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Are you an expert in your research field and would you like to share your expertise with a broader audience?

Media appearances can be a good way to share your knowledge with a wider audience. The UvA Press Office can help you with this. To mediate between academics and journalists, the press team makes use of the ‘UvA Expert Database’. Make sure that you and your scientific expertise can also be found here. Based on this information the press team also makes a selection for the expert pages on the UvA site.

How does it work?

The UvA Expert Database is an online database in a protected environment, only accessible to the UvA Press Office. We will not share your data with journalists without your permission.

  • Click on this link to access your personal Expert Database form (in SharePoint).
  • Log in with your UvA email address.
  • Click on the 'Submit new data' button. Fill in the blanks.
  • Click on ‘Edit existing data’ if you have already provided your details and want to check/update them.
  • Click on 'Save'.