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D.P. (Derek) de Beurs PhD

Assistant professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Clinical Psychology
Area of expertise: Mental health, suicide prevention, pop psychology, mental health in general practice, epidemiology

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
Postal address
  • Postbus 15933
    1001 NK Amsterdam
Social media
  • Profile

    Derek de Beurs is an assistant professor in the Department of Clinical Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. He has dedicated nearly 15 years to studying suicidal behaviour, commencing with a PhD focusing on the training of professionals in suicide prevention. He not only worked at universities but also for the national government, and for national research institutes Nivel and Trimbos.

    Currently, his research is centered on exploring the complexity of suicidal behaviour through network analysis, a pursuit for which he received an individual grant in 2017. In 2024 he received a grant from the centre of Urban Mental Health, focusing on computational modelling to further study the complexity of suicidal behavior.

    Derek has authored over 80 peer-reviewed papers and has written a popular science book (in Dutch) on suicide prevention titled “Myths About Suicide.” And is “is het leven een 7?”.  He  has delivered numerous talks both nationally and internationally, spanning scientific and public forums, and serves as a member of the writing group responsible for updating the Dutch clinical guideline for suicidal behaviour. Within the UvA he is ambassador for the minor psychology in every day life, and teacher and coordinator of different courses.

    Media appearances

  • Research

    Research projects

    • Complexity of suicidal behavior: project on formalizing psychological models of suicidal behavior
    • Health worker delivered Contact and Safety Planning for suicide prevention in Chhattisgarh, India. Implementation study in India
    • Prevention, Resilience and Recovery Approach to Suicide and Suicide Related behaviors of Vulnerable Youth and Middle Aged Males. Project on Sectorgelden: emotional memory and psychopathology.

    Research grants & honours

    • GGZ fellowship ZonMw
    • ZonMw consortium suicide preventive
    • Urban mental Health grant
  • Teaching
    • Mood, anxiety and psychotic disorders
    • Minor psychology in every day life

    PhD supervision

    • Complexity of suicidal behavior
    • Health worker delivered Contact and Safety Planning for suicide prevention in Chhattisgarh, India
  • Publications


    • O'Connor, R. C., Kirtley, O. J., & de Beurs, D. (2024). Preventing suicide: understanding the complex interplay between individual and societal factors. The Lancet. Public health. Advance online publication.
    • de Beurs, D., Giltay, E. J., Nuij, C., O'Connor, R., de Winter, R. F. P., Kerkhof, A., van Ballegooijen, W., & Riper, H. (2024). Symptoms of a feather flock together? An exploratory secondary dynamic time warp analysis of 11 single case time series of suicidal ideation and related symptoms. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 178, Article 104572. [details]


    • Dorsman, H., de Hollander, E., Wendel-Vos, W., van Rossum, C., Kemler, E., Hupkens, C., Hosper, K., de Beurs, D., & Hiemstra, M. (2023). Stability of clustering of lifestyle risk factors in the Dutch adult population and the association with mental health. European Journal of Public Health, 33(6), 1001-1007. [details]
    • Elzinga, E., Gilissen, R., Beekman, A., & de Beurs, D. (2023). Capturing patients’ satisfaction and experiences with suicide prevention in general practice: A bridge too far? Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 12, Article 100489.
    • Elzinga, E., de Beurs, D. P., Beekman, A. T. F., Maarsingh, O. R., & Gilissen, R. (2023). Nudging General Practitioners to explore suicidal thoughts among depressed patients. BMC primary care, 24, Article 88. [details]
    • Nuij, C., van Ballegooijen, W., Smit, A. C., De Beurs, D., de Winter, R. F. P., O’connor, R. C., Kerkhof, A., Smit, J. H., & Riper, H. (2023). A Proof of Concept Study on Individual Trends in Suicidal Ideation: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study of 5 Patients Over Three Months. Journal for Person-Oriented Research, 9(1), 42-50. [details]
    • Oakey-Frost, N., Cowan, T., Moscardini, E. H., Pardue-Bourgeois, S., de Beurs, D., Cohen, A., Bryan, G. J., & Tucker, R. P. (2023). Examining the Interrelationships Among Suicide Cognitions, Suicidal Ideation, and Theoretically Derived Protective Factors. Archives of Suicide Research, 27(3), 984-1001. [details]
    • Pelton, M. K., Crawford, H., Bul, K., Robertson, A. E., Adams, J., de Beurs, D., Rodgers, J., Baron-Cohen, S., & Cassidy, S. (2023). The role of anxiety and depression in suicidal thoughts for autistic and non-autistic people: A theory-driven network analysis. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 53(3), 426-442.
    • de Winter, R. F. P., Meijer, C. M., Enterman, J. H., Kool-Goudzwaard, N., Gemen, M., van den Bos, A. T., Steentjes, D., van Son, G. E., Hazewinkel, M. C., de Beurs, D. P., & de Groot, M. H. (2023). A Clinical Model for the Differentiation of Suicidality: Protocol for a Usability Study of the Proposed Model. JMIR Research Protocols, 12, Article e45438. [details]
    • de Winter, R. F. P., Meijer, C. M., van den Bos, A. T., Kool-Goudzwaard, N., Enterman, J. H., Gemen, M. A. M. L., Nuij, C., Hazewinkel, M. C., Steentjes, D., van Son, G. E., de Beurs, D. P., & de Groot, M. H. (2023). A first study on the usability and feasibility of four subtypes of suicidality in emergency mental health care. BMC Psychiatry, 23, Article 878. [details]


    • Chavez-Baldini, U. Y., Verweij, K., de Beurs, D., Bockting, C., Lok, A., Sutterland, A. L., van Rooijen, G., van Wingen, G., Denys, D., Vulink, N., & Nieman, D. (2022). The interplay between psychopathological symptoms: transdiagnostic cross-lagged panel network model. BJPsych Open, 8(4), Article e116. [details]
    • Hansen, A. B., Baste, V., Hetlevik, Ø., Smith-Sivertsen, T., Haukenes, I., de Beurs, D., Nielen, M., & Ruths, S. (2022). Comparison of depression care provided in general practice in Norway and the Netherlands: registry-based cohort study (The Norwegian GP-DEP study). BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), Article 1494.
    • Jennissen, S., Schumacher, S., Rucli, D., Hal, M., Székely, A., de Beurs, D., & Dinger, U. (2022). Competency-Based Training and Assessment of Listening Skills: A Waitlist-Controlled Study in European Telephone Emergency Services. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 4(4), Article e7933.
    • Jongkind, M., Braam, A. W., van Hemert, A. M., & de Beurs, D. (2022). Beoordeling van de suïcidale toestand met de CASE-benadering. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 64(1), 32-37.
    • Kirtley, O. J., van Mens, K., Hoogendoorn, M., Kapur, N., & de Beurs, D. (2022). Translating promise into practice: a review of machine learning in suicide research and prevention. The Lancet Psychiatry, 9(3), 243-252.
    • Nuij, C., van Ballegooijen, W., de Beurs, D., de Winter, R. F. P., Gilissen, R., O’Connor, R. C., Smit, J. H., Kerkhof, A., & Riper, H. (2022). The feasibility of using smartphone apps as treatment components for depressed suicidal outpatients. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, Article 971046.
    • Shafti, M., Steeg, S., de Beurs, D., Pratt, D., Forrester, A., Webb, R. T., & Taylor, P. J. (2022). The inter-connections between self-harm and aggressive behaviours: A general network analysis study of dual harm. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, Article 953764.
    • Tuithof, M., ten Have, M., Van Dorsselaer, S., de Beurs, D., van den Brink, W., de Graaf, R., & Vermunt, J. K. (2022). Identification of Latent Alcohol Use Groups and Transitions over Time Using a 9-Year Follow-Up Study in the Adult General Population. European Addiction Research, 28(6), 425-435.
    • ten Have, M., Tuithof, M., van Dorsselaer, S., de Beurs, D., de Graaf, R., Batelaan, N. M., & Penninx, B. W. J. H. (2022). How chronic are depressive and anxiety disorders? 9-year general population study using narrow and broad course outcomes. Journal of Affective Disorders, 317, 149-155.
    • van der Boom, B., Boumparis, N., Donker, T., de Beurs, D., Arntz, A., & Riper, H. (2022). Internet-delivered interventions for personality disorders – A scoping review. Internet Interventions, 28, Article 100525. [details]
    • van der Boom, B., Lagemaat, A. P., Donker, T., Bos, J., Brand-de Wilde, O. M., Nikkels, K., de Beurs, D., Arntz, A. R., & Riper, H. (2022). Schematherapie via beeldbellen; crosssectioneel onderzoek onder therapeuten. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 64(9), 609-616. [details]


    • Elzinga, E., de Beurs, D., Beekman, A., Berkelmans, G., & Gilissen, R. (2021). Who didn't consult the doctor? Understanding sociodemographic factors in relation to health care uptake before suicide. Journal of Affective Disorders, 287, 158-164.
    • Gijzen, M. W. M., Rasing, S. P. A., Creemers, D. H. M., Smit, F., Engels, R. C. M. E., & de Beurs, D. (2021). Suicide ideation as a symptom of adolescent depression. a network analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 278, 68-77.
    • Nuij, C., Van Ballegooijen, W., Juniar, D., Erlangsen, A., Portzky, G., O'Connor, R. C., Smit, J. H., Kerkhof, A., de Beurs, D. P., & Riper, H. (2021). Safety planning-type interventions for suicide prevention: Meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 219(2), 419-426.
    • Qi, W., Abu-Hanna, A., van Esch, T. E. M., de Beurs, D., Liu, Y., Flinterman, L. E., & Schut, M. C. (2021). Explaining heterogeneity of individual treatment causal effects by subgroup discovery: An observational case study in antibiotics treatment of acute rhino-sinusitis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 116, Article 102080.
    • Ten Have, M., Tuithof, M., Van Dorsselaer, S., de Beurs, D., Jeronimus, B., De Jonge, P., & De Graaf, R. (2021). The Bidirectional Relationship Between Debts and Common Mental Disorders: Results of a longitudinal Population-Based Study. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 48(5), 810-820.
    • Van der Draai, D. A., Van Duijn, E., de Beurs, D. P., Bexkens, A., & Beekman, A. T. F. (2021). Factors of Specialized Mental Health Care Use in the Netherlands: A Scoping Review Applying Andersen-Newman’s Care Utilization Model. Health Services Insights, 14.
    • de Beurs, D. P., Maes, T., & Beekman, A. T. F. (2021). Suïcidepreventie: Uitdagingen en aanbevelingen. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 63(2), 133-137.
    • de Beurs, D., Bockting, C., Kerkhof, A., Scheepers, F., O’Connor, R., Penninx, B., & van de Leemput, I. (2021). A network perspective on suicidal behavior: Understanding suicidality as a complex system. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 51(1), 115-126.
    • van Vuuren, C. L., van Mens, K., de Beurs, D., Lokkerbol, J., van der Wal, M. F., Cuijpers, P., & Chinapaw, M. J. M. (2021). Comparing machine learning to a rule-based approach for predicting suicidal behavior among adolescents: Results from a longitudinal population-based survey. Journal of Affective Disorders, 295, 1415-1420.


    • De Winter, R. F. P., Hazewinkel, M. C., Van De Sande, R., de Beurs, D. P., & De Groot, M. H. (2020). Outreach Psychiatric Emergency Service: Characteristics of Patients with Suicidal Behavior and Subsequent Policy. Crisis, 41(5), 375-382.
    • Elzinga, E., de Kruif, A. J. T. C. M., de Beurs, D. P., Beekman, A. T. F., Franx, G., & Gilissen, R. (2020). Engaging primary care professionals in suicide prevention: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE, 15(11), Article e0242540.
    • Gijzen, M., Shields-Zeeman, L., Kleinjan, M., Kroon, H., van der Roest, H., Bolier, L., Smit, F., & de Beurs, D. (2020). The bittersweet effects of COVID-19 on mental health: Results of an online survey among a sample of the Dutch population five weeks after relaxation of lockdown restrictions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23), Article 9073.
    • Hu, M. X., Palantza, C., Setkowski, K., Gilissen, R., Karyotaki, E., Cuijpers, P., Riper, H., de Beurs, D., Nuij, C., Christensen, H., Calear, A., Werner-Seidler, A., Hoogendoorn, A., Van Balkom, A., Eikelenboom, M., Van Ballegooijen, W., & Smit, J. (2020). Comprehensive database and individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials on psychotherapies reducing suicidal thoughts and behaviour: Study protocol. BMJ Open, 10(12), Article e037566.
    • Kerkhof, J. F. M., van der Meer, C. E., van der Meer-Medendorp, A. M. A., de Beurs, D. P., & de Winter, R. (2020). Is de huisarts machteloos bij suïcidale patiënten? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 164(36), Article D5058.
    • Kullberg, M. L. J., Mouthaan, J., Schoorl, M., de Beurs, D. P., Kenter, R. M. F., & Kerkhof, A. J. F. M. (2020). E-learning to improve suicide prevention practice skills among undergraduate psychology students: Randomized controlled trial. JMIR Mental Health, 7(1), Article e14623.
    • de Beurs, D., Cleare, S., Wetherall, K., Eschle-Byrne, S., Ferguson, E., B O'Connor, D., & C O'Connor, R. (2020). Entrapment and suicide risk: The development of the 4-item Entrapment Scale Short-Form (E-SF). Psychiatry Research, 284, Article 112765.
    • de Winter, R. F. P., & de Beurs, D. P. (2020). Suïcidaliteit bij volwassenen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 164(26), Article D4632.
    • van Den Hazel, T., Didden, R., de Beurs, D. P., & Nijman, H. L. I. (2020). Suïcide bij mensen met een lichte verstandelijke beperking. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 62(12), 1022-1029.
    • van Mens, K., Elzinga, E., Nielen, M., Lokkerbol, J., Poortvliet, R., Donker, G., Heins, M., Korevaar, J., Dückers, M., Aussems, C., Helbich, M., Tiemens, B., Gilissen, R., Beekman, A., & de Beurs, D. (2020). Applying machine learning on health record data from general practitioners to predict suicidality. Internet Interventions, 21, Article 100337.
    • van Mens, K., de Schepper, C. W. M., Wijnen, B., Koldijk, S. J., Schnack, H., de Looff, P., Lokkerbol, J., Wetherall, K., Cleare, S., C O'Connor, R., & de Beurs, D. (2020). Predicting future suicidal behaviour in young adults, with different machine learning techniques: A population-based longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 271, 169-177.


    • Boudreaux, E. D., de Beurs, D., Nguyen, T. H., Haskins, B. L., Larkin, C., & Barton, B. (2019). Applying Computer Adaptive Testing Methods to Suicide Risk Screening in the Emergency Department. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 49(4), 917-927.
    • Dückers, M. L. A., Reifels, L., de Beurs, D. P., & Brewin, C. R. (2019). The vulnerability paradox in global mental health and its applicability to suicide. British Journal of Psychiatry, 215(4), 588-593.
    • Elzinga, E., Gilissen, R., Donker, G. A., Beekman, A. T. F., & de Beurs, D. P. (2019). Discussing suicidality with depressed patients: An observational study in Dutch sentinel general practices. BMJ Open, 9(4), Article e027624.
    • Magnée, T., de Beurs, D. P., Schellevis, F. G., & Verhaak, P. F. (2019). Ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse huisartsenzorg voor psychische problemen: Een overzicht van recente studies. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 61(2), 126-134.
    • Rath, D., Hallensleben, N., de Beurs, D. P., Spangenberg, L., Glaesmer, H., & Forkmann, T. (2019). Modelling suicide ideation from beep to beep: Application of network analysis to ecological momentary assessment data. Internet Interventions, 18, Article 100292.
    • Verhaak, P. F. M., de Beurs, D., & Spreeuwenberg, P. (2019). What proportion of initially prescribed antidepressants is still being prescribed chronically after 5 years in general practice? A longitudinal cohort analysis. BMJ Open, 9(2), Article e024051.
    • Vis, C., Ruwaard, J., Finch, T., Rapley, T., de Beurs, D., van Stel, H., Van Lettow, B., Mol, M., Kleiboer, A., Riper, H., & Smit, J. (2019). Toward an objective assessment of implementation processes for innovations in health care: Psychometric evaluation of the normalization Measure Development (NOMAD) questionnaire among mental health care professionals. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(2), Article e12376.
    • de Beurs, D., Fried, E. I., Wetherall, K., Cleare, S., O’ Connor, D. B., Ferguson, E., O'Carroll, R. E., & O’ Connor, R. C. (2019). Exploring the psychology of suicidal ideation: A theory driven network analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 120, Article 103419.
    • de Beurs, D., Ten Have, M., Cuijpers, P., & De Graaf, R. (2019). The longitudinal association between lifetime mental disorders and first onset or recurrent suicide ideation. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), Article 345.


    • Bouwman, R., de Graaff, B., de Beurs, D., van de Bovenkamp, H., Leistikow, I., & Friele, R. (2018). Involving patients and families in the analysis of suicides, suicide attempts, and other sentinel events in mental healthcare: A qualitative study in The Netherlands. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6), Article 1104.
    • Forkmann, T., Teismann, T., Stenzel, J. S., Glaesmer, H., & de Beurs, D. (2018). Defeat and entrapment: More than meets the eye? Applying network analysis to estimate dimensions of highly correlated constructs. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18(1), Article 16.
    • Helbich, M., de Beurs, D., Kwan, M. P., O'Connor, R. C., & Groenewegen, P. P. (2018). Natural environments and suicide mortality in the Netherlands: a cross-sectional, ecological study. The Lancet Planetary Health, 2(3), e134-e139.
    • Magnée, T., de Beurs, D. P., Kok, T. Y., & Verhaak, P. F. (2018). Exploring the feasibility of new Dutch mental health policy within a large primary health care centre: A case study. Family practice, 35(2), 186-192.
    • Magnée, T., de Beurs, D. P., Schellevis, F. G., & Verhaak, P. F. (2018). Antidepressant prescriptions and mental health nurses: an observational study in Dutch general practice from 2011 to 2015. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 36(1), 47-55.
    • Nuij, C., van Ballegooijen, W., Ruwaard, J., de Beurs, D., Mokkenstorm, J., van Duijn, E., de Winter, R. F. P., O'Connor, R. C., Smit, J. H., Riper, H., & Kerkhof, A. (2018). Smartphone-based safety planning and self-monitoring for suicidal patients: Rationale and study protocol of the CASPAR (Continuous Assessment for Suicide Prevention And Research) study. Internet Interventions, 13, 16-23.
    • de Beurs, D., Vancayseele, N., van Borkulo, C., Portzky, G., & van Heeringen, K. (2018). The association between motives, perceived problems and current thoughts of self-harm following an episode of self-harm: A network analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 240, 262-270. [details]


    • De Winter, R., De Croot, M., Van Dassen, M., de Beurs, D. P., & Deen, M. (2017). Het vóórkomen van suicidaal gedrag en suicidepogingen bij de psychiatrische crisisdienst. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 59(3), 140-149.
    • Magnée, T., de Beurs, D. P., Boxem, R., De Bakker, D. H., & Verhaak, P. F. (2017). Potential for substitution of mental health care towards family practices: an observational study. BMC Family Practice, 18(1), 1-8. Article 10.
    • Magnée, T., de Beurs, D. P., Terluin, B., & Verhaak, P. F. (2017). Applying computerized adaptive testing to the four-dimensional symptom questionnaire (4DSQ): A simulation study. JMIR Mental Health, 4(1), Article e7.
    • The SUPRANET (Suicide Prevention Action Network) Research Group, Gilissen, R., de Beurs, D. P., Mokkenstorm, J., Mérelle, S., Donker, G., Terpstra, S., Derijck, C., & Franx, G. (2017). Improving suicide prevention in dutch regions by creating local suicide prevention action networks (SUPRANET): A study protocol. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(4), Article 349.
    • de Beurs, D. (2017). Network analysis: A novel approach to understand suicidal behaviour. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(3), Article 219.
    • de Beurs, D. P., van Borkulo, C. D., & O'Connor, R. C. (2017). Association between suicidal symptoms and repeat suicidal behaviour within a sample of hospital-treated suicide attempters. BJPsych Open, 3(3), 120–126. [details]
    • de Beurs, D. P., van Bruinessen, I., Noordman, J., Friele, R., & van Dulmen, S. (2017). Active involvement of end users when developing web-based mental health interventions. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8, Article 72.


    • Fleming, T. M., de Beurs, D. P., Khazaal, Y., Gaggioli, A., Riva, G., Botella, C., Baños, R. M., Aschieri, F., Bavin, L. M., Kleiboer, A., Merry, S., Lau, H. M., & Riper, H. (2016). Maximizing the impact of E-Therapy and Serious Gaming: Time for a paradigm shift. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7, Article 65.
    • Karyotaki, E., Smit, Y., Holdt Henningsen, K., Huibers, M. J. H., Robays, J., de Beurs, D. P., & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Combining pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy or monotherapy for major depression? A meta-analysis on the long-term effects. Journal of Affective Disorders, 194, 144-152.
    • Karyotaki, E., Smit, Y., de Beurs, D. P., Henningsen, K. H., Robays, J., Huibers, M. J. H., Weitz, E., & Cuijpers, P. (2016). THE LONG-TERM EFFICACY of ACUTE-PHASE PSYCHOTHERAPY for DEPRESSION: A META-ANALYSIS of RANDOMIZED TRIALS. Depression and Anxiety, 33(5), 370-383.
    • Magneé, T., de Beurs, D. P., De Bakker, D. H., & Verhaak, P. F. (2016). Consultations in general practices with and without mental health nurses: An observational study from 2010 to 2014. BMJ Open, 6(7), Article 011579.
    • Spuijbroek, A. T., Leezer, Y. M., de Beurs, D. P., & De Winter, R. F. P. (2016). Het aandeel suïcides door patiënten met een stoornis waarvan de ggz-behandeling thans niet meer vergoed wordt. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 58(11), 803-808.
    • de Beurs, D. P., De Groot, M. H., De Keijser, J., Van Duijn, E., De Winter, R. F. P., & Kerkhof, A. J. F. M. (2016). Evaluation of benefit to patients of training mental health professionals in suicide guidelines: Cluster randomised trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(5), 477-483.
    • de Beurs, D. P., Fokkema, M., & O'Connor, R. C. (2016). Optimizing the assessment of suicidal behavior: The application of curtailment techniques. Journal of Affective Disorders, 196, 218-224.
    • de Beurs, D. P., Ghoncheh, R., Geraedts, A. S., & Kerkhof, A. J. F. M. (2016). Psychological Distress Because of Asking about Suicidal Thoughts: A Randomized Controlled Trial among Students. Archives of Suicide Research, 20(2), 153-159.
    • de Beurs, D. P., Hooiveld, M., Kerkhof, A. J. F. M., Korevaar, J. C., & Donker, G. A. (2016). Suïcidepreventie in de huisartsenpraktijk, 1983-2013. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 160(34), Article d745.
    • de Beurs, D. P., Hooiveld, M., Kerkhof, A. J. F. M., Korevaar, J. C., & Donker, G. A. (2016). Trends in suicidal behaviour in Dutch general practice 1983-2013: A retrospective observational study. BMJ Open, 6(5), Article e010868.


    • de Beurs, D. P., Bosmans, J. E., De Groot, M. H., De Keijser, J., Van Duijn, E., De Winter, R. F. P., & Kerkhof, A. J. F. M. (2015). Training mental health professionals in suicide practice guideline adherence: Cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 186, 203-210.
    • de Beurs, D. P., De Groot, M. H., De Keijser, J., Mokkenstorm, J., Van Duijn, E., De Winter, R. F. P., & Kerkhof, A. J. F. M. (2015). The effect of an e-learning supported Train-the-Trainer programme on implementation of suicide guidelines in mental health care. Journal of Affective Disorders, 175, 446-453.
    • de Beurs, D. P., Fokkema, M., de Groot, M. H., de Keijser, J., & Kerkhof, A. J. F. M. (2015). Longitudinal measurement invariance of the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation. Psychiatry Research, 225(3), 368-373.
    • de Beurs, D. P., Kirtley, O., Kerkhof, A., Portzky, G., & O'Connor, R. C. (2015). The role of mobile phone technology in understanding and preventing suicidal behavior. Crisis, 36(2), 79-82.
    • de Groot, M., de Beurs, D. P., de Keijser, J., & Kerkhof, A. F. J. M. (2015). An e-learning supported Train-the-Trainer program to implement a suicide practice guideline. Rationale, content and dissemination in Dutch mental health care. Internet Interventions, 2(3), 323-329.


    • de Beurs, D. P., De Vries, A. L. M., De Groot, M. H., De Keijser, J., & Kerkhof, A. J. F. M. (2014). Applying computer adaptive testing to optimize online assessment of suicidal behavior:a simulation study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(9), Article e207.


    • Cuijpers, P., de Beurs, D. P., Van Spijker, B. A. J., Berking, M., Andersson, G., & Kerkhof, A. J. F. M. (2013). The effects of psychotherapy for adult depression on suicidality and hopelessness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 144(3), 183-190.
    • de Beurs, D. P., de Groot, M. H., Bosmans, J. E., de Keijser, J., Verwey, B., Mokkenstorm, J., van Duijn, E., de Winter, R. F. P., & Kerkhof, A. J. F. M. (2013). Reducing patients' suicide ideation through training mental health teams in the application of the Dutch multidisciplinary practice guideline on assessment and treatment of suicidal behavior: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 14(1), Article 372.
    • de Beurs, D. P., de Groot, M. H., de Keijser, J., Verwey, B., Mokkenstorm, J., Twisk, J. W. R., van Duijn, E., van Hemert, A. M., Verlinde, L., Spijker, J., van Luijn, B., Vink, J., & Kerkhof, A. J. F. M. (2013). Improving the application of a practice guideline for the assessment and treatment of suicidal behavior by training the full staff of psychiatric departments via an e-learning supported Train-the-Trainer program: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 14(1), Article 9.


    • Verkuil, B., Brosschot, J. F., de Beurs, D. P., & Thayer, J. F. (2009). Effects of explicit and implicit perseverative cognition on cardiac recovery after cognitive stress. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 74(3), 220-228.


    • van Breen, J., Kivivuori, J., Nivette, A., Kiefte-de Jong, J., Liem, M., & On behalf of the Interpersonal Violence Consortium (2024). The future of interpersonal violence research: Steps towards interdisciplinary integration. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, Article 1303. [details]


    • Freichel, R., Wiers, R., O'Shea, B., McNally, R. J., & de Beurs, D. (2023). Between the group and the individual: The need for within-person panel study approaches in suicide research. Psychiatry Research, 330, Article 115549. [details]


    • de Beurs, D. P., & Mens, K. (2021). Machinelearning en suïcidepreventie: Is een algoritme de oplossing? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 165(20).


    • Siddaway, A. P., Quinlivan, L., Kapur, N., O'Connor, R. C., & de Beurs, D. (2020). Cautions, concerns, and future directions for using machine learning in relation to mental health problems and clinical and forensic risks: A brief comment on "Model Complexity Improves the Prediction of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury" (Fox et al., 2019). Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 88(4), 384-387.


    • Dückers, M. L. A., Reifels, L., de Beurs, D. P., & Brewin, C. R. (2019). Corrigendum: The vulnerability paradox in global mental health and its applicability to suicide (British Journal of Psychiatry (2019) (1-6) DOI: 10.1192/bjp.2019.41). British Journal of Psychiatry, 215(4), 627.
    • Helbich, M., de Beurs, D., Kwan, M. P., O'Connor, R. C., & Groenewegen, P. P. (2019). Suicide mortality and natural environments – Authors' reply. The Lancet Planetary Health, 3(1), Article e16.


    • van der Linden, M., de Beurs, D., & Lunansky, G. (2024). Het systeemperspectief op gedrag en klimaat. In J. van der Stel, S. Helmink, & S. Wortelboer (Eds.), Klimaatpsychologie: Hoe psychologie bijdraagt aan een duurzaam leven (pp. 99-114). Boom. [details]



    • Magnée, T., de Beurs, D. P., Schellevis, F., & Verhaak, P. (2018). Steeds belangrijkere rol huisartsenpraktijk bij psychische problemen. Huisarts en Wetenschap, 61(11), 14-17.


    • Magnée, T., de Beurs, D. P., De Bakker, D. H., & Verhaak, P. F. M. (2017). Verlicht de POH-GGZ de werkdruk van de huisarts? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 161(11), Article D983.


    • Magnée, T., de Beurs, D. P., de Bakker, D. H., & Verhaak, P. F. M. (2016). Verlicht de POH-GGZ de werkdruk van de huisarts? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 160, D983.
    • de Beurs, D. P., Hooiveld, M., & Donker, G. (2016). Suïcidepreventie. Huisarts en Wetenschap, 59(2), 69.

    Prize / grant

    • de Beurs, D. (2017). GGZ fellowship.
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