cohort Studies (MICS). Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(7):929-36

    • Paine,N., Bosch,J.A., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J.J. (2012). Inflammation and the vascular responses to acute mental stress: implications for the triggering of myocardial infarction. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 18(11):1494-501

    • Thomas, G.N., Bosch, J.A., O'Hartaigh, B. , Pilz, S., Loerbroks, A., Grammar, T., März, W. (2012). Vitamin D levels and depression predict all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in subjects with the metabolic syndrome: The Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) Study. Diabetes Care, 35(5):1158-64

    • Loerbroks A., Herr, R., Subramanian, S.V., Bosch J.A. (2012). The association of wheezing and asthma with major depressive episodes: an analysis of 245,727 women and men from 57 countries. International Journal of Epidemiology, 41(5):1436-44

    • όHartaigh, B.O., Bosch, J.A., Pilz, S., Loerbroks, A., Kleber, M.E., Grammer, T., Fischer, J.E., Boehm, B.O., Thomas G.N., März, W. (2012). Influence of heart rate at rest on mortality in a German population undergoing coronary angiography: Data from the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) Study. American Journal of Cardiology, 15;110(4):515-20

    • Thomas,G.N., Scragg, S., Jiang, C.Q.,Chan, W., März, W., Pilz, S., Bosch, J.A., Lam, T.H., Cheung, B.H., Cheng , K.K. (2012). Hyperglycaemia and Vitamin D: A Systematic Review. Current Diabetes Reviews, 8(1), 18-31

    • Li, J., Loerbroks, A., Jarczok, M.N., Schollgen, I., Bosch, J.A., Mauss, D, Siegrist, J., Fischer, J.E. (2012) Psychometric properties and differential explanation of a short measureof Effort-Reward Imbalance at work: A study of industrial workers in Germany. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 55:808-815

    • Loerbroks, A. , Bosch, J.A., Thomas , G.N., Lam , T.H., Jiang, C.Q., Cheng, K.K., Lam , T.H., Zhang, W.S., Adap, P.(2012). COPD and Depressive Symptoms: Findings From The Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 44(3):408-15

    • Witard, O.C., Turner, J.E., Jackman, S.R., Tipton, K.D., Jeukendrup, A.E., Kies, A.K., Bosch J.A. (2012). High-intensity exercise training attenuates CD8 + T cell mobilization and egress in response to acute exercise. Med Sci Sport Exerc, 44(9): 1689-1697

    • Solana, R., Rarazona, R., Aiello, A.E., Akbar, A., Appay, V., Beswick, M., Bosch, J.A., Campos, C. Cantisan, S., Cicin-Sain, L., Derhovanessian, E., Dutta, A., Frasca, D., Fulop, T., Gruben-Loebenstein, B. , Hill, A., Kern, F., Larbi, A., Maier, A.B., Mason, G., Melzer, D., McElhaney, J.E.,  Naumova, E., Nikolich-Zugich, J., Riddell, N. E., Rector, J.L., Sansoni, P., Sauce, D., van Lier, R., Wang, G.C., Wills, M.,   Zieliński , M., Pawelec, G. (2013). CMV and Immunosenescence: from basics to clinics. Immunity and Ageing,  31;9(1):23

    • Long, J.E., Ring, C., Drayson, M.T., Bosch, J.A., Campbell, J.P., Bhabra, J., Browne, D., Dawson, J., Harding, S.,Lau, J., Burns, V.E.(2012). Vaccination response following aerobic exercise: Can a brisk walk enhance antibody response to pneumococcal and influenza vaccinations? Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 26(4):680-7

    • όHartaigh, B.O., Bosch, J.A., Thomas G.N., Lord, J.M., Pilz, S., Loerbroks,A., Kleber, M.E., Grammer, T., Fischer, J.E., Boehm, B.O., März, W. (2012) Which leukocyte subsets predict cardiovascular mortality? Data from the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) Study. Atherosclerosis, 224(1):161-9


    • Kazak, A., Bosch, J.A., Klonoff, E.A. (2012). Health Psychology special series on Health Disparities. (Editorial) . Health Psychology , 31(1):1-4

         Book chapters

    • Burns V.E., Anane, L.H., Bosch, J.A. (2012).   Stress and Immunity. In: M. Gellman & J.R. Turner (Eds). Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine .   Springer, New York, pp 1034-1039

    • Bosch, J.A. (2012).   Immune function. In: M. Gellman & J.R. Turner (Eds). Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine .   Springer, New York, pp 1039

    • Bosch, J.A. (2012).   The immune system. In: M. Gellman &J.R. Turner (Eds). Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine .   Springer, New York, pp 1031-1034


         Journal publications

    • Bosch J.A., Veerman, E.C.I., de Geus,E.J., Proctor, G.B. (2011). Salivary α-amylase as a measure of sympathetic activity: don't start salivating just yet! Psychoneuroendocrinology , 36(4):449-53

    • Mommersteeg, P. M., Herr,R., Bosch, J.A., Fischer, J. E., Loerbroks, A. (2011). Type D personality and metabolic syndrome in a 7-year prospective occupational cohort. Journal of Psychosomatic Research , 71(5), 357-363

    • Quested, E.J., Bosch J.A., Burns, V.E., Cumming, J., Ntoumanis, N., Duda, J.L. (2011). Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction,Cognitive Appraisals, and Dancers'Hormonal and Emotional Responses. Journal of Sport andExercise Psychology , 33(6):828-46

    • O'Hartaigh, B ., Bosch, J. A., Jiang, C. Q., Thomas, G.N., Tsvetanov, K. A., Cheng, K. K (2011). Usefulness ofphysical fitnessandthe metabolic syndrometo predict vascular disease risk in older Chinese (fromthe Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study-Cardiovascular Disease Subcohort [GBCS-CVD]). American Journal of  Cardiology , 108(6), 845-850

    • Turner, J.E., Bosch, J.A., Aldred, S. (2011). Assessment of oxidative stress in lymphocytesduring psychological stressand exercise. Biochemical Society Transactions , 39 (5), 1299-1304

    • Wills, M., Akbar, A., Beswick, M., Bosch,J.A., Caruso, C., Colonna-Romano, G., Dutta, A., Franceschi, C., Fulop, T., Gkrania-Klotsas, E., Goronzy, J.,Griffiths, S.J., Henson, S., Herndler-Brandstetter, D., Hill, A., Kern, F., Klenerman, P., Macallan, D., Macualay, R., Maier, A.B., Mason, G., Melzer, D., Morgan, M.,Moss, P.,Nikolich-Zugich, J.,Pachnio,A., Riddell,N., Roberts, R., Sansoni, P., Sauce, D., Sinclair, J.,Solana, R., Strindhall, J., Trzonkowski, P., van Lier, R., Vescovini, R., Wang, G., Westendorp, R., Pawelec, G. (2011). Report from the Second Cytomegalovirus and Immunosenescence Workshop. Immunity and Ageing ,   8, 10-12

    • Bartholomew,K. J., Ntoumanis, N., Ryan, R.M., Bosch, J. A., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C. (2011). Self-determination theory and diminished functioning: the role of interpersonal controland psychological need thwarting. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(11), 1459-1473

    • Turner, J.E., Bosch, J.A., Hodges, N.J., Aldred, S.(2011). Prolonged depletion of antioxidant capacity following ultra-endurance exercise. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise , 43(9): 1770-1776

    • Turner, J.E., Bosch, J.A.,Drayson, M. T., Aldred,S. (2011). Assessment of oxidative stress in lymphocytes following exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology , 111 (1), 206-211

    • Loerbroks, A., Stock, C., Bosch, J. A., Litaker, D. G., & Apfelbacher, C. J. (2011). Influenza vaccination coverage among high-risk groups in 11 European countries. Eur J Public Health , 22(4):562-8

    • O'Hartaigh , B., Zhang, W.S., Bosch,J.A., Cheng, K.K., Jiang, C.Q., Lam , T.H., Thomas , G.N.(2011) I ndependent and combined associationsof abdominalobesity and seated resting heart rate with type 2 diabetes among older Chinese: The Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. Diabetes and Metabolism Researchand Reviews , 27(3):298-306

    • Edwards, K.M., Tomfohr,L.M., Bosch,J.A.,Mills, P.J., Ancoli-Israel, S., Loredo, J.S., Dimsdale, J.E. (2011). Macrophage Migratory Inhibitory Factor (MIF) may be a key factor in Inflammation in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep , 34 (2), 161-3

         Book chapter

    • Bosch, J.A., Engeland, C.M., Burns V.E. (2011).   Assessment of immune function in vivo: methods and principles. In: J. Decety & J.T. Cacioppo (Eds). Handbook of Social Neuroscience.   Oxford University Press, New York, pp 213 - 26


         Journal publications

    • Turner,J.E., Aldred, S.A., Witard,O., Drayson, M.T., Moss, P., Bosch,J.A. (2010).LatentCytomegalovirus infection amplifies CD8 T-lymphocyte mobilisation and egress in response to exercise. Brain, Behavior& Immunity, 24(8):1362-70

    • Redwine, L.S., Wirtz, P.H., Bosch,J.A., Hong, S., Linke, S., Ziegler, M.G., Greenberg, B., Mills, P.J. (2010). Depression as a potential modulator of β-adrenergic associated leukocyte mobilizationin heart failure patients . Journal of the American College of Cardiologists , 16;56(21):1720-7

    • Edwards, K.M., Bosch, J.A., Engeland, C.G., Cacioppo, J.T., Marucha, P.T. (2010). Elevated Macrophage MigrationInhibitory Factor (MIF) is associated with increased depressive symptoms, blunted cortisol reactivity to acute stress, and lowered morning cortisol. Brain, Behavior & Immunity , 24(7):1202-8

    • Loerbroks, A., Apfelbacher, C.J., Bosch, J.A., Stürmer, T. (2010). Work-related stress, inability to relax after work and risk of adult asthma: a population-based cohort study. Allergy , 65(10):1298-305

    • Edwards K.M., Campbell, J.P., Ring, C., Drayson, M.T., Bosch, J.A., Paine, N.J., Burns, V.E. (2010). Exercise intensity does not influence the efficacy of eccentric exerciseas a behavioural adjuvant to vaccination. Brain, Behavior & Immunity , 24(4):623-30

    • Anane, L.E., Burns, V.E., Edwards, K.E., Drayson, M.T., Bosch, J.A. (2010). Phenotypic analysis of γδ T cells mobilized in response to acute psychological stress. Brain, Behavior & Immunity , 24(4):608-14

    • Loerbroks, A.,Apfelbacher, C.J.,Bosch, J.A., Stürmer, T. (2010).Depressive symptoms and low social support as risk factors for of adult asthma: findings from a population-based cohort study. PsychosomaticMedicine , 72(3):309-15

    • Campbell,J.C., Edwards, K.E., Drayson M.T., Bosch, J.A., Burns, V.E. (2010). The effects of vaccine timing on the efficacy of an acute eccentric exercise intervention on the immune response to an influenza vaccine in young adults. Brain, Behavior &Immunity, 24(2):236-42


         Journal publications

    • Bosch, J.A., de Geus, E.J., Carroll, D., Anane, L.E., Helmerhorst, E.J., Goedhart, A.D., Edwards, K.E. (2009). A general enhancement of autonomic and cortisol responses during social evaluative threat. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71: 877-885

    • Anane, L.E., Burns, V.E., Veldhuizen van Zanten, J.J., Riddell, N.E.,Drayson M.T., Mills, P.J., Bosch, J.A. (2009). Mobilization of γδ T cells in response to psychological stress, exercise and β-agonist infusion . Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 23(6):823-9

    • Riddell, N.E., Wallace, G.R., VanStijn , A., van Lier, R.A., Drayson , M.T., Salmon,M., Bosch,J.A. (2009). Selective β-adrenergic receptor expression on human memory CD8 + T lymphocyte subsets regulates mobilization andINF-y production. Inflammation Research, 58: 255-260

    • Campbell, J.C., Burns, V.E., Riddell,N.E., Drayson M.T., Bosch, J.A. (2009). Acute exercise mobilises CD8+ T lymphocytes exhibiting an effector-memory phenotype. Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 23(6):767-75

    • Bosch, J.A., Fischer, J.E., Fischer, J.F. (2009).Psychologically adverse working conditions are associated with CD8 T cell differentiation indicative of immunosenescence. Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 23(4):527-34

    • Helmerhorst, E.J., Sun, X., Bosch J.A., Salih, E., Oppenheim, F.G.(2009). Identification of Lys-Pro-Gln asa novel cleavage site specificity of saliva-associatedproteases. Archives of Oral Biology, 283(29):957-66

    2008 - 1998

    • Bosch, J.A., Veerman, E.C.I. (2008).   Neural regulation of the saliva glandsduringstress and exercise.In: L. Sreebny & A. Vissink (Eds). Dry mouth: A clinical guide.  Blackwell-Munksgaard Publishers, NewYork, pp 213 -26

    • Bosch, J.A., Engeland, G.G., Cacioppo, J.T., Marucha, P.T. (2007). Depressive symptoms predict mucosal wound healing. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69(7) 597-605

    • Edwards, K.M., Burns V. E., Bosch, J.A., Carroll, D.,Drayson, M.T. & Ring, C.M. (2007). Eccentric exercise as an adjuvant to influenza vaccination in humans. Brain, Behavior & Immunity , 21(2):209-17

    • Hawkley, L.C., Bosch, J.A., Engeland, C.G., Marucha, P.T., & Cacioppo, J.T. (2007). Loneliness, dysphoria, stress and immunity: A role for cytokines. In: N. P. Plotnikoff, R. E. Faith, & A. J. Murgo(Eds.), Cytokines: Stress and immunity (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, LA: CRC Press.

    • Engeland, G.G., Bosch, J.A., Cacioppo,J.T., Marucha, P.T. (2006). Mucosal wound healing;the role of age and gender. Annals of Surgery , 141(12):1193-7 (editorial on page 1198)

    • Phillips, A.C.,Carroll, D., Evans, P., Bosch, J.A., Clow, A., Hucklebridge, F. &Der, G. (2006). Stressful life eventsare associated with low secretion rates of immunoglobulinA in saliva in the middle aged and elderly. Brain, Behavior & Immunity , 20(2): 191-197.

    • Bosch, J.A. & Carroll D. (2006). Stress and mucosal secretory immunity. In: E.Fink (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Stress (2nded.).London, United Kingdom: Elsevier.

    • Bosch, J.A. (2006). Stress and infectious diseases. In: A.A. Kaptein, R.Bunderman, J. Dekker, A.J.J.M. Vingerhoets (Eds.), Psychology and Medicine: behavioural medicine (3 rd ed.) (in Dutch). Houten, Bohn, Stafleu vanLoghum. p 193-217

    • Rosenkranz, M.A., Busse, W.W., Johnstone, T., Crisafi, G.M., Bosch, J.A., Sheridan,J.F., Davidson, R.J.(2005). Neural circuitry underlying the interaction betweenemotion and asthma symptom exacerbation. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 102(37):13319-24

    • Bosch, J.A.,Berntson,G.G., Cacioppo, J.T., & Marucha, P.T. (2005). Differential mobilization of functionally distinct Natural Killer subsets during acute psychological stress. Psychosomatic Medicine , 67: 366-375

    • Nyklicek,I., Bosch, J.A., Nieuw Amerongen, A. V. (2005). Hypertensives exhibit a generalized physiological hyperreactivity to psychological stressors. Biological Psychology , 70(1):44-51

    • Bosch, J.A., de Geus, E.J.C., Ring, C., Nieuw Amerongen, A.V. (2004). Academic examinations and immunity: academic stress or examination stress? Psychosomatic Medicine, 53:213-214

    • Teeuw, W., Bosch, J.A., Veerman, E.C.I., Amerongen, A.V. (2004). Neuroendocrine regulation of salivary IgA synthesis and secretion: implications for oral health. Biological Chemistry, 385:1137-1146

    • Bosch, J.A., de Geus,E.J.C., Veerman, E.C.I., Hoogstraten, J., Nieuw Amerongen, A.V. (2003). Innate secretory immunity in response to laboratory stressors that evoke distinctpatterns of cardiac autonomic activity. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65:245-258

    • Bosch, J.A.,Berntson, G.G., Cacioppo, J.T., Dhabhar, F.S., & Marucha, P.T. (2003). Acute stress evokes selective redistribution of T lymphocytes that differ in chemokine receptor expression: A possible pathway linking reactivity with cardiovascular disease. Brain, Behavior & Immunity , 17:251-259

    • Bosch, J.A., Turkenburg, M., Nazmi, K., Ligtenberg, A.J.M., de Geus, E.J.C., Veerman, E.C.I., &Nieuw Amerongen,A.V. (2003). Acute stress as a determinant of saliva-mediated adherence and co-adherence of oral and non-oral microorganisms. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65:604-612

    • Bosch, J.A., Veerman,E.C.I., Turkenburg, M., Hartog, K., Bolscher, J.G.M., & Nieuw Amerongen, A.V. (2003). Arapid fluorimetric assay for determining bacterial adherence using DNA-bindingstains. Journal of Microbiological Methods , 53:51-56

    • Bosch, J.A., Ring, C., deGeus, E.J.C., Veerman, E.C.I., NieuwAmerongen, A.V. (2002). Stress and secretory immunity. International Review of Neurobiology, 52:213-254

    • De Soet, J.J., Gruythuysen, R.J.M.,BoschJ.A., Van Amerongen, W.E. (2002). The effect of 6-monthly application of 40% chlorhexidine varnish on the microflora and dental caries incidence in a population of children in Surinam. Caries Research, 36:449-455

    • Bosch, J.A.(2002). Stress and periodontaldiseases. In: BrandsH. &Ten Kate, M.P. (Eds.), Dental Year Book (in Dutch). Lisse, Swets and Zeitlinger

    • Bosch, J.A., deGeus, E.J.C., Kelder, A.,Veerman, E.C.I., Hoogstraten, J., NieuwAmerongen, A.V. (2001). Differential effects of active versus passive coping onsecretory immunity. Psychophysiology, 38:836-846

    • Bosch, J.A., de Geus, E.J.C., Ligtenberg, A.J.M., Nazmi, K., Veerman, E.C.I., Hoogstraten, J.,Nieuw Amerongen, A.V. (2000). SalivaryMUC5B-mediated adherence of Helicobacter pylori during acute psychological stress. Psychosomatic Medicine, 62:40-49

    • Bosch, J.A., Brand, H.S., Ligtenberg, A.J.M., Hoogstraten, J., Nieuw Amerongen, A.V. (1999). The response of salivary protein levels and S-IgA to an academic examination are associated with daily stress. J Psychophysiology, 12: 384-391

    • Bosch, J.A., Brand, H.S., Ligtenberg, A.J.M., Bermond, B., Hoogstraten, J., Nieuw Amerongen, A.V. (1998). Psychological stress as a determinant of protein levels and salivary-induced aggregation of Streptococcus gordonii in human whole saliva. Psychosomatic Medicine, 58:374-382

  • CV


    2012 -              Associate professor
    Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    2004 - 2011    Assistant professor
    College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK

    2003 - 2004     Research Assistant professor
    Center of Stress and Wound Healing, College of Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

    2001 - 2003     Post-doctoral Fellow
    Institute of Behavioral Medicine Research, Ohio State University, USA

    2001                   PhD ('cum laude')
    Oral biology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    1996                   MSc ('cum laude'),
    Psychology, University of Amsterdam    Majors; Biological Psychology, Clinical Psychology

    Honorary and contracted appointments

    2015 - present: Adjunct Faculty
    Department of Medical Psychology, University Medical Centers Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    2011 - 2018: Senior scientist
    Mannheim Institute of Public Health, Social and Preventive Medicine (MIPH), University of Heidelberg, Germany

    2010 -  2011   Deputy director
    Mannheim Institute of Public Health, Social and Preventive Medicine (MIPH), School of Medicine, University of Heidelberg, Germany

    2010 - 2016: Associate professor
    Department of Health and Human Performance, University of Houston, TX, USA

    2004 - 2010     Associate professor
    College of Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA


        Current PhD supervision

    • Paula Metselaar MSc (2019-2023). Gut-brain-axis and fatigue in chronic inflammatory disorders. (Funding: HealthHolland/NWO; PI Dr Anje te Velde, Amsterdam UMC)

    • Xin Sun, MSc (2021-2025). Assessment and health behavior change using conversational agents. Funding EU H2020, PI

    • Aditya Surikuch, MSc (2021-2025). Assessment and health behavior change using conversational agents. Funding EU H2020, PI

    • Sasha Hulsken, MSc (2016-2020). Cognitive and affective implications of inflammation. Funding: Universitas21 (collaborative funding University of Amsterdam and University of Birmingham) 

         Former PhD students (primary supervisor)

    • Leonie Balter, MSc (2015-2019). Cognitive and affective implications of inflammation. Funding: Universitas21 (collaborative funding University of Amsterdam and University of Birmingham) 
      Current position: Post-doctoral fellow, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

    • Lucienne Reichardt, MSc (2015-2019). Hospitalization-associated disability in acutely hospitalized older patients: from mechanism to intervention. (Joint supervision with Dr Buurman-van EsI) Funding: ZON-Mw
      Current position: Statistical Researcher, Statistics Netherlands (CBS), Den Hague, The Netherlands

    • Raphael Herr, MSc (2011-2015): Organizational justice: contextual determinants and psychobiological consequences. (Funding: Health Vision GmbH)
      Current position: Post-doctoral fellow, Mannheim Institute of Public Health, Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Heidelberg, Germany

    • Jerrald Rector MSc (2010 - 2014) Psychosocial determinants of immunological aging. (Funding: EU fp7, Marie Curie training grant)
      Current position: Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Health and Human Sciences, Purdue University

    • Winnie Chan, MSc (2010 - 2014) Inflammation and fatigue in kidney transplant patients (joint-supervision with Dr Richard Borrows). (Funding: NHS West-Midlands)
      Current position: research associate, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Birmingham, UK

    • Brian O'Hartaigh, PhD (2009 - 2012) Thesis: Psychosocial and behavioural determinants of immunesenescence (Funding: BBSRC)
      Current position: assistant professor, Cornell University, Medical School

    • Andrew McClean, MPhil MD (2009 - 2012) Why are patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis fatigued: cardiovascular impairment, peripheral muscle dysfunction, or central involvement? (Funding: NHS Arthritis Research Council)
      Current position: Doctor in Renal Medicine - Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Birmingham, UK

    • James E Turner PhD (2007 - 2011) Thesis: Exhaustive exercise as a determinant of oxidative stress and immunosenescence
      Current position: assistant professor, University of Bath, Department of Human Performance.

    • Natalie E Riddell PhD (2006 - 2010) Thesis: Adrenergic regulation of T cell function
      Current position: post-doctoral fellow, University College London (UCL), Experimental Immunology

    • Leila H Anane PhD (2005 - 2009) Thesis: Stress lymphocytosis: mechanisms and clinical relevance.
      Current position: teaching staff and assistant manager, Numidia Academy Education and Training.

         Former PhD students (secondary supervisor)

    • Rosanne van Seben (2014 - 2018). The impact of acute hospitalization on older persons; experiences, outcomes and improvements.
      Funding: ZonMw (PI: prof Bianca Buurman-van Es)

    • Benjamin Curzon-Jones (2010 - 2014) The relationship between anxiety and increased falls risk in older adults  (co-supevision with Dr Mark Hollands).
      Funding: MRC/BBSRC New Dynamics of Ageing (PI: Mark Hollands).

    • Nicola Paine PhD (2010 - 2013) Thesis: The effects of inflammation of the vascular responses to acute mental stress (primary supervisor Dr Jet Veldhuizen van Zanten, University of Birmingham)
      Current position: post-doctoral fellow, Duke University, Department of Psychiatry

    • Agirta Zalli PhD (2008 - 2012) Thesis: Stress, catecholamines, and T cell function
      Current position: research associate, University College London (UCL), Department of Epidemiology and Public Health

    • Joann Long PhD (2008 - 2011) Thesis: Psychosocial factors, physical activity status and antibody response to vaccination in healthy and HIV positive populations (primary supervisor Dr Vikki Burns, University of Birmingham)
      Current position: research associate, University of Birmigham School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences

    • John Campbell PhD (2007 - 2010) Thesis: Behavioural adjuvants for vaccination  (primary supervisor Dr Vikki Burns, University of Birmingham)
      Current position: senior research associate, University of Birmigham Medical School

    • Oliver Witard PhD (2006 - 2009) Thesis: Effects of carbohydrate-protein mixtures on exercise performance and recovery (primary supervisor prof. Kevin Tipton)
      Current position: assistant professor (tenured), Stirling University, UK


    • TIMELY: A patient-centered early risk prediction, prevention, and intervention platform to support the continuum of care in coronary artery disease (CAD) using eHealth and artificial intelligence (Role: Coordinator/PI). Funding: EU H2020; amount €5.74M. Period 2020-2025

    • Reducing Loneliness in Mentally Healthy Senior Citizens through Robotic Companionship: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Role: co-applicant). Funding: Health-Holland / NWO; amount 217k; Period 2021-2021

    • TO_AITION: A high-dimensional approach for unwinding immune-metabolic causes of cardiovascular disease-depression multimorbidities (Role: WP-lead/PI). Funding: EU H2020; amount €5.9M. Period 2020-2025

    • Onderbuikgevoel: Implementatie en validatie van ‘Participatory Narrative Inquiry’ bij patiënten met een chronische darmontsteking (Role: copapplicant; PI Dr Anje te Velde); Dutch Stomach, Liver & Gut Foundation; amount €28k; Period 2019-2020

    • My Own Research (MORe): patient-lead research in primary care (Role: WP-lead) Funding: Top-sector Health-Holland/SGF; amount €2.6M. Period 2018-2021

    • Relationship ambivalence and cardiovascular health (Role: co-applicant; PI prof Bert L. Uchino, Univ of Utah). Funding: National Institutes of Health/NHLBI; amount $1.26M; Period 2018 - 2021

    • "The effect of light-therapy on fatigue and psychosocial functioning in long-term survivors of (non-)Hodgkin lymphoma: a randomized controlled trial. (Co-applicant;  PI: prof E.M.A. Bleiker). Funding Dutch Cancer Society / Alpe d’HuZes; amount €446k. Period: 2016-2020


    • Niet-invasieve psychofysiologische analyse middels speekseltesten (PI) Funding: NWO, Amount €40k. Period 2018-2019

    • A virtual reality approach to promote healthy grocery shopping (co-I). Funding: ZonMw-Diabetes fonds; amount €100k; Period 2018-2019 

    • Understanding gut feelings: cognitive effects of probiotic supplementation. (PI) (Funding: Amsterdam Brain & Cognition, Amount €125k). Period 2017-2018

    • "Cognitive Function, Psychological Measures, Quality of Life, and Clinical Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients."  (Funding British Renal Scociety; Amount £30k). Period 2015-2018

    • "Hospitalization-associated disability in acutely hospitalized older patients: from mechanism to intervention. PI: Dr B.M. Buurman-van Es." (Funding ZonMW; Amount €245k) Period: 2015-2019"

    • The effects of multi-species probiotics on fatigue and mood in stable kidney transplant recipients: a randomized controlled trial  Funding: Winclove probiotics; Amount £189, under negotiation). Period 2017 - 2019

    •  "Functional and Migratory characteristics of Virus-Specific T Cells during Stress and Ageing". PI's: Prof Arne Akbar, Dr Natalie Riddell, University College London (UCL). (Funding BBSRC; Amount £576k). Period: 2013-2017

    • "Infectious links between Psychosocial Stress and Aging". PI's: Dr Allison Aiello, Dr Jennifer B. Dowd, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (Funding NIH, RO-1: Amount $1.23M). Period: 2012-2015

    • Neuro-endocrine Networks In Ageing (co-PI); Funding fp-7 Marie Curie ITN; amount €3.1M; Period 2011-2015

    • The relationship between anxiety and increased falls risk in older adults (co-PI). BBSRC/MRC New Dynamics of Aging; amount £176; Period 2011-2013

    • "Behavioral Adjuvants to Improve Pneumococcal Vaccination Efficacy". (Funding: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) PI: Dr Kate M. Edwards, University of California San Diego (UCSD), USA. Period: 2009-2011

    • "Job stress and immune function". PI: Prof Joachim Fischer, Mannheim Institute for Public Health and Social Medicine (MIPH), University of Heidelberg. Contract period: 2010-2011

    • "Marital satisfaction and inflammatory cytokines" (Funding: NIH, RO-1) PI: Dr Bert Uchino, University of Utah, Department of Psychology. Contract period: 2007-2010

    • "Behavioural adjuvants: developing an acute stress protocols to enhance influenza vaccine efficacy" (Funding: Action Medical reseach) co-applicant  PI: Dr Vikki Burns,University of Birmingham, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences. Perod: 2007-2010

    • "Immunobiology of stress and aging" PI: Prof Joachim Fischer, Mannheim Institute for Public Health and Social Medicine (MIPH), University of Heidelberg. Contract period: 2009-2010

    • "Job strain and immune function". PI: Prof Joachim Fischer, Mannheim Institute for Public Health and Social Medicine (MIPH), University of Heidelberg. Contract period: 2007-2009

    • "Effects of carbohydrate-protein mixtures on exercise performance and recovery" (Funding: DSM). co-applicant. PI: Dr Kevin Tipton, University of Stirling. Period: 2006-2009

    • "Supplementing Relaxation and Music for Postoperative Pain" (Funding: NIH RO-1). PI: Prof.Marion Good, Case Western University, Department of Nursing, Cleveland, OH. Contract period: 2002



    2019 - present    Health Psychology Review, Associate Editor

    2015 – 2017        Health Psychology, Special series editor “Implicit processes in Health Psychology”
                                           (with Paschal Sheeran)

    2010 – 2017       Health Psychology, Senior Associate Editor

    2010 – 2013        Open access Epidemiology, editorial board

    2011 – 2014         Brain, Behavior & Immunity, Special Issue editor “Exercise, Health and Immunity”
                                           (with Richard J. Simpson)

    2010 – 2013          Psychological Bulletin, ad hoc Associate Editor

    2012 – 2013          Health Psychology, Special series editor “Disparities in pain”
                                           (with Annmarie Cano)

    2010 – 2011           Health Psychology, Special series editor “Infectious disease disparities” 


    International Advisory Board of the Theories and Techniques of Behaviour Change Project
           Funded by the UK’s Medical Research Council, this project aims to develop a systematic, agreed
           method for linking BCTs to their underlying theoretical mechanisms of action

    Journal reviewer

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA; Psychosomatic Medicine; Psychophysiology ; Biological Psychology; Health Psychology; Journal of Psychosomatic Research; Journal of Psychophysiology; International Journal of Psychophysiology ; Psychoneuroendocrinology ; Journal of Neuroimmunology ; Brain, Behavior and Immunity; European Journal of Oral Sciences; Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology; Stress; Journal of Applied Physiology; Psychological Bulletin; European Journal of Applied Physiology; Hormones and Behavior; FASEB journal; Archives of Oral Biology; Exercise Immunology Reviews; Journal of Virology; Journal of Proteomics Research; Artherosclerosis; PLOS one; Health Psychology Review

    Grant reviewer

    The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); Deutche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC); British Heart Foundation; US-Israel Binational research foundation; National Institutes of Health (NIH); Wellcome trust UK; Research Promotion Foundation Cyprus; Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology

     Professional memberships

    • American Psychosomatic Society (co-chair Membership committee)
    • American Psychological Association (section 38, Health Psychology)
    • PsychoNeuroImmunology Research Society
    • Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research
    • Nederlandse Behavioral Medicine Federatie



  • Publications


    • Ross, M., Aldred, S., Drayson, M. T., Bosch, J. A., & Turner, J. E. (2025). The magnitude of exercise-induced progenitor cell mobilisation and extravasation is positively associated with cardiorespiratory fitness. Experimental Physiology, 110(2), 206-214.


    • Douma, E. R., Wirtz, S., Sestayo Fernandez, M., Schäfer, H., Widdershoven, J. W. M. G., Habibović, M., Peña Gil, C., Bosch, J. A., Schmitz, B., & Kop, W. J. (2024). Patient-reported preferences in eHealth-based cardiac rehabilitation: A qualitative investigation of behavior change techniques, barriers and facilitators. Internet Interventions, 35, Article 100728.
    • Gehlen, J., Li, J., Hourican, C., Tassi, S., Mishra, P. P., Lehtimäki, T., Kähönen, M., Raitakari, O., Bosch, J. A., & Quax, R. (2024). Bias in O-Information Estimation. Entropy, 26(10), Article 837. [details]
    • Hos, C., Tebbens, M., Bezema, T., Bosch, J. A., Kraneveld, A. D., Spooren, C. E. G. M., de Haas, M. C., Stokkers, P. C. F., Duijvestein, M., Bouma, G., & te Velde, A. A. (2024). Using Participatory Narrative Inquiry to Assess Experiences and Self-Experimentation with Diet Interventions in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients. Nutrients, 16(23), Article 4027.
    • Koloi, A., Loukas, V. S., Hourican, C., Sakellarios, A. I., Quax, R., Mishra, P. P., Lehtimäki, T., Raitakari, O. T., Papaloukas, C., Bosch, J. A., März, W., & Fotiadis, D. I. (2024). Predicting early-stage coronary artery disease using machine learning and routine clinical biomarkers improved by augmented virtual data. European Heart Journal - Digital Health, 5(5), 542-550. [details]
    • Sun, X., Liu, Y., De Wit, J., Bosch, J. A., & Li, Z. (2024). Trust by Interface: How Different User Interfaces Shape Human Trust in Health Information from Large Language Models. In CHI 2024 - Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Sytems Article 344 Association for Computing Machinery.
    • Sun, X., Pei, J., de Wit, J., Aliannejadi, M., Krahmer, E., Dobber, J. T. P., & Bosch, J. A. (2024). Eliciting Motivational Interviewing Skill Codes in Psychotherapy with LLMs: A Bilingual Dataset and Analytical Study. In N. Calzolari, M.-Y. Kan, V. Hoste, A. Lenci, S. Sakti, & N. Xue (Eds.), 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC-COLING 2024 - Main Conference Proceedings (pp. 5609-5621). European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
    • Sun, X., Teljeur, I., Li, Z., & Bosch, J. A. (2024). Can a Funny Chatbot Make a Difference? Infusing Humor into Conversational Agent for Behavioral Intervention. In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on ACM Conversational User Interfaces, CUI 2024 Article 3 Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
    • on behalf of the TIMELY consortium, Douma, E. R., Roovers, T., Habibović, M., de Bruijn, G. J., Bosch, J. A., Schmitz, B., & Kop, W. J. (2024). Effectiveness of behavior change techniques in eHealth-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary artery disease: A systematic review: Effective behavior change techniques in eHealth CR. American Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 20, Article 100892.


    • Koloi, A., Loukas, V. S., Sakellarios, A., Bosch, J. A., Quax, R., Nowakowska, K., Tachos, N., Kaźmierski, J., Papaloukas, C., & Fotiadis, D. (2023). A comparison study on creating simulated patient data for individuals suffering from chronic coronary disorders. In 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC): proceedings : Sydney, Australia, 24-27 July 2023 (pp. 3630-3633). IEEE. [details]
    • Pezoulas, V. C., Ehret, G., Bosch, J., Fotiadis, D. I., & Sakellarios, A. (2023). Distilling knowledge from high quality biobank data towards the discovery of risk factors for patients with cardiovascular diseases and depression. In BHI 2023 - IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Proceedings Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
    • Rydin, A. O., Milaneschi, Y., Quax, R., Li, J., Bosch, J. A., Schoevers, R. A., Giltay, E. J., Penninx, B. W. J. H., & Lamers, F. (2023). A network analysis of depressive symptoms and metabolomics. Psychological Medicine, 53(15), 7385-7394. [details]
    • Sun, X., Bosch, J. A., De Wit, J., & Krahmer, E. (2023). Human-in-the-Loop Interaction for continuously Improving Generative Model in Conversational Agent for Behavioral Intervention. In IUI 2023 - Companion Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (pp. 99-101). Association for Computing Machinery.
    • Sun, X., Casula, D., Navaratnam, A., Popp, A., Knopp, F., Busini, G., Wesołowski, J., van Reeth, M., Reich, E., Wiers, R., & Bosch, J. A. (2023). Virtual Support for Real-World Movement: Using Chatbots to Overcome Barriers to Physical Activity. In P. Lukowicz, S. Mayer, J. Koch, J. Shawe-Taylor, & I. Tiddi (Eds.), HHAI 2023: Augmenting Human Intellect: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (pp. 201-214). (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications; Vol. 368). IOS Press. [details]
    • Sun, X., Krahmer, E., de Wit, J., Wiers, R., & Bosch, J. A. (2023). Plug and Play Conversations: The Micro-Conversation Scheme for Modular Development of Hybrid Conversational Agent. In M. Ames, S. Fussell, E. Gilbert, V. Liao, X. Ma, X. Page, M. Rouncefield, V. Singh, & P. Wisniewski (Eds.), CSCW '23 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2023 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing : October 14-18, 2023, Minneapolis, MN, USA (pp. 50-55). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Sun, X., Schmitz, B., & Bosch, J. A. (2023). TIMELY: Providing In-Time and Intelligent Support for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation with 'Patients and Practitioners in the Loop' Interaction. In IUI 2023 - Companion Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (pp. 155-157). Association for Computing Machinery.
    • de Bruin, E. I., Burić, I., Onicas, A., Marasović, D., Milojičić, J., Gadžić, M., Kolanović, M., Slavich, G., & Bosch, J. A. (2023). Absolute beginners: Psychological, neural and immune effects of mindfulness in novice meditators. In PNIRS 2023 Annual Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 114, pp. 57-58). Elsevier.



    • Aarden, J. J., Reijnierse, E. M., van der Schaaf, M., van der Esch, M., Reichardt, L. A., van Seben, R., Bosch, J. A., Twisk, J. W. R., Maier, A. B., Engelbert, R. H. H., Buurman, B. M., & Hospital-ADL study group (2021). Longitudinal Changes in Muscle Mass, Muscle Strength, and Physical Performance in Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults. American Medical Directors Association. Journal, 22(4), 839-845.e1. [details]
    • Andreasson, A., Axelsson, J., Bosch, J. A., & Balter, L. J. T. (2021). Poor sleep quality is associated with worse self-rated health in long sleep duration but not short sleep duration. Sleep Medicine, 88, 262-266. [details]
    • Balter, L. J. T., Raymond, J. E., Aldred, S., Higgs, S., & Bosch, J. A. (2021). Age, BMI, and inflammation: Associations with emotion recognition. Physiology & behavior, 232, Article 113324. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Kolk, D., Aarden, J. J., MacNeil-Vroomen, J. L., Reichardt, L. A., van Seben, R., van der Schaaf, M., van der Esch, M., Twisk, J. W. R., Bosch, J. A., Buurman, B. M., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Hospital-ADL study group (2021). Factors Associated with Step Numbers in Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults: The Hospital-Activities of Daily Living Study. American Medical Directors Association. Journal, 22(2), 425-432. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Mauss, D., Herr, R. M., Jarczok, M. N., Motoc, I., Fischer, J. E., & Bosch, J. A. (2021). The association of cortisol levels with leukocyte distribution is disrupted in the metabolic syndrome. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 15(1), 78-84. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Mauss, D., Volmer-Thole, M., Herr, R., Bosch, J. A., & Fischer, J. E. (2021). Stress at work is associated with intima media thickness in older male employees, independent of other sources of stress perception. Stress - the International Journal on the Biology of Stress, 24(4), 450-457. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Metselaar, P. I., Hos, C., Welting, O., Bosch, J. A., Kraneveld, A. D., de Jonge, W. J., & Te Velde, A. A. (2021). Ambiguity about Splicing Factor 3b Subunit 3 (SF3B3) and Sin3A Associated Protein 130 (SAP130). Cells, 10(3), Article 590. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Metselaar, P. I., Mendoza-Maldonado, L., Li Yim, A. Y. F., Abarkan, I., Henneman, P., te Velde, A. A., Schönhuth, A., Bosch, J. A., Kraneveld, A. D., & Lopez-Rincon, A. (2021). Recursive ensemble feature selection provides a robust mRNA expression signature for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Scientific Reports, 11, Article 4541. [details]
    • Pezoulas, V. C., Sakellarios, A., Kleber, M., Bosch, J. A., Van der Laan, S. W., Lamers, F., Lehtimäki, T., März, W., & Fotiadis, D. I. (2021). A hybrid data harmonization workflow using word embeddings for the interlinking of heterogeneous cross-domain clinical data structures. In IEEE BHI-BSN 2021: 2021 BHI conference proceedings : virtual conference, July 27-30, 2021 (pp. 88-91). (IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics). IEEE. [details]
    • Starreveld, D. E. J., Daniels, L. A., Kieffer, J. M., Valdimarsdottir, H. B., de Geus, J., Lanfermeijer, M., van Someren, E. J. W., Habers, G. E. A., Bosch, J. A., Janus, C. P. M., van Spronsen, D. J., de Weijer, R. J., Marijt, E. W. A., de Jongh, E., Zijlstra, J. M., Böhmer, L. H., Houmes, M., Kersten, M. J., Korse, C. M., ... Bleiker, E. M. A. (2021). Light Therapy for Cancer-Related Fatigue in (Non-)Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Cancers, 13(19), Article 4948. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Vrijkotte, T. G. M., Smeets, J., de Rooij, S. R., & Bosch, J. A. (2021). Maternal long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid status during early pregnancy: Association with child behavioral problems and the role of autonomic nervous system activity. Clinical nutrition, 40(5), 3338-3345. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Aarden, J. J., van der Schaaf, M., van der Esch, M., Reichardt, L. A., van Seben, R., Bosch, J. A., Twisk, J. W. R., Buurman, B. M., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Hospital-ADL study group (2019). Muscle strength is longitudinally associated with mobility among older adults after acute hospitalization: The Hospital-ADL study. PLoS ONE, 14(7), Article e0219041. [details]
    • Balter, L. J. T., Bosch, J. A., Aldred, S., Drayson, M. T., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J. C. S., Higgs, S., Raymond, J. E., & Mazaheri, A. (2019). Selective effects of acute low-grade inflammation on human visual attention. NeuroImage, 202, Article 116098. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Balter, L. J. T., Higgs, S., Aldred, S., Bosch, J. A., & Raymond, J. E. (2019). Inflammation Mediates Body Weight and Ageing Effects on Psychomotor Slowing. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 15727. [details]
    • Balter, L. J. T., Raymond, J. E., Aldred, S., Drayson, M. T., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J. C. S., Higgs, S., & Bosch, J. A. (2019). Loneliness in healthy young adults predicts inflammatory responsiveness to a mild immune challenge in vivo. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 82, 298-301. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Chan, W., Chin, S. H., Whittaker, A. C., Jones, D., Kaur, O., Bosch, J. A., & Borrows, R. (2019). The Associations of Muscle Strength, Muscle Mass, and Adiposity With Clinical Outcomes and Quality of Life in Prevalent Kidney Transplant Recipients. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 29(6), 536-547. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Engeland, C. G., Bosch, J. A., & Rohleder, N. (2019). Salivary biomarkers in psychoneuroimmunology. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 28, 58-65. [details]
    • Herr, R. M., Van Harreveld, F., Uchino, B. N., Birmingham, W. C., Loerbroks, A., Fischer, J. E., & Bosch, J. A. (2019). Associations of ambivalent leadership with distress and cortisol secretion. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 42(2), 265-275. [details]
    • Hospital-ADL study group, Reichardt, L. A., Nederveen, F. E., van Seben, R., Aarden, J. J., van der Schaaf, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., van der Esch, M., Henstra, M. J., Twisk, J. W. R., Bosch, J. A., & Buurman, B. M. (2019). Hopelessness and Other Depressive Symptoms in Adults 70 Years and Older as Predictors of All-Cause Mortality Within 3 Months After Acute Hospitalization: The Hospital-ADL Study: The Hospital-ADL study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 81(5), 477-485. [details]
    • Reichardt, L. A., van Seben, R., Aarden, J. J., van der Esch, M., van der Schaaf, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., Twisk, J. W. R., Bosch, J. A., Buurman, B. M., & Hospital-ADL study group (2019). Trajectories of cognitive-affective depressive symptoms in acutely hospitalized older adults: The hospital-ADL study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 120, 66-73. [details]
    • Ribbink, M. E., van Seben, R., Reichardt, L. A., Aarden, J. J., van der Schaaf, M., van der Esch, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., Twisk, J. W. R., Bosch, J. A., MacNeil Vroomen, J. L., Buurman, B. M., & Hospital-ADL study group (2019). Determinants of Post-acute Care Costs in Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults: The Hospital-ADL Study. American Medical Directors Association. Journal, 20(10), 1300-1306.e1. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Schakel, L., Veldhuijzen, D. S., Crompvoets, P. I., Bosch, J. A., Cohen, S., van Middendorp, H., Joosten, S. A., Ottenhoff, T. H. M., Visser, L. G., & Evers, A. W. M. (2019). Effectiveness of Stress-Reducing Interventions on the Response to Challenges to the Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Review. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 88(5), 274-286. [details]
    • Uchino, B. N., Landvatter, J., Cronan, S., Scott, E., Papadakis, M., Smith, T. W., Bosch, J. A., & Joel, S. (2019). Self-Rated Health and Inflammation: A Test of Depression and Sleep Quality as Mediators. Psychosomatic Medicine, 81(4), 328-332. [details]
    • Uchino, B. N., Scott, E., Kent de Grey, R. G., Hogan, J., Trettevik, R., Cronan, S., Smith, T. W., & Bosch, J. A. (2019). Sleep Quality and Inflammation in Married Heterosexual Couples: an Actor-Partner Analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 26(3), 247-254. [details]
    • Warren, C. M., Tona, K. D., Ouwerkerk, L., van Paridon, J., Poletiek, F., van Steenbergen, H., Bosch, J. A., & Nieuwenhuis, S. (2019). The neuromodulatory and hormonal effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation as evidenced by salivary alpha amylase, salivary cortisol, pupil diameter, and the P3 event-related potential. Brain Stimulation, 12(3), 635-642. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van Dronkelaar, C., Tieland, M., Aarden, J. J., Reichardt, L. A., van Seben, R., van der Schaaf, M., van der Esch, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., Twisk, J. W. R., Bosch, J. A., Buurman, B. M., & Hospital-ADL study group (2019). Decreased Appetite is Associated with Sarcopenia-Related Outcomes in Acute Hospitalized Older Adults. Nutrients, 11(4), Article 932. [details]
    • van Seben, R., Reichardt, L. A., Aarden, J. J., van der Schaaf, M., van der Esch, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., Twisk, J. W. R., Bosch, J. A., Buurman, B. M., & Hospital-ADL study group (2019). The Course of Geriatric Syndromes in Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults: The Hospital-ADL Study. American Medical Directors Association. Journal, 20(2), 152-158.e2. [details]
    • van Seben, R., Reichardt, L. A., Essink, D. R., van Munster, B. C., Bosch, J. A., & Buurman, B. M. (2019). “I Feel Worn Out, as if I Neglected Myself”: Older Patients’ Perspectives on Post-hospital Symptoms After Acute Hospitalization. The Gerontologist, 59(2), 315-326. [details]


    • Balter, L. J. T., Hulsken, S., Aldred, S., Drayson, M. T., Higgs, S., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J. C. S., Raymond, J. E., & Bosch, J. A. (2018). Low-grade inflammation decreases emotion recognition - Evidence from the vaccination model of inflammation. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 73, 216-221. [details]
    • Chan, W., Bosch, J. A., Phillips, A. C., Chin, S. H., Antonysunil, A., Inston, N., Moore, S., Kaur, O., McTernan, P. G., & Borrows, R. (2018). The Associations of Endotoxemia With Systemic Inflammation, Endothelial Activation, and Cardiovascular Outcome in Kidney Transplantation. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 28(1), 13-27. [details]
    • Herr, R. M., Bosch, J. A., Loerbroks, A., Genser, B., Almer, C., van Vianen, A. E. M., & Fischer, J. E. (2018). Organizational justice, justice climate, and somatic complaints: A multilevel investigation. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 111, 15-21. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Herr, R. M., Bosch, J. A., Theorell, T., & Loerbroks, A. (2018). Bidirectional associations between psychological distress and hearing problems: an 18-year longitudinal analysis of the British Household Panel Survey. International journal of audiology, 57(11), 816-824. [details]
    • Loerbroks, A., Bosch, J. A., Sheikh, A., Yamamoto, S., & Herr, R. M. (2018). Reports of wheezing and of diagnosed asthma are associated with impaired social functioning: Secondary analysis of the cross-sectional World Health Survey data. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 105, 52-57. [details]
    • Loerbroks, A., Herr, R. M., Icks, A., & Bosch, J. A. (2018). The association of self-reported diabetes with impaired social functioning in low-, middle- and high-income countries: findings from the World Health Survey. Diabetic medicine, 35(3), 332-338. [details]


    • Dowd, J. B., Bosch, J. A., Steptoe, A., Jayabalasingham, B., Lin, J., Yolken, R., & Aiello, A. E. (2017). Persistent Herpesvirus Infections and Telomere Attrition Over 3 Years in the Whitehall II Cohort. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 216(5), 565-572. [details]
    • Tian, N., Faller, L., Leffler, D. A., Kelly, C. P., Hansen, J., Bosch, J. A., Wei, G., Paster, B. J., Schuppan, D., & Helmerhorst, E. J. (2017). Salivary Gluten Degradation and Oral Microbial Profiles in Healthy Individuals and Celiac Disease Patients. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83(6), Article e03330-16. [details]
    • Visser, L. N. C., Tollenaar, M. S., Bosch, J. A., van Doornen, L. J. P., de Haes, H. C. J. M., & Smets, E. M. A. (2017). Are psychophysiological arousal and self-reported emotional stress during an oncological consultation related to memory of medical information? An experimental study. Stress - the International Journal on the Biology of Stress, 20(1), 103-111. [details]
    • Warren, C. M., van den Brink, R. L., Nieuwenhuis, S., & Bosch, J. A. (2017). Norepinephrine transporter blocker atomoxetine increases salivary alpha amylase. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 78, 233-236. [details]


    • Berntson, G. G., Cacioppo, J. T., & Bosch, J. A. (2016). From homeostasis to allodynamic regulation. In Handbook of Psychophysiology (Fourth Edition ed., pp. 401-426). Cambridge University Press.
    • Chan, W., Jones, D., Bosch, J. A., McPhee, J., Crabtree, N., McTernan, P. G., Kaur, O., Inston, N., Moore, S., McClean, A., Harper, L., Phillips, A. C., & Borrows, R. (2016). Cardiovascular, muscular and perceptual contributions to physical fatigue in prevalent kidney transplant recipients. Transplant international, 29(3), 338-351. [details]
    • Engeland, C. G., Hugo, F. N., Hilgert, J. B., Nascimento, G. G., Junges, R., Lim, H-J., Marucha, P. T., & Bosch, J. A. (2016). Psychological distress and salivary secretory immunity. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 52, 11-17. [details]
    • Herr, R. M., Loerbroks, A., Bosch, J. A., Seegel, M., Schneider, M., & Schmidt, B. (2016). Associations of Organizational Justice with Tinnitus and the Mediating Role of Depressive Symptoms and Burnout: Findings from a Cross-sectional Study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(2), 190-197. Advance online publication. [details]
    • McClean, A., Morgan, M. D., Basu, N., Bosch, J. A., Nightingale, N., Jones, D., & Harper, L. (2016). Physical Fatigue, Fitness and Muscle Function in Patients with Anti-neutrophil Cytoplasm Antibody-Associated Vasculitis. Arthritis Care & Research, 68(9), 1332-1339. [details]
    • Reichardt, L. A., Aarden, J. J., van Seben, R., van der Schaaf, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., Bosch, J. A., Buurman, B. M., & Hospital-ADL study group (2016). Unravelling the potential mechanisms behind hospitalization-associated disability in older patients: The Hospital-Associated Disability and impact on daily Life (Hospital-ADL) cohort study protocol. BMC geriatrics, 16, Article 59. [details]
    • Sheeran, P., Bosch, J. A., Crombez, G., Hall, P. A., Harris, J. L., Papies, E. K., & Wiers, R. W. (2016). Implicit processes in health psychology: Diversity and promise. Health Psychology, 35(8), 761-766. [details]
    • Turner, J. E., Wadley, A. J., Aldred, S., Fisher, J. P., Bosch, J. A., & Campbell, J. P. (2016). Intensive Exercise Does Not Preferentially Mobilize Skin-Homing T Cells and NK Cells. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 48(7), 1285-1293. [details]
    • Visser, L. N. C., Tollenaar, M. S., Bosch, J. A., van Doornen, L. J. P., de Haes, H. C. J. M., & Smets, E. M. A. (2016). Analogue patients’ self-reported engagement and psychophysiological arousal in a video-vignettes design: Patients versus disease-naïve individuals. Patient Education and Counseling, 99(10), 1724-1732. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Warren, C. M., Eldar, E., van den Brink, R. L., Tona, K-D., van der Wee, N. J., Giltay, E. J., van Noorden, M. S., Bosch, J. A., Wilson, R. C., Cohen, J. D., & Nieuwenhuis, S. (2016). Catecholamine-Mediated Increases in Gain Enhance the Precision of Cortical Representations. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(21), 5699-5708. [details]


    • Arens, R., Remmerswaal, E. B. M., Bosch, J. A., & van Lier, R. A. W. (2015). 5th International Workshop on CMV and Immunosenescence: a shadow of cytomegalovirus infection on immunological memory. European journal of immunology, 45(4), 954-957. [details]
    • Gheitasi, H., Kostov, B., Solans, R., Fraile, G., Suárez-Cuervo, C., Casanovas, A., Rascón, F. J., Qanneta, R., Pérez-Alvarez, R., Ripoll, M., Akasbi, M., Pinilla, B., Bosch, J. A., Nava-Mateos, J., Díaz-López, B., Morera-Morales, M. L., Retamozo, S., Ramos-Casals, M., Brito-Zerón, P., & SS Study Group, Autoimmune Diseases Study Group (GEAS), Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) (2015). How are we treating our systemic patients with primary Sjögren syndrome? Analysis of 1120 patients. International immunopharmacology, 27(2), 194-199. [details]
    • Herr, R. M., Bosch, J. A., Loerbroks, A., van Vianen, A. E. M., Jarczok, M. N., Fischer, J. E., & Schmidt, B. (2015). Three job stress models and their relationship with musculoskeletal pain in blue- and white-collar workers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 79(5), 340-347. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Herr, R. M., Bosch, J. A., van Vianen, A. E. M., Jarczok, M. N., Thayer, J. F., Li, J., Schmidt, B., Fischer, J. E., & Loerbroks, A. (2015). Organizational justice is related to heart rate variability in white-collar workers, but not in blue-collar workers - findings from a cross-sectional study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 49(3), 434-448. [details]
    • Herr, R. M., Loerbroks, A., van Vianen, A. E. M., Hoffmann, K., Fischer, J. E., & Bosch, J. A. (2015). Injustice at work and leukocyte glucocorticoid sensitivity: findings from a cross-sectional study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 77(5), 527-538. [details]
    • LaVoy, E. C. P., Bollard, C. M., Hanley, P. J., Blaney, J. W., O'Connor, D. P., Bosch, J. A., & Simpson, R. J. (2015). A single bout of dynamic exercise enhances the expansion of MAGE-A4 and PRAME-specific cytotoxic T-cells from healthy adults. Exercise Immunology Review, 21, 144-153. [details]
    • LaVoy, E. C. P., Bollard, C. M., Hanley, P. J., O'Connor, D. P., Lowder, T. W., Bosch, J. A., & Simpson, R. J. (2015). A single bout of dynamic exercise by healthy adults enhances the generation of monocyte-derived-dendritic cells. Cellular immunology, 295(1), 52-59. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Lacourt, T. E., Houtveen, J. H., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J. C. S., Bosch, J. A., Drayson, M. T., & van Doornen, L. J. (2015). Negative affectivity predicts decreased pain tolerance during low-grade inflammation in healthy women. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 44, 32-36. [details]
    • Loerbroks, A., Herr, R. M., Li, J., Bosch, J. A., Seegel, M., Schneider, M., Angerer, P., & Schmidt, B. (2015). The association of effort-reward imbalance and asthma: findings from two cross-sectional studies. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 88(3), 351-358. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Loerbroks, A., Li, J., Bosch, J. A., Herr, R. M., & Angerer, P. (2015). Personality and risk of adult asthma in a prospective cohort study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 79(1), 13-17. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Nagy, T., van Lien, R., Willemsen, G., Proctor, G., Effting, M., Fülöp, M., Bárdos, G., Veerman, E. C. I., & Bosch, J. A. (2015). A fluid response: alpha-amylase reactions to acute laboratory stress are related to sample timing and saliva flow rate. Biological Psychology, 109, 111-119. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Paine, N. J., Bosch, J. A., Ring, C., Drayson, M. T., & Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J. C. S. (2015). Induced mild systemic inflammation is associated with impaired ability to improve cognitive task performance by practice. Psychophysiology, 52(3), 333-341. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Rector, J. L., Thomas, G. N., Burns, V. E., Dowd, J. B., Herr, R. M., Moss, P. A., Jarczok, M. N., Hoffman, K., Fischer, J. E., & Bosch, J. A. (2015). Elevated HbA1c levels and the accumulation of differentiated T cells in CMV+ individuals. Diabetologia, 58(11), 2596-2605. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Riddell, N. E., Burns, V. E., Graham, G. R., Edwards, K. M., Drayson, M., Redwine, L. S., Hong, S., Bui, J. C., Fischer, J. C., Mills, P. J., & Bosch, J. A. (2015). Progenitor cells are mobilized by acute psychological stress but not beta-adrenergic receptor agonist infusion. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 49, 49-53. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Schmidt, B., Bosch, J. A., Jarczok, M. N., Herr, R. M., Loerbroks, A., van Vianen, A. E. M., & Fischer, J. E. (2015). Effort-reward imbalance is associated with the metabolic syndrome — Findings from the Mannheim Industrial Cohort Study (MICS). International Journal of Cardiology, 178, 24-28. [details]
    • Smeijers, L., Szabó, B. M., van Dammen, L., Wonnink, W., Jakobs, B. S., Bosch, J. A., & Kop, W. J. (2015). Emotional, neurohormonal and hemodynamic responses to mental stress in Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy. The American journal of cardiology, 115(11), 1580-1586. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Steenbergen, L., Sellaro, R., van Hemert, S., Bosch, J. A., & Colzato, L. S. (2015). A randomized controlled trial to test the effect of multispecies probiotics on cognitive reactivity to sad mood. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 48, 258-264. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Zalli, A., Bosch, J. A., Goodyear, O., Riddell, N., McGettrick, H. M., Moss, P., & Wallace, G. R. (2015). Targeting β2 adrenergic receptors regulate human T cell function directly and indirectly. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 45, 211-218. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Chan, W., Bosch, J. A., Jones, D., McTernan, P. G., Inston, N., Moore, S., Kaur, O., Phillips, A. C., & Borrows, R. (2014). Hypervolemia and blood pressure in prevalent kidney transplant recipients. Transplantation, 98(3), 320-327. [details]
    • Chan, W., Bosch, J. A., Jones, D., McTernan, P. G., Phillips, A. C., & Borrows, R. (2014). Obesity in kidney transplantation. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 24(1), 1-12. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Herr, R. M., Li, J., Bosch, J. A., Schmidt, B., DeJoy, D. M., Fischer, J. E., & Loerbroks, A. (2014). Psychometric properties of a German organizational justice questionnaire (G-OJQ) and its association with self-rated health: findings from the Mannheim Industrial Cohort Studies (MICS). International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 87(1), 85-93. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Janicki-Deverts, D., Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Marsland, A. L., & Bosch, J. (2014). Childhood environments and cytomegalovirus serostatus and reactivation in adults. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 40, 174-181. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Loerbroks, A., Bosch, J. A., Douwes, J., Angerer, P., & Li, J. (2014). Job insecurity is associated with adult asthma in Germany during Europe’s recent economic crisis: a prospective cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 68(12), 1196-1199. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Loerbroks, A., Bosch, J. A., Mommersteeg, P. M. C., Herr, R. M., Angerer, P., & Li, J. (2014). The association of depression and angina pectoris across 47 countries: findings from the 2002 World Health Survey. European Journal of Epidemiology, 29(7), 507-515. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Luz Correa, B., Ornaghi, A. P., Cerutti Muller, G., Engroff, P., Pestana Lopes, R., Gomes da Silva Filho, I., Bosch, J. A., Bonorino, C., & Bauer, M. E. (2014). The inverted CD4:CD8 ratio is associated with cytomegalovirus, poor cognitive and functional states in older adults. Neuroimmunomodulation, 21(4), 206-212. [details]
    • Paine, N. J., Ring, C., Bosch, J. A., Drayson, M. T., Aldred, S., & Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J. C. S. (2014). Vaccine-induced inflammation attenuates the vascular responses to mental stress. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 93(3), 340-348. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Rector, J. L., Dowd, J. B., Loerbroks, A., Burns, V. E., Moss, P. A., Jarczok, M. N., Stalder, T., Hoffman, K., Fischer, J. E., & Bosch, J. A. (2014). Consistent associations between measures of psychological stress and CMV antibody levels in a large occupational sample. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 38, 133-141. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Schmidt, B., Loerbroks, A., Herr, R. M., Wilson, M. G., Jarczok, M. N., Litaker, D., Mauss, D., Bosch, J. A., & Fischer, J. E. (2014). Associations between supportive leadership and employees self-rated health in an occupational sample. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21(5), 750-756. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Smith, T. W., Uchino, B. N., Bosch, J. A., & Kent, R. G. (2014). Trait hostility is associated with systemic inflammation in married couples: An actor-partner analysis. Biological Psychology, 102, 51-53. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Steinisch, M., Yusuf, R., Li, J., Stalder, T., Bosch, J. A., Rahman, O., Strümpell, C., Ashraf, H., Fischer, J. E., & Loerbroks, A. (2014). Work stress and hair cortisol levels among workers in a Bangladeshi ready-made garment factory - results from a cross-sectional study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 50, 20-27. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Turner, J. E., Bennett, S. J., Bosch, J. A., Griffiths, H. S., & Aldred, S. (2014). Ultra-endurance exercise: unanswered questions in redox biology and immunology. Biochemical Society Transactions, 42(4), 989-995. [details]
    • Turner, J. E., Campbell, J. P., Edwards, K. M., Howarth, L. J., Pawelec, G., Aldred, S., Moss, P., Drayson, M. T., Burns, V. E., & Bosch, J. A. (2014). Rudimentary signs of immunosenescence in Cytomegalovirus-seropositive healthy young adults. Age, 36(1), 287-297. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Witard, O. C., Turner, J. E., Jackmann, S. R., Kies, A. K., Jeukendrup, A. E., Bosch, J. A., & Tipton, K. D. (2014). High dietary protein restores overreaching induced impairments in leukocyte trafficking and reduces the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection in elite cyclists. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 39, 211-219. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Bauer, M. E., Muller, G. C., Correa, B. L., Vianna, P., Turner, J. E., & Bosch, J. A. (2013). Psychoneuroendocrine interventions aimed at attenuating immunosenescence: a review. Biogerontology, 14(1), 9-20. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Bosch, J. A. (2013). Immune function. In M. Gellman, & J. R. Turner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine (pp. 1031-1034). Springer. [details]
    • Bosch, J. A. (2013). Immunity. In M. Gellman, & J. R. Turner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine (pp. 1039). Springer. [details]
    • Bosch, J. A., Rector, J. L., Turner, J. E., Riddell, N. E., O'Hartaigh, B., & Burns, V. E. (2013). Psychoneuromicrobiology: Cytomegalovirus infection as a putative link between stress, aging, and immunity. In J. A. Bosch, A. C. Phillips, & J. M. Lord (Eds.), Immunosenescence: psychosocial and behavioral determinants (pp. 81-100). Springer. [details]
    • Bosch, J. A., ÓHartaigh, B., Carroll, D., Hemming, K., Pilz, S., Loerbroks, A., Kleber, M. E., Grammer, T. B., Fischer, J. E., Boehm, B. O., März, W., & Thomas, G. N. (2013). Evidence of a synergistic association between heart rate, inflammation, and cardiovascular mortality in patients undergoing coronary angiography. European Heart journal, 34(12), 932-941. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Burns, V. E., Bosch, J. A., & Anane, L. (2013). Immune responses to stress. In M. Gellman, & J. R. Turner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine (pp. 1034-1039). Springer. [details]
    • Chan, W., Bosch, J. A., Jones, D., Kaur, O., Inston, N., Moore, S., McClean, A., McTernan, P. G., Harper, L., Phillips, A. C., & Borrows, R. (2013). Predictors and consequences of fatigue in prevalent kidney transplant recipients. Transplantation, 96(11), 987-994. [details]
    • Chan, W., Ward, D. G., McClean, A., Bosch, J. A., Jones, D., Kaur, O., Drayson, M., Whitelegg, A., Iqbal, T., McTernan, P. G., Tselepis, C., & Borrows, R. (2013). The role of hepcidin-25 in kidney transplantation. Transplantation, 95(11), 1390-1395. [details]
    • Dowd, J. B., Bosch, J. A., Steptoe, A., Blackburn, E. H., Lin, J., Rees-Clayton, E., & Aiello, A. E. (2013). Cytomegalovirus is associated with reduced telomerase activity in the Whitehall II cohort. Experimental gerontology, 48(4), 385-390. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Gleeson, M., & Bosch, J. (2013). The human immune system. In M. Gleeson, N. Bishop, & N. Walsh (Eds.), Exercise immunology (pp. 21-63). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [details]
    • Jiang, C. Q., Loerbroks, A., Lam, K. H., Bosch, J. A., Thomas, G. N., Zhang, W. S., Cheng, K. K., Lam, T. H., & Adab, P. (2013). Mental health and asthma in China: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20(2), 259-264. Advance online publication. [details]
    • LaVoy, E. C., Bosch, J. A., Lowder, T. W., & Simpson, R. J. (2013). Acute aerobic exercise in humans increases cytokine expression in CD27- but not CD27+ CD8+ T-cells. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 27(1), 54-62. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Li, J., Jarczok, M. N., Loerbroks, A., Schöllgen, I., Siegrist, J., Bosch, J. A., Wilson, M. G., Mauss, D., & Fischer, J. E. (2013). Work stress is associated with diabetes and pre-diabetes: cross-sectional results from the MIPH Industrial Cohort Studies. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20(4), 495-503. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Long, J. E., Ring, C., Bosch, J. A., Eves, F., Drayson, M. T., Calver, R., Say, V., Allen, D., & Burns, V. E. (2013). A life-style physical activity intervention and the antibody response to pneumococcal vaccination in women. Psychosomatic Medicine, 75(8), 774-782. [details]
    • Mauss, D., Litaker, D., Jarczok, M. N., Li, J., Bosch, J. A., & Fischer, J. E. (2013). Anti-clockwise rotating shift work and health: would you prefer 3-shift or 4-shift operation? American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 56(5), 599-608. Advance online publication. [details]
    • O'Hartaigh, B., Thomas, G. N., Silbernagel, G., Bosch, J. A., Pilz, S., Loerbroks, A., Kleber, M. E., Grammer, T. B., Böhm, B. O., & März, W. (2013). Association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with type 2 diabetes among patients undergoing coronary angiography: cross-sectional findings from the LUdwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) Study. Clinical endocrinology, 79(2), 192-198. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Paine, N. J., Ring, C., Aldred, S., Bosch, J. A., Wadley, A. J., & Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J. C. S. (2013). Eccentric-exercise induced inflammation attenuates the vascular responses to mental stress. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 30, 133-142. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Paine, N. J., Ring, C., Bosch, J. A., Drayson, M. T., & Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J. C. S. (2013). The time course of the inflammatory response to the Salmonella typhi vaccination. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 30, 73-79. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Paine, N. J., Ring, C., Bosch, J. A., McIntyre, D., & Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J. C. S. (2013). The effect of acute mental stress on limb vasodilation is unrelated to total peripheral resistance. Psychophysiology, 50(7), 680-690. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Solana, R., Tarazona, R., Aiello, A. E., Akbar, A. N., Appay, V., Beswick, M., Bosch, J. A., Campos, C., Cantisán, S., Cicin-Sain, L., Derhovanessian, E., Ferrando-Martínez, S., Frasca, D., Fulöp, T., Govind, S., Gruben-Loebenstein, B., Hill, A., Hurme, M., Kern, F., ... Pawelec, G. (2013). CMV and immunosenescence: from basics to clinics. Immunity & Ageing, 9, 23. [details]
    • Stalder, T., Kirschbaum, C., Alexander, N., Bornstein, S. R., Gao, W., Miller, R., Stark, S., Bosch, J. A., & Fischer, J. E. (2013). Cortisol in hair and the metabolic syndrome. Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 98(6), 2573-2580. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Thomadaki, K., Bosch, J. A., Oppenheim, F. G., & Helmerhorst, E. J. (2013). The diagnostic potential of salivary protease activities in periodontal health and disease. Oral Diseases, 19(8), 781-788. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Turner, J. E., Bennet, S. J., Campbell, J. P., Bosch, J. A., Aldred, S., & Griffiths, H. S. (2013). The antioxidant enzyme peroxiredoxin-2 is depleted in lymphocytes seven days after ultra-endurance exercise. Free radical research, 47(10), 821-828. [details]
    • Uchino, B. N., Bosch, J. A., Smith, T. W., Carlisle, M., Birmingham, W., Bowen, K. S., Light, K. C., & O'Hartaigh, B. (2013). Relationships and cardiovascular risk: perceived spousal ambivalence in specific relationship contexts and its links to inflammation. Health Psychology, 32(10), 1067-1075. [details]
    • ó Hartaigh, B., Jiang, C. Q., Bosch, J. A., Zhang, W. S., Cheng, K. K., Lam, T. H., & Thomas, G. N. (2013). Influence of heart rate at rest for predicting the metabolic syndrome in older Chinese adults. Acta diabetologica, 50(3), 325-331. Advance online publication. [details]
    • ó Hartaigh, B., Thomas, G. N., Bosch, J. A., Hemming, K., Pilz, S., Loerbroks, A., Kleber, M. E., Grammer, T. B., Fischer, J. E., Silbernagel, G., Tomaschitz, A., & März, W. (2013). Evaluation of 9 biomarkers for predicting 10-year cardiovascular risk in patients undergoing coronary angiography: Findings from the LUdwigshafen RIsk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) study. International Journal of Cardiology, 168(3), 2609-2615. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Kazak, A. E., Bosch, J., & Klonoff, E. A. (2012). Health Psychology special series on health disparities. Health Psychology, 31(1), 1-4. [details]
    • Li, J., Loerbroks, A., Jarczok, M. N., Schöllgen, I., Bosch, J. A., Mauss, D., Siegrist, J., & Fischer, J. E. (2012). Psychometric properties and differential explanation of a short measure of effort-reward imbalance at work: A study of industrial workers in Germany. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 55(9), 808-815. [details]
    • Loerbroks, A., Herr, R. M., Subramanian, S. V., & Bosch, J. A. (2012). The association of asthma and wheezing with major depressive episodes: an analysis of 245 727 women and men from 57 countries. International Journal of Epidemiology, 41(5), 1436-1444. [details]
    • Loerbroks, A., Jiang, C. Q., Thomas, G. N., Adab, P., Zhang, W. S., Lam, K. H., Bosch, J. A., Cheng, K. K., & Lam, T. H. (2012). COPD and depressive symptoms: findings from the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 44(3), 408-415. [details]
    • Loerbroks, A., Stock, C., Bosch, J. A., Litaker, D. G., & Apfelbacher, C. J. (2012). Influenza vaccination coverage among high-risk groups in 11 European countries. European Journal of Public Health, 22(4), 562-568. [details]
    • Long, J. E., Ring, C., Drayson, M., Bosch, J., Campbell, J. P., Bhabra, J., Browne, D., Dawson, J., Harding, S., Lau, J., & Burns, V. E. (2012). Vaccination response following aerobic exercise: Can a brisk walk enhance antibody response to pneumococcal and influenza vaccinations? Brain, behavior, and immunity, 26(4), 680-687. [details]
    • Paine, N. J., Bosch, J. A., & Veldhuijzen Van Zanten, J. J. C. S. (2012). Inflammation and vascular responses to acute mental stress: implications for the triggering of myocardial infarction. Current pharmaceutical design, 18(11), 1494-1501. [details]
    • Thomas, G. N., Scragg, R., Jiang, C. Q., Chan, W., März, W., Pilz, S., Kim, H. C., Tomlinson, B., Bosch, J., Lam, T. H., Cheung, B. M. Y., & Cheng, K. K. (2012). Hyperglycaemia and vitamin D: a systematic overview. Current diabetes reviews, 8(1), 18-31. [details]
    • Thomas, G. N., ó Hartaigh, B., Bosch, J. A., Pilz, S., Loerbroks, A., Kleber, M. E., Fischer, J. E., Grammer, T. B., Böhm, B. O., & März, W. (2012). Vitamin D levels predict all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in subjects with the metabolic syndrome: The Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) study. Diabetes care, 35(5), 1158-1164. [details]
    • Witard, O. C., Turner, J. E., Jackman, S. R., Tipton, K. D., Jeukendrup, A. E., Kies, A. K., & Bosch, J. A. (2012). High-intensity training reduces CD8+ T-cell redistribution in response to exercise. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 44(9), 1689-1697. [details]
    • ó Hartaigh, B., Bosch, J. A., Pilz, S., Loerbroks, A., Kleber, M. E., Grammer, T. B., Fischer, J. E., Boehm, B. O., Thomas, G. N., & März, W. (2012). Influence of resting heart rate on mortality in patients undergoing coronary angiography (from the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) Study). The American journal of cardiology, 110(4), 515-520. [details]
    • ó Hartaigh, B., Bosch, J. A., Thomas, G. N., Lord, J. M., Pilz, S., Loerbroks, A., Kleber, M. E., Grammer, T. B., Fischer, J. E., Boehm, B. O., & März, W. (2012). Which leukocyte subsets predict cardiovascular mortality? From the LUdwigshafen RIsk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) Study. Atherosclerosis, 224(1), 161-169. [details]
    • ó Hartaigh, B., Loerbroks, A., Thomas, G. N., Engeland, C. G., Hollands, M. A., Fischer, J. E., & Bosch, J. A. (2012). Age-dependent and -independent associations between depression, anxiety, DHEAS and cortisol: From the MIPH Industrial Cohort Studies (MICS). Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(7), 929-936. [details]


    • Bartholomew, K. J., Ntoumanis, N., Ryan, R. M., Bosch, J. A., & Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C. (2011). Self-determination theory and diminished functioning: the role of interpersonal control and psychological need thwarting. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(11), 1459-73.
    • Bosch, J. A., Veerman, E. C. I., de Geus, E. J., & Proctor, G. B. (2011). α-Amylase as a reliable and convenient measure of sympathetic activity: don't start salivating just yet! Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36(4), 449-453. [details]
    • Edwards, K. M., Tomfohr, L. M., Mills, P. J., Bosch, J. A., Ancoli-Israel, S., Loredo, J. S., & Dimsdale, J. (2011). Macrophage Migratory Inhibitory Factor (MIF) May Be a Key Factor in Inflammation in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep, 34(2), 161-163. [details]
    • O'Hartaigh, B., Jiang, C. Q., Thomas, G. N., Tsvetanov, K. A., Bosch, J. A., Cheng, K. K., & Lam, T. H. (2011). Usefulness of physical fitness and the metabolic syndrome to predict vascular disease risk in older Chinese (from the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study-Cardiovascular Disease Subcohort [GBCS-CVD]). The American journal of cardiology, 108(6), 845-50.
    • Quested, E., Bosch, J. A., Burns, V. E., Cumming, J., Ntoumanis, N., & Duda, J. L. (2011). Basic psychological need satisfaction, stress-related appraisals, and dancers' cortisol and anxiety responses. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 33(6), 828-846. [details]
    • Turner, J. E., Bosch, J. A., & Aldred, S. (2011). Measurement of exercise-induced oxidative stress in lymphocytes. Biochemical Society Transactions, 39(5), 1299-1304. [details]
    • Turner, J. E., Bosch, J. A., Drayson, M. T., & Aldred, S. (2011). Assessment of oxidative stress in lymphocytes with exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 111(1), 206-211. [details]
    • Turner, J. E., Hodges, N. J., Bosch, J. A., & Aldred, S. (2011). Prolonged depletion of antioxidant capacity after ultraendurance exercise. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 43(9), 1770-6.
    • ó Hartaigh, B., Jiang, C. Q., Bosch, J. A., Zhang, W. S., Cheng, K. K., Lam, T. H., & Thomas, G. N. (2011). Independent and combined associations of abdominal obesity and seated resting heart rate with type 2 diabetes among older Chinese: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 27(3), 298-306.


    • Anane, L. H., Edwards, K. M., Burns, V. E., Van Zanten, J. J. C. S. V., Drayson, M. T., & Bosch, J. A. (2010). Phenotypic characterization of gammadelta T cells mobilized in response to acute psychological stress. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 24(4), 608-614.
    • Campbell, J. P., Edwards, K. M., Ring, C., Drayson, M. T., Bosch, J. A., Inskip, A., Long, J. E., Pulsford, D., & Burns, V. E. (2010). The effects of vaccine timing on the efficacy of an acute eccentric exercise intervention on the immune response to an influenza vaccine in young adults. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 24(2), 236-42.
    • Edwards, K. M., Bosch, J. A., Engeland, C. G., Cacioppo, J. T., & Marucha, P. T. (2010). Elevated macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is associated with depressive symptoms, blunted cortisol reactivity to acute stress, and lowered morning cortisol. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 24(7), 1202-8.
    • Edwards, K. M., Campbell, J. P., Ring, C., Drayson, M. T., Bosch, J. A., Downes, C., Long, J. E., Lumb, J. A., Merry, A., Paine, N. J., & Burns, V. E. (2010). Exercise intensity does not influence the efficacy of eccentric exercise as a behavioural adjuvant to vaccination. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 24(4), 623-30.
    • Loerbroks, A., Apfelbacher, C. J., Bosch, J. A., & Stürmer, T. (2010). Depressive symptoms, social support, and risk of adult asthma in a population-based cohort study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72(3), 309-15.
    • Loerbroks, A., Gadinger, M. C., Bosch, J. A., Stürmer, T., & Amelang, M. (2010). Work-related stress, inability to relax after work and risk of adult asthma: a population-based cohort study. Allergy, 65(10), 1298-305.
    • Redwine, L. S., Wirtz, P. H., Hong, S., Bosch, J. A., Ziegler, M. G., Greenberg, B., & Mills, P. J. (2010). Depression as a potential modulator of Beta-adrenergic-associated leukocyte mobilization in heart failure patients. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 56(21), 1720-1727.
    • Turner, J. E., Aldred, S., Witard, O. C., Drayson, M. T., Moss, P. M., & Bosch, J. A. (2010). Latent cytomegalovirus infection amplifies CD8 T-lymphocyte mobilisation and egress in response to exercise. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 24(8), 1362-70.


    • Anane, L. H., Edwards, K. M., Burns, V. E., Drayson, M. T., Riddell, N. E., Van Zanten, J. J. C. S. V., Wallace, G. R., Mills, P. J., & Bosch, J. A. (2009). Mobilization of gammadelta T lymphocytes in response to psychological stress, exercise, and beta-agonist infusion. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 23(6), 823-829.
    • Bosch, J. A., Fischer, J. E., & Fischer, J. C. (2009). Psychologically adverse work conditions are associated with CD8+ T cell differentiation indicative of immunesenescence. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 23(4), 527-34.
    • Bosch, J. A., de Geus, E. J. C., Carroll, D., Goedhart, A. D., Anane, L. A., van Zanten, J. J. V., Helmerhorst, E. J., & Edwards, K. M. (2009). A general enhancement of autonomic and cortisol responses during social evaluative threat. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71(8), 877-85.
    • Campbell, J. P., Riddell, N. E., Burns, V. E., Turner, M., Van Zanten, J. J. C. S. V., Drayson, M. T., & Bosch, J. A. (2009). Acute exercise mobilises CD8+ T lymphocytes exhibiting an effector-memory phenotype. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 23(6), 767-775.
    • Campese, M., Sun, X., Bosch, J. A., Oppenheim, F. G., & Helmerhorst, E. J. (2009). Concentration and fate of histatins and acidic proline-rich proteins in the oral environment. Archives of Oral Biology, 54(4), 345-53.


    • Bosch, J. A., & Carroll, D. (2007). Mucosal Secretory Immunity, Stress and. In Encyclopedia of Stress (pp. 768-774). Elsevier Inc..
    • Bosch, J. A., Engeland, C. G., Cacioppo, J. T., & Marucha, P. T. (2007). Depressive symptoms predict mucosal wound healing. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69(7), 597-605.
    • Edwards, K. M., Burns, V. E., Allen, L. M., McPhee, J. S., Bosch, J. A., Carroll, D., Drayson, M. T., & Ring, C. (2007). Eccentric exercise as an adjuvant to influenza vaccination in humans. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 21(2), 209-17.


    • Engeland, C. G., Bosch, J. A., Cacioppo, J. T., & Marucha, P. T. (2006). Mucosal wound healing: the roles of age and sex. Archives of surgery, 141(12), 1193-1197.
    • Phillips, A. C., Carroll, D., Evans, P., Bosch, J. A., Clow, A., Hucklebridge, F., & Vining, G. (2006). Stressful life events are associated with low secretion rates of immunoglobulin A in saliva in the middle aged and elderly. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 20(2), 191-7.


    • Bosch, J. A., Berntson, G. G., Cacioppo, J. T., & Marucha, P. T. (2005). Differential mobilization of functionally distinct natural killer subsets during acute psychologic stress. Psychosomatic Medicine, 67(3), 366-75.
    • Rosenkranz, M. A., Busse, W. W., Johnstone, T., Swenson, C. A., Crisafi, G. M., Jackson, M. M., Bosch, J. A., Sheridan, J. F., & Davidson, R. J. (2005). Neural circuitry underlying the interaction between emotion and asthma symptom exacerbation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(37), 13319-13324.


    • Bosch, J. A., Berntson, G. G., Cacioppo, J. T., Dhabhar, F. S., & Marucha, P. T. (2003). Acute stress evokes selective mobilization of T cells that differ in chemokine receptor expression: a potential pathway linking immunologic reactivity to cardiovascular disease. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 17(4), 251-9.




    • Bosch, J. A. (2014). The use of saliva markers in psychobiology: mechanisms and methods. In A. J. M. Ligtenberg, & E. C. I. Veerman (Eds.), Saliva: secretion and functions (pp. 99-108). (Monographs in oral science; No. 24). Karger. [details]
    • Simpson, R. J., & Bosch, J. A. (2014). Special issue on exercise immunology: Current perspectives on aging, health and extreme performance. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 39, 1-7. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Campbell, J. P., Edwards, K. M., Ring, C., Drayson, M. T., Bosch, J. A., Inskip, A., Long, J. E., Pulsford, D., & Burns, V. E. (2011). Corrigendum to "The effects of vaccine timing on the efficacy of an acute eccentric exercise intervention on the immune response to an influenza vaccine in young adults" [Brain Behav. Immun. 24 (2010) 236-242]. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 25(1), 174.
    • Wills, M., Akbar, A., Beswick, M., Bosch, J. A., Caruso, C., Colonna-Romano, G., Dutta, A., Franceschi, C., Fulop, T., Gkrania-Klotsas, E., Goronzy, J., Griffiths, S. J., Henson, S., Herndler-Brandstetter, D., Hill, A., Kern, F., Klenerman, P., Macallan, D., Macualay, R., ... Pawelec, G. (2011). Report from the second cytomegalovirus and immunosenescence workshop. Immunity & Ageing, 8(1), 10.


    • Bosch, J. A. (2013). Concurrent parasympathetic activity can attenuate or enhance sympathetic influences on salivary amylase. Paper presented at American Psychosomatic Society (APS) annual conference, .
    • Bosch, J. A. (2013). Novel applications of salivary biomarkers in behavioral medicine and psychoneuroimmunology. Paper presented at 71st annual scientific meeting: Impact and innovation, .
    • Bosch, J. A. (2013). Now you see it, now you don’t: measurement timing and sAA responses to acute stress. Paper presented at International Society of PsychoNeuroEndocrinology (ISPNE) annual conference, .
    • Herr, R. M., Loerbroks, A., Bosch, J. A., Schmidt, B., Jarczok, M. N., van Vianen, A. E. M., Thayer, J. F., LI, F., & Fischer, J. E. (2013). Associations between organizational justice and heart rate variability in white-collar and blue-collar workers in the 2007 MIPH Industrial Cohort Studies (MICS). Paper presented at The 6th ICOH International Conference on Work Environment and Cardiovascular Diseases, Tokyo, Japan.

    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • Bosch, J. (2020). The Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (ABMR) was organized in 1978 at a meeting hosted by the Institute of Medicine of the U.S. National (…), Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research.
    • Bosch, J. (2020). The Amsterdam Public Health research institute (APH) forms an important link between intramural clinical care, scientific research, and the (…), Amsterdam Public Health.
    • Bosch, J. (2020). The Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH) aims to stimulate and coordinate the academic study and application of psychological (…), Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health.'s%20mission%20is%20to,to%20direct%20the%20development%20of
    • Bosch, J. (2019). program leader Mental Health, Amsterdam Public Health.
    • Bosch, J. (2014-2017). Advisory Board “Theories and Techniques of Behaviour Change Project”, University College London.
    • Bosch, J. (2012-2017). Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research.
    • Bosch, J. (2011-2014). Chair Membership Committe, American Psychosomatic Society (APS).

    Media appearance

    • Bosch, J. A. (14-04-2013). Stress, depressie en veroudering [Television]. Stress, depressie en veroudering.

    Journal editor

    Talk / presentation

    • Bosch, J. (keynote speaker) (6-9-2014). What’s bugging you? The psychobiology of infection, Annual meeting British Psychological Society, Psychobiology division, Windermere.
    • Bosch, J. (keynote speaker) (23-3-2013). What’s bugging you? The psychobiology of infection, Biannual conference German Brain Endocrine-Immune Network (GEBIN), Regensburg.
    • Bosch, J. A. (invited speaker) (22-3-2013). What’s bugging you? The psychobiology of infection, Biannual conference German Brain Endocrine-Immune Network (GEBIN), Regensburg.
    • Bosch, J. A. (speaker) (16-3-2013). Introduction of the Paul MacLean award for distinguished neuroscience contributions to behavioral medicine, American Psychosomatic Society (APS) annual conference.


    • Bosch, J. (organiser) (20-11-2014 - 22-11-2014). 5th International Workshop on CMV and Immunosenesence, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


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